Gold Contract #7 : 20 doublekills with the Glock18

So, contractor, you thought doing some rage kills in old sawmill was hard? Well, then you haven't met this contract yet.

Gold contract #7 will most likely be in your list unfinished for some time. Is it hard? yes, but it's doable. Mind you, this is the first contract that is very, very tempting to start farming, but don't.. I've got quite some footage of people farming this Glock contract. it's a hard contract but it's nothing to risk a ban for.

The Glock.

The Glock is a sweet pistol, and it has an amazing firing speed and omgwtflike mobility, however, it's damage is very low, so killing someone with a full clip can be done easily, but killing 2 people with one magazine is a challenge. So for this contract, it's head shot or fail time.

Also, the Glock is a premium gun, making this contract a very good way to loose your precious GP on. My advice, if you want to spend GP on the game, buy the Glock...if you don't, Do this contract only when you have a lot of time to play. Worst case scenario is that you spend 5+ hours to complete this contract.

How to make this contract a little more easy?, Credit players can only suffer through this, GP players should really consider renting the contract expert skill, as this will lower the count to 10 double kills. Renting the extra grenade can be helpful as well.


To me there are 3 maps that are most suited for the job; Evac, Bay5 and Station. In Evac many spawns happen right in front of you. True, spawn killing isn't the most Honourable thing to do, but farming is a lot less Honourable. Bay 5 is good for a different tactic: toss a grenade, hope you kill someone and kill someone with the Glock. (for a double kill only the weapon that does the second kill counts) Station can be done by camping the roof, throwing a grenade into a spawn point and then shoot someone (and hope the grenade kills a freshly spawned player). Station sadly is only played on lower levels, you will find nearly no filled high level servers.

The best tip i can give you however : Equip only your Glock when you go into the game. When your KD drops, you might be tempted to switch to another gun, having only a Glock prevents this. Oh...and do head shots...nothing but head shots.

Another tip ; this is for the credit players : When you finish the contract, keep playing the Glock, and finish the Glock 200 head shots achievement. It's only a 7000cr reward, but it's probably your only chance on getting this achievement. pretty camp spots and pictures for this post, you'll just have to endure this one.

Orgy out!

PS, got to admit, this is the first post on which i noticed a spell checker included in blogger, i hope you appreciate the decreased amount of typo's

4 reacties:

Samuel Smart said...

Thanks for all of your tips man.Your blog has so much information that people want to hear and so precise about CW.

Unknown said...

This is an easy contract. Glock has great mobility. Run around the map like crazy. Frags will fly into your hands themselves. From personal experience:
-map evac
-shoot in the head
-do not цait spawns. search for them!!!

Unknown said...

I actually did this contract the day it became available. The AK-74 was on discount, and completing the contract would give me enough to buy I just used the Glock as my primary. In one day of use it shot up to my second most used pistol.

Unknown said...

Its 10 kills now :-)

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