Project oOZe part 3

So, I've been taking it slow until the 12th of January, double xp and levelling slow simply don't mix.
Sad thing, the clanrace and double xp has caused me to play my main account exclusively and a lot and i shouldn't have as my shoulder is back at square one. This is a disappointment as for oOZe because easy contracts are over and i have to do long sessions now to complete contracts. Long sessions and a sore shoulder don't mix :(

I'm now level 33 and more then before i wish to remain <L40 for as long as possible because of the same reason level 59's wish to stay 59. With the new brackets people have started alts and imo destroyed the 30-59 rooms. Being level 40 looks to me as the shittiest level anyone could be in.

After a bunch of contracts, i decided to do some prokills, and i found it quite easy to do prokills on OSM in the 0-40 levelrange. First i did some with my ACR, then i suddenly got this idea of tasking my noveske before i dinged 40. Well, the screenshot says it pretty clear, i'm a level 33 bastard with an OP amount of skillpoints and a OP Noveske (well = tasked, stats still need to be maxed).


Gold contract 23 - 22 tripplekills.
I shouldn't be complaining, i have more experience, more SP, a more toxic Skillbuild and even endgame weapons that make sure i'm, OP to anyone in my levelrange, also unlike most others who are on this contract, i had the luxury to do this in 16-40 rooms.  Still 22, tripplekills in one day, (or in my case 11 because of contract mastery) takes quite some effort.
IMHO this contract takes a regular player and turn him into a farmer or worse, hacker. Contracts like this should NOT be in the game. For a regular player, 22 tripples is impossible and for me, those 11 took me about 4-5 hours of straight gaming. This was not fun, this was a tedious sacrifice.
I think 22 tripples could be the right amount but not in 24 hours. This contract was probably designed to cut off people with a certain skilllevel from gaining more SP... realistically this means they will go farming.

Gold contract 24 - Kill 30 VIPS
Yay easy contract.. not. It took me 2-3 kills to realise that this contract did count when i killed a VIP and after investigating on KONG, it became clear that the contract description was wrong and had to be 30 VIPS of L30+ . Oddly all 16-40 rooms had people <30 as a VIP so i had to go into 30-59 rooms and what happened next just ruined my day.  First, stacks, stacks, stacks. Second people completely ignoring the VIP's just to work on their KD.  I was in matches in which the VIP was on my team for the entire duration of the match. Third, the new way how vips are visible sucks ass for a contract like this.  Poor player who doesn't rent contract mastery, he will have a field day doing this contract. Again, this contract took me roughly 4-5 hours to complete, this would be 10 hours if i didn't rent contract mastery. This is absurd for a computer game and will cause farming imo. Luckily i found me 30-50 room which was populated and those relatively lower level guys did play the game as it was intended so i was able to complete it.

Bronze contract 43 - Do 10 longshots with the Operator TRP pistol
Wut orgy, 5 longshots is a problem to you?? No, not really, in fact i finished this contract in roughly 10 minutes in Parkside.
What is a problem is that Bronze contract 43 is the last contract in the Bronze tree that rewards a Skillpoint. This means i now have to focus on silver and gold... and reissuing new contracts when all 3 are complete isn't as appealing as before.

Gold Contract 26 - 3 double headshots with pistols in TDS mode.
Holy hell, this contract does 2 things;
1 force you to use pistols whilst excelling at it
and 2 : Force you to play a gamemode you probably despise.
This is one very bad joke, In TE, you get the chance to flank people, in TDS you have to HOPE you can sneak up to 2 people who are "reporta in groupah"-ing and it seems that TDS is the only gamemode people spread out naturally.
Completing this contract takes either inhuman skill or a shitload of luck...and since i suck at TDS AND Pistols, i needed luck.
I did this contract in Bridge, made sure i was on Bear side, rushed in, prayed i survive the nadespam phase and started shooting above everything that moved. Luckily one of my first attempts was successful..that kept me motivated to do #2 as well. 3/4 hours and a near mental breakdown later, i succeeded in my second double headshot.  IMO this contract should be 6 double headshots with pistols in any mode you see fit.
Also, in order to get my second double, i took Ritalin (drugs) to get more focused as i was getting somewhat desperate... taking dope to accomplish a game objective... can't be healthy. But it was either that or farming! (this contract was 10 double heads... i would refuse to do that)

Silver contract 36 - tripplekill with beretta.
I did this contract straight after my double headshot contract. And i feared this one more then it actually was worth because i assumed just like the gold contract that this needed to be done "beretta only" ... when i pulled my head out of my ass i realised i could do this easily by tossing a grenade, and then open fire on more players. So in TDS, i joined bridge again, started tossing nades and then cap someone. This took me an hour or 2.

Silver contract 37: Make 25 LongShots with Colt Python revolver on Old Sawmill map.
Shouldn't be too hard... if only the python had the slightest accuracy. Oh boy this is a shitty contract. You aim, fire...miss. The way i did it was to hipfire (spamming) directly over someones head and pray for luck. Because to complete this contract, you need a lot of luck. This one will hurt your KD.

Gold Contract 28: Kill 1 enemy with Magpul PDR-C SMG

It is a very easy contract. can be over in 10 seconds...IF you are on kongregate. This contract is the result of porting the Russian version to FB/KONG. Killing someone with the PDR-C is easy, getting the PDR-C is hard. Sure kong players can just buy this gun, but Facebook/vk/etc will have to recruit friends. So those who value their privacy will strand here, unless they recruit the needed amount of players (50 i believe),

Current stats :

Level: 33
K/D: 3.05 (Actually quite happy those shitty contracts did not drop me below 2, plus my prokills did make up for the drop in KD)
Accuracy: 25.72 % (This probably is because of headshot contracts which i did in bay 5...headshot heaven. Still, i'm EXTREMELY pleased with this number!)
Prokills: 25
stormkills: 270
my skilltree :  Last time i told you i wanted to go for global detection, well, i changed my mind, and i will be assault until this project is over. Furthermore, i got 0 credits left, but when i get more, i will reskill and remove the pistol accuracy + armor in favour of the gunsmith skills

but now the most important stat : # of SP : 81 .. WEEEHOOOO, I'm a level 33 with 81 SP, that's OP =) Furthermore, if right now i cease to do contracts, i would have 109 sp at level 59

2 reacties:

Unknown said...

22 tripples are easy.
It was 50 before devs made contracts easier and I cant say it was hard.

onemanorgy said...

Well they are not hard, but i'm not the kind of player who can do tripples as he pleases, they occur a lot, that i give you but still..My playstyle is like a lemming on crack, the only key on my keyboard that is worn is the W key...there's not a tactical bone in me :) I can imagine someone who gets a tripple now or then to become a farmer over this one exclusively.

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