

Hey guys,

The picture above sums it up, Onemanorgycw will no longer be updated. Reason; first, of all the games i played i have never encountered a community that sucks so hard as the CW community. True, theres a lot of really cool guys and clans and i have made quite some friends but overall, it's bitching, complaining, begging, demanding, accusing, stacking and i am done with this negative shit. Theres way too many obnoxious kids and fullblown retards in this game.

Also, not all negative stuff imo is unjustified, the developers of this game need to seriously pull their head out of their asses as well.
They need to become a more professional organisation, review their gamemodel and implement a more modern f2p model and communicate the fuck out of everything. Everything is related in this game, hard contracts are responsible for hacking, farming and stacking and only fixing the source of the problem instead of trying to fix symptoms will save this game in the long run.
Recent reports of hackers being able to gain xs with other peoples accounts by hacking the game and not the individual accounts shows there's little to no control over their own creation. Also, i've had it with the corruption regarding banfavoritism, sp-cheatertolerance, and lies.

Edit: currently the devs seem to be seriously working on their communication attitude, both on as well as FB and Kong very positive signs are showing as now changelogs are posted. Also when they promised to step up the implementation of more customisable weapons they proved they deliver. Very very positive signs here. 

As for project oOZe, that's over too but i came to an obvious conclusion : Yes it pays off to follow the steps i've taken, i'm now level 40+ and level 59's have nothing on me as i'm equally equipped and have a similar skillbuild. To top it off, if you can spare it, unlock the shit out of every weapontier because as soon as you have your accuracy and recoil maxed, the sa58 is 100% OP in the 16-40 bracket. (prokill after prokill after prokill...i regret not buying it sooner)
I told you that oOZe would probably be deleted or abandoned once the project is over but i've seen so much blatant stacking that oOZe will become my hobbytroll, with whom i am going to ruin peoples stacks/killstreaks or even fun.

It was nice writing for you people, but i think the time has come for me to move on. I will not quit CW, but i will from now on experience it from the average gamers perspective and not think about the game at all.

Orgy out.