My thoughts about the MPX

As you can read earlier in this blog i was quite hyped about the mpx as it is supposed to be a very versatile gun.

First disappointment came when the MPX was delayed, this gun would have been the ideal gun to kick of Weapon customisation but the devs chose to delay it until mid-customisation. To me, this is a missed opportunity but gunz are gunz so i purchased it on 42% discount.

Second disappointment were the stats, and this is not just a minor disappointment, this is a deal breaker for me.

In this review i will also take a look at mps's customisation.

(Disclaimer, these results are based on MY skillbuild. YOU could very well have different values but they would most likely show the same trend)

First Accuracy. Accuracy can be 100 with a proper skillbuild and the proper collimator alone. There's really no need for a tactical device if you can manage to do with 2 points less accuracy. Getting your favourite collimator and tactical device for 100 acc, will result in 3-5 points less mobility.

Recoil. Just toss anything on and you will see you will end up with 1 recoil

Damage. The damage of the Mpx is right in between it's t6 brothers; the x95, P90Devgru and the Noveske with 48 points.

Firerate. The firerate of the Mpx is LOW... which results in a lower dps (dmg x firerate)  X95 = 4968 dps / p90 = 4275 / mpx = 4032 / noveske = 4143 (noveskes dps is higher in reality because of it's high reload speed).
The Mpx is a SMG, Smg's are for cqb and IMHO cqb these days is ALL about DPS (unloading as much damage on your opponent in the smallest amount of time) which makes the Mpx a less desirable Cqb weapon.

Mobility. The Mpx has decent mobility, right in between the P90 and the X95 but nowhere near as good as the noveske.

Reload speed. The Mpx has decent reloadspeed, right in between the P90 and the X95 but nowhere near as good as the noveske.

Range. It has a short range fitting to that of a SMG, so it's meant for cqb. However, you can get weapons with overall better stats that can be used for longer ranges as well (acr/noveske). With a range this small, i'd expect other bonuses that would make up for it but there simply are not.

Penetration. The Mpx doesn't score high in the terms of Penetration as well whereas with all armor these days penetration is very important.

When speaking of customisation, forgive me for not spending my time grinding those tiers and wasting birds on a gun i don't like but as it seems customisation of the MPX is all about getting your preferred collimator and silencer while keeping your damage as high as possible, finding a balance between accuracy and mobility and perhaps more important, gaining more range.

Now, the conclusion, and for this, i will compare it to the noveske alone (Acr-c buttrapes the mpx as well) :

accuracy and recoil = noveske
damage < Noveske
dps < Noveske
Firerate > Noveske
Mobility < Noveske
Reloadspeed < Noveske
Range < Noveske
Penetration < Noveske

So, counting the <'s and >, anyone can figure the Noveske beats the MPX 6 to 1. My advice would be : Get a Noveske instead.
The Mpx's customisation is all about getting your favourite attachments on it, as far as i can see with my limited time invested in customisation there is no real benefit to customising it, besides getting your favourite attachments. (Accuracy and recoil are pretty much fixed, not able to go <50 mob for insane reload speed)
Also, the gun does not feel like having an x-factor or hidden "wow"  bonuses

The only thing good about the Mpx is it's price, for less then 250gp you can have this one (with discount)

Would you recommend it? Nope, i wouldn't. The Mpx is not a bad weapon, it's fun to use and a good player will still prokill you to death with it but in all honesty, so does the bizon, so is the hk416c. The very first round i played with it, i managed to go 17-1 (on station, even) So it does not suck


This gun isn't much of an upgrade and as such, makes little sense to have. Statwise, this gun does imo not belong in tier 6 but in tier 3/4 instead, so leveling players could benefit from it!

Sorry devs, unless the mpx is buffed more, i think it's a missed opportunity.

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