Call to arms : Exploiters, you will find them and you will kill them!

What i wanted to write to you about today, is the fact that recently there has been a increase of people exploiting bugs in CW. Numerous people have been found in places which are not meant to be accessed.

For example;

-Players camping inside rocks (Osm / Lighthouse)
-Players camping inside containers (several maps)
-Playing camping inside buildings that are merely decorative. (Classified)
-Outside Map area's (Classified)

These locations are not meant to be accessed, however, by using a glitch you are able to enter them. Most of these places have 1 thing in common. You can shoot people, but people cannot shoot you.

Exploiting means finding a glitch in the game and using it to gain an unfair advantage over other players. I hope you see that this is Cheating and the Contract Wars rules clearly say :

Bug use : 
Players forbidden to use any software, program flaws, bugs to gain unfair advantage or/and self purposes.

This means that if you witness one of these adventurers, you can report them and they will be banned. If you see someone exploiting a bug, do not hesitate and take a few screenshots that undoubtedly show this person is exploiting a glitch. Also open your console by pressing ~ or F8 during a round and then type "list" This will show the UserID numbers of everyone on the same map.

Send your screenshots and the violators UserID to one of the testers, or send them in a private message to the moderators of the CW facebook group and the exploiters will receive a nice ban.

Oh and here's one of many screenshots that were posted, so hey Biohazard, smile, your on candid camera.

edit 29:7 , another fine upstanding rockdweller, Smile IMKURDSH you too will have some sparetime soon.
edit 30-7, IMKURDSH has gotten a small token of appreciation from the testers : 

Summerbonus, the best bang for your buck!



So you got your summer bonus and you are hellbent on buying a GP weapon with it. You decided that a GP weapon is more important to you then +15 accuracy or damage upgrades? then well read on, in this topic i will tell you which weapons will give you the best bang for your buck.

A few words of advice :

1: The top of the line guns will need more then a summer bonus. If you want the P90 Devgru, Noveske, Sks, Orsis or Ak12, you will have to save a little more because even with a discount, your summer bonus is most likely not sufficient to buy any of these.

2: Never, NEVER EVER EVER EVER fall for a discount. Plan on buying a gun, and wait for the appropriate discount. Do NOT take other guns into consideration when they come cheap. When you buy a pmm12 for a huge discount, you will regret this decision intensely when you notice the gun you really wanted is on discount but you can no longer buy it. It never hurts to sit patiently on your precious GP

3: Before dumping all your GP into a weapon, do NOT neglect the fact that there's still gold contracts to be done, take a good look at the upcoming contracts and see if there is a need to put away a little GP for progressing the gold contracts. IMO SP>>>>GP weapons so don't cut yourself off from the gold contracts tree.

4: Cheap pistols...cooooool, but you do 90% of your killing with a main hand weapon, so only buy a pistol if you are extremely confident you need it.

Well now, lets take a look at some guns you should really consider.


Are you a shotgunnoob.. ehh shotgun player. Well. Go to hell.. eh my bad, sorry, i mean there's only the Keltec KSG. my advice : stay far away from it, it's useless compared to the Spas. It's cheap alright but it's not worth the GP IMHO. Instead use your GP on buying a "real" gun =)


The Orsis or SKS (sniper) would be the top for you but with it's 1100gp, a discount would still mean over 500gp, so keep saving if you truly want the Orsis.
There are however 4 alternatives :

1: DT SRS Sniper A very good gun, has decent mobility, and overall okay stats. But.. it has a w-task that requires you to play a lot with it.

2: EBR marksman rifle. This is not a sniper, and will not count towards sniper achievements but it acts as a sniper and a fine one as well. If you cant be bothered by wtasks, get this weapon. Also it has a crosshair so you can noscope as well.

3: TKPD sniper. If your the campy type, this is most likely your pick. Your mobility will take a hit, so a fast pistol is needed for moving across the map but once your there, you have amazing damage, a fire rate that's schweet as fuck for such a rifle and pretty decent range at your disposal.

Personally i have all snipers and i prefer any of these 3 over the orsis. (I'm the most shitty sniper so i hate bolt action)

Assault rifles and smg's

There's a lot of SMG's and AR's to choose from, and none of them are bad, However, only a handful are viable endgame options, those who i think are viable i will list.

1: ACR-C. With enough luck you just might be able to get this with a good discount. You can't go wrong with this baby but you have to understand this is a tweaked M4A1. If the M4A1 game play isn't your thing, this will also never become your favourite. Downside of this rifle, the silencer sounds like a series of really loose farts. Upside, with the right talents, you can shoot the dick of a fly straight off at large distances. However, one of the talents needed to achieve this is +15 acc which cost 95 GP...dilemma, dilemma.

2: AK74. This baby will benefit greatly from +15 acc as well, but it is so cheap that with the right discount you may be able to buy both. Confession : Since the new levelrestrictions i havent had time to play too much, so i haven't done a lot of pro kills as well. This gun allowed me one of the pro kills i did after the levelrestrictions (on evac) so... in my book, it's more then okay!

3: SR3M. Tier 2 but pro as in; got 99 problems but a VIP ain't one. Upsides, this gun spews death, it's a beast but when it's tasked it becomes death itself, even tho it's not 100 acc, you will find it much more accurate then stats suggest. And to me a major bonus is that the SR3M's sight actually enhance thermal vision a little instead of making it harder to see someone. Downsides: reloading takes a while, mobility isn't amazing, limited ammo + high fire rate means that if you want to do pro kills with it, you will have to become a pro as well. And another biggie, Pro guns need pro treatment, for maximising the SR3M you will have to tap into the gunsmith skills as well to enhance it. Also it's w-task of 70 tripplekills isnt too hard but it will take time. So yeah, this is one of the best guns in game but it needs the right mindset and talent build to maximise it's use.

4: These 2 are not my favourite, and i wouldn't recommend both of them but others are in love with one of the following guns : AKMS / G36C, if you prefer iron sights but still have a powerful rifle with an easy w-task, then the AKMS could be a good choice. IF you got the time and skill to poop out  100 tripplekils, and prefer a scope then you have to consider the G36C, it's pretty unique.

Well, these guns are all good and have a good value, especially since they can be free but to conclude things i would like you to consider one last option. Have you considered unbreaking one of your current weapons? I mean, both the X95 and Scar-H are extremely good guns of premium quality, making them unbreakable could be a really good option.

Orgy out.

Ps, i would like to thank my clanmates in OhMy and ofcourse you for motivating me back into writing.  Love you guys.. in a perfectly sane, no (overly) sexual kinda way :)