FYI : YES the facebookpage on https://www.facebook.com/ContractWarsStacks/ IS the facebook version of this blog.

The CW Hack Awards 2017! (jan-may)


Hello contractors.

I have crawled from my coffin for another rare post and eventho i don't really have the time to post this, it is something you guys deserve to see. Especially since the banlist which was promised by the devs has not been released yet.

For some time now me and some mods have tried to gather all remaining active contract wars moderators in one place and for the major part this was succesful.  This means that we are a little more organised and have access to the proof of multiple moderators so we can check for the possibility of false bans and give info to those who ask about their bans.

The good thing about that is that the number of false bans is extremely small. Even better is the fact that with all the info we collect, we can do some statistics.

The statistics led to this post, but there is one huge downside to it. We moderators are bound to some very narrow guidelines and have to respect privacy 100%. We also cannot freely share any information we want. Secrecy is an issue. Therefor i had to take the data we have and visualise it in numbers that do offer a representative list but give no actual information.

Note : You can ask me, torture me, threaten me, whatever but i will not give more info then what is in the images below. No names, no numbers. Take it or leave it.  
Note 2 : Many more people from many more clans have been banned but i had to draw a baseline somewhere and the stats suggested all of these names are worthy of highlighting!
Note 3 : You do not agree with the contents of this post. Fine, don't. 

So ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, i present to you the :


The Contract Wars hack awards have 3 categories and are measured from the months januari till may and are purely made from bans that have been done by moderators. Numbers of banned players by anticheat are not available to the moderation team and are not used in these awards.

First category. The clans with the most banned players:

(click for larger image)

This graph shows the amount of banned players from low to high. As you can see ALIII is way on top. And i can assure you that the amount of banned players in ALIII is totally off the scale. Unbelievable. Sure ALIII has a lot of members, but so does ALEPH and aleph does not score anywhere near as high as ALIII. 

I believe both ALIII and ALEPH have been punished for the amount of hackers before and ALEPH seems to have succesfully managed to keep the number of hackers under control (congratulations misha!). ALIII did not and as far as i am concerned i can say 4 things: 
Devs:  ALIII should be either disbanded or severely punished. 
ALIII management: You have failed to keep the amount of hackers in your clan under control. My suggestion is to either disband or reduce the amount of members  drastically so you can control this travesty.
Players : If you do not want to be associated with hackers .. leave ALIII. 
Hackers : Being in ALIII means we autosuspect you, you can be sure that in ALIII you will be monitored very closely. The first ones in a match that i will spectate are the ones bearing the ALIII tag.

Mind you that not only ALIII should do some heavy thinking..rfc and VNPA should be very ashamed as well.

Category 2. Hackerclans on the SCWC scale!

Sure ALIII has something to be very ashamed of, but.... ALIII has a lot of members as well. Can you say ALIII is a hackerclan based on this? No, ALIII is poorly managed and ill-monitored but not a hackerclan.

But orgy?.. what defines a hackerclan then?

In my opinion the amount of hackers per member is a more reliable way to determine if a clan is a hackerclan. For this i have invented the SCWC scale... which means "Shameful Contract Wars Clan"
The higher the SWSC the more you can say hackerclan

The results are :

( click for larger image ) 

This list shows that clan HOOYO's SCWC index is off the scale. Hooyo is a very small clan, but with a lot of banned members, This means that HOOYO is a 100% hackerclan which should be terminated and banned on sight. When you see a HOOYO, fire up your recorders asap.

Dear Devs : Please stop these pests from reproducing and finish this clan!

Second in rank is rfc, which is second in the first category as well. The number rfc members are much higher then HOOYO, yet a huge number is banned. I can say for sure that rfc is a shameless hackerclan!

Notable : ALEPH is on the bottom of the list, this shows that they took their punishment to heart and found a way to succesfully deal with their bad reputation. Again : Great work ALEPH! 
ALIII - you should take a very good look at your SCWC rank and then to ALEPH's rank.. it CAN be done.. if you cannot do it, then decrease your memberamount untill you can!

Also, I find it very dissapointing to see DACII in the top 5... 

CATEGORY 3 : Jury's choice awards (the top3)

1: rfc, i have not yet seen a clean rfc and since they are at rank 2 of category 1 AND 2, rfc is the winner of the Hackerfilth 2017 award!

2: ALIII - stop rekting the last shred of reputation you have left and either quit or deal with the amount of ALIII hackers!

3: Loors - A clan of which even the clanleader is banned and their rulebreaking goes beyond hacking. (i managed to ban 3 loors at once for farming but they also use shameless tactics like altplanting in the opposite team to rat out enemy locations.) I am sure that with a little more effort more Loors members will be caught as i am convinced more of them use hacks!

Edit : Something worth noting is clan UNIQUE. They are in the center of both lists and their mention is well earned. However, i have been added (even before i thought of making this post!) to their facebook group so i am able to check how they deal with hackers and/or illegal activity and  how they try to keep them out of their clan.  Sure clan UNIQUE has some well deserved bans, but they also are transparant and at least try to keep them out and have sought cooperation with the moderating team!

Now, you may not see actual playernames or numbers but i guarantee you that the list is correct and also i do hope that people will now understand that the CW moderation team does not favor ANY clan. If it hacks, it is on the list!

Perhaps i will do this list again in a while because there will be some newcomers on it but for now i am busy catching hackers. 

Orgy out!

Firefox is dead - Long live these browsers!


"We will continue to support the project as long as it will be possible and appropriate in terms of audience interest and technical capabilities" 

Is the official plan Absolutsoft has with CW.

This week Firefox will end NPAPI support and if we will not continue to play in alternate browsers then it's : GAME OVER, people will leave, income will dry out and "Technical capabilities" killed "Audience interest" and therefor the game! Would you like that?

No? Me neither so : install one of these browsers and tell all your friends!

I have explained to you the steps you can take to play Contract Wars in CHROME via GAMELOAD This will allow you to use an external client to play CW. It's good. Try it!

But there are more options :

If you dont want to use gameload, alternatively you can use this portable version of an older version of chrome to play cw. works 100%

Amigo is rumored to be malware, and eventho i have 0 trouble with it, you may want to get a different browser if you want 100% security!

Comodo runs CW without problem, but Comodo is based on firefox and will most likely cease npapi support very shortly after Firefox.

4: Safari
Safari runs CW, and very well BUT, safari is discontinued and will no longer be updated. It cannot be downloaded from apple.com so you need to find an alternate download link.

For now, it runs CW as well and very smooth!

6: Yandex
Wait, what? Yandex does no longer support CW!?!? Yes that is correct, but this PORTABLE version of the last yandex version with npapi support does! No problem. Forget updates, forget everything, just play in Yandex like you have done before!!

Also a portable browser that will run CW. (seems asian)

Comment any more browsers and i will add them to this list!

onemanorgy out!

Firefox=poison - Firefox=hacks - FUCK FIREFOX! 

CW : Back to Chrome!


Hello my tarkovian friends, it's been a while.

I need your help, you need your help, CW needs your help.

As i said in my previous post, CW is in the autumn of it's life.
Development of unity webplayer has ended already.
Only 2 viable browsers to play CW remain : Firefox and Amigo browser.
Firefox should have ended NPAPI support by the end of 2016 but is overdue so you can expect support to be dropped at any moment.
Amigo browser is under some criticism from antimalware authorities.

Absosultsoft said : "We will continue to support the project as long as it will be possible and appropriate in terms of audience interest and technical capabilities."

But you can imagine that when Firefox no longer runs CW and people refuse to install Amigo the above statement will become a MAJOR issue really fast?

The development of Hired Ops is not a luxury, all devs being missing and working on that project is not devs being lazy but a must. Hired ops must be ready when CW ends!

(this is speculation, i truely hope CW will get a tailormade CW browser and support will merrily go on for years, but the fact that Devs are gone does feed this speculation!)

EDIT : ABSOLUTSOFT DOES NOT WANT TO KILL THEIR GAME IN FAVOR OF HIRED OPS. UNITY AND THE BROWSERS WHO CEASE NPAPI SUPPORT ARE KILLING THE GAME SLOWLY FOR THEM. ABSOLUTSOFT IS NOT TO BLAME FOR THIS. (yes they could be more transparant, yes they could show a lot more loyalty to their community but NO, they have no control over unity webplayer being phased out!

EDIT2 : I should really delete this post, some metally handicapped people deserve having their game removed from them (as well as their right to vote and to appear in public places without caretaker). CW MAY VERY WELL BE AROUND FOR THE NEXT FEW YEARS.  


What if i tell you that we together could extend CW lifespan some more?
Because we can! But this calls for some community action in advertising the method below.

There is a way to play Contract Wars in Chrome! Well, not really "in" chrome but "through" chrome.

this method is called : Gameload

Gameload consists of an external client and a browserextension which both need to be installed.

First visit THIS page on the chrome web store and add the extension to Chrome!
Now visit the GAMELOAD website and download and install Gameload!

When installed you now have an extra icon in chrome :

Now either go to kongregate or Facebook and load Contract Wars. Neither of these games will work now!! What you will have to do is Right click the gameload button and select : "Open this site in gameload"

Click for larger image!

So when you do, the client opens up and will allow you to play (you may need to log in to kongregate or facebook in the client first!)

There you have it:  Contract Wars! and if you are not running CW on a calculator, this runs CW very smooth!

another cool feature is the easy access to the unity cache via the client:

Try it, and if  you like it : SPREAD THE WORD!

Hired Ops: User concerns!

Hey my fellow Tarkovians,

It's me again, your not so faithful servant, onemanorgy.
Yes, it has been a while, no i'm not dead, yes i more or less stopped playing CW.
The reason for this is that i have been promoted to department manager in my company which takes a lot of time and effort.

But, a man's got to have a hobby and therefor i decided to start playing Hired Ops.
And as allways i seen a lot of stuff that made me frown. And it's not by Hired Ops's devs but by the community.

I will adress 3  user concerns.

CW will end because of Hired Ops?

No, the fact that there is currently little to no feedback from the CW dev's is most likely caused by making a deadline in Hired Ops. My guess is that resources (people) have been pulled from CW and temporarily have been added to support the Hired Ops team. My guess is that when Hired Ops gets more stable, people will shift back to CW.
Will CW die? Definately! One day but that day is not now and i hope CW will be here for some time.. Absolutsoft has stated;  "We will continue to support the project as long as it will be possible and appropriate in terms of audience interest and technical capabilities." 
You should know that the amount of browsers that support unity (NPAPI) is decreasing and even the last "major" browser; Firefox will drop unity support by the end of the year. After that you will have to play cw on some smalltime browsers that may drop support for NPAPI or install an old version of a browser. This is not Absolutsoft's choice, just check this link Unity Webplayer Roadmap.

Hired Ops's anticheat is not working and i seen a video on youtube with "soon hack". 

Word from Absolutsoft : "Yes, we are currently busy integrating the anticheat system that was developed from the scratch specifically for Hired Op by an independent expert team."
So, there's a cheat and Absolutsoft failed. right?
WRONG. An independent expert team means Absolutsoft hired a company like Punkbuster or VAC to keep their game clean.
So this company failed, right?
WRONG again :D There is NO such thing as cheat prevention. Not you, not Punkbuster, not VAC, not Absolutsoft's anticheat can prevent hacks. Preventing hacks is impossible. (Even Counterstrike has a hackproblem every now and then!)
Anticheat is reactive. There first has to be a cheat, and then this cheat has to be debugged by the team and then it can be stopped..untill the next cheat arrives..then it all starts again. Absolutsoft hired the independent team so that regardless of how busy they themselves are, there are allways people actively watching the security of the game.
One more thing about cheats in Hired Ops. Don't attempt it! Sure you can go undetected for some time but when the anticheat does catch up and you get banned, you will have one broken game in your steam account. One you will never be able to play again.
No making a new account and continue playing as you did before, no : account closed, game useless, in order to play : Start new steamaccount and repurchase another copy of Hired Ops. Is that worth it to you? I think not.

Hired Ops is only for russians? All support is in russian!

No, in fact, the russian players play the same version as you do, no more VK updates first and we will receive an update later. The game is the same for all.
However, Absolutsoft is a russian company and not all russians speak english very well. So can you really blame them for partially speaking russian in order to get as many feedback they truly understand and use to fix for all?
Give it some time, English reinforcements are underway!!

Thats it for today smexy contractors, i hope to see you soon, but i cannot guarantee much because of a very demanding job..
Do look me up ingame, it's still "onemanorgy"

Customisation. Beginner tutorial.

Clickyclicky for big piccy!

Confession of a n00b!


Oh dear god

I really hate the word noob, and i rarely use it. Yesterday however, i had a rude awakening and an experience that proved, without a doubt, that i fit this category and i came to the realisation that I'm not only a noob but ;

I'm the biggest noob i know.

First let me assure you;

  • I play FPS games since Wolf3d, so i have over 22!!!F-ing years of FPS experience meaning i was playing FPS games when many of you were still liquid! 
  • Had many clans in Unreal tournament, quake3, Tactical ops, Halflife, Turok, Kingpin, RTCW, RTCW:ET, SOF2, Delta Force (several) and Call of duty 1+2.
  • I was able to win certain maps in UT Assault mode without even leaving my spawn. 
  • I have been messing with any in game setting i could find my hands on. In every game i played. (I'm the reason the Call of duty 1 quick message menu could no longer be customised because i I made a mod called quickmassage that offered a crosshair ;) )
  • I have more then 1000 hours experience in CW. 
  • I have been advising people on how to do stuff.

but then...

I was thinking, why do people do so well with a noveske without aiming down the collimator. Even at range. So i equipped my novvy and tried.. tried and sucked at it.
Then i started comparing ADS/NON ADS/ADS/NON ADS and it seems i fail and fail and fail when not Aiming down the sights. So, i started to take a close look at the differences between the collimator and NO-ADS and guess what?
After more then 1000 hours of playing this game, this so called FPS "veteran" found that the mousesensitivity in collimator mode is lower and thus allowing you to aim more accurately.

Then, i got this neato logitech g600 mouse with adjustable dpi switch and i chose the lowest programmed DPI mode. and guess what?
It took me 1 death and 20 kills without ADS to prokill for the first time.

So what purpose does this post have besides proving i'm just a big old noob and you should never take any advice from me?
The other thing, if you yourself have trouble performing without use of collimators or even noscoping then you may want to try and lower the DPI on your mouse, or lower the mousesensitivity in the game.

I learned 2 valueble lessons today :

1: You are never to old/experienced/skilled or whatever to learn new stuff.
2: Mousesensitivity is so important that reviewing it is probably worthwhile even if you think you are doing okay!

Ogry out, 

PS, plz dont inform my buddies in OhMy, bcuz out of shame i will keep this a secret for them. ehh wait... did i say that out loud?