Hired Ops: User concerns!

Hey my fellow Tarkovians,

It's me again, your not so faithful servant, onemanorgy.
Yes, it has been a while, no i'm not dead, yes i more or less stopped playing CW.
The reason for this is that i have been promoted to department manager in my company which takes a lot of time and effort.

But, a man's got to have a hobby and therefor i decided to start playing Hired Ops.
And as allways i seen a lot of stuff that made me frown. And it's not by Hired Ops's devs but by the community.

I will adress 3  user concerns.

CW will end because of Hired Ops?

No, the fact that there is currently little to no feedback from the CW dev's is most likely caused by making a deadline in Hired Ops. My guess is that resources (people) have been pulled from CW and temporarily have been added to support the Hired Ops team. My guess is that when Hired Ops gets more stable, people will shift back to CW.
Will CW die? Definately! One day but that day is not now and i hope CW will be here for some time.. Absolutsoft has stated;  "We will continue to support the project as long as it will be possible and appropriate in terms of audience interest and technical capabilities." 
You should know that the amount of browsers that support unity (NPAPI) is decreasing and even the last "major" browser; Firefox will drop unity support by the end of the year. After that you will have to play cw on some smalltime browsers that may drop support for NPAPI or install an old version of a browser. This is not Absolutsoft's choice, just check this link Unity Webplayer Roadmap.

Hired Ops's anticheat is not working and i seen a video on youtube with "soon hack". 

Word from Absolutsoft : "Yes, we are currently busy integrating the anticheat system that was developed from the scratch specifically for Hired Op by an independent expert team."
So, there's a cheat and Absolutsoft failed. right?
WRONG. An independent expert team means Absolutsoft hired a company like Punkbuster or VAC to keep their game clean.
So this company failed, right?
WRONG again :D There is NO such thing as cheat prevention. Not you, not Punkbuster, not VAC, not Absolutsoft's anticheat can prevent hacks. Preventing hacks is impossible. (Even Counterstrike has a hackproblem every now and then!)
Anticheat is reactive. There first has to be a cheat, and then this cheat has to be debugged by the team and then it can be stopped..untill the next cheat arrives..then it all starts again. Absolutsoft hired the independent team so that regardless of how busy they themselves are, there are allways people actively watching the security of the game.
One more thing about cheats in Hired Ops. Don't attempt it! Sure you can go undetected for some time but when the anticheat does catch up and you get banned, you will have one broken game in your steam account. One you will never be able to play again.
No making a new account and continue playing as you did before, no : account closed, game useless, in order to play : Start new steamaccount and repurchase another copy of Hired Ops. Is that worth it to you? I think not.

Hired Ops is only for russians? All support is in russian!

No, in fact, the russian players play the same version as you do, no more VK updates first and we will receive an update later. The game is the same for all.
However, Absolutsoft is a russian company and not all russians speak english very well. So can you really blame them for partially speaking russian in order to get as many feedback they truly understand and use to fix for all?
Give it some time, English reinforcements are underway!!

Thats it for today smexy contractors, i hope to see you soon, but i cannot guarantee much because of a very demanding job..
Do look me up ingame, it's still "onemanorgy"