Hey contractor,
Today is not about me or oOZe or whatever, this post is dedicated to the things said by other players!
Bookmark this page, as the links in this page you want to read more then once likely. If i miss a valuable guide/link please drop it in the comments and i will add it.
Most of these links can be found on the Kongregate forums but they are not stickied and these are too valuable to get lost in the void.
General CW
The Kongregate forums - Facebook players could also take a looksie in here.
Official VK cw page - This is where CW news is posted first, Use chrome to autotranslate the russian text. Be aware that this information MAY apply to FB and KONG as well but is not official untill Nqss post's it on FB/KONG!
Official CW FAQ
Contract Wars Calculator - Serdelia's wonderful tool which can help you plan your skillbuild
Alternative Calculator (English version seems broken)
Contract Wars Weapon Comparing tool - Nejars tool will allow you to compare different weapons.
FPS Skill trainer - This website is a tool to greatly improve your responsetime and reflexes. It's not specifically CW related but it does work!
Contract Wars Damage Calculator - See what damage a gun does vs different armor,skills and more. A tool by 1337
Wtasks - The bottom of this thread will allways show you what the wtasks of GP/SPEC-weapons are.
Guides - Settings
Video settings - Must read material that can help you maximise your gameplay effectiveness (ex. improve visibility, make those night maps daytime!)
Clearing Unity Cache - Solve basic problems by cleaning your cache.
The beginners guide to mousesettings - Another fine guide by Wakom. You probably got your mouse set up the way you like but i bet theres one or two things in here you have never thought about.
A video that shows how you may be able to conquer lag by Vineeth
Guides - Gameplay
Old Sawmill guide - By Sexpanther, great guide that can help you turn the page in OSM, however new levelbrackets make things a little harder then it the guide suggests but still, check this if you like OSM or want to start mastering OSM.
The Beginner's Guide to Skills, Guns, and Armor - Excellent guide by Wakom, very, no EXTREMELY must-read for new and not so new CW players.
The Beginner's Guide to Contracts and W-tasks - Another Wakom guide you cannot afford to skip.
A Review of Armor, Damage and Penetration - Everything you did not know about armor. MUST read! (This proves that i have been spending my SP wrong for a long time, and as a result, i now have more SP to spend on other skills)
A Beginner's Guide to Customization, EXP, and Mods - Wakom is at it again with a work in progress on everything WC.
Misc. Reading ( Don't skip these!)
Scope review - Excellent guide on scopes by Vitalykolobkov
Binoculars and distance review - This guide may help you decide whether to get either one of the range improvement talents.
Hardcore review - Jaw-dropping thread by Vitalykolobkov in which he explores "Hidden" multipliers and stats in hardcore mode. If you play hardcore you don't wanna pass on this read!
Quickness skills - Expert material on factors that influence your mobility.