HK243 Speculations


So, we will be getting a new LMG, cool right?

A lot of keen player have already figured out that this gun is really a fantasy gun and is a cool but weird way of thinking from the devs.

The HK243 is a civilian version of the G36 of which the Compact variant has all ready made the game. When i say civilian version, it means that it is not a LMG at all but a Semi automatic (sports) version of the G36. Sure, it can be modified to operate in automatic mode but then you won't be having the HK243 anymore but a regular g36 instead.
The HK243 shoots .223 Remington munition which is roughly the same as 5.56 ammo which the g36c uses. Difference is that the 5.56 round builds up more pressure and is supposedly unsafe to use in .223 designed rifles.

Now, Compared to the G36c we could roughly get a feeling about the HK243's stats. (the following is PURELY speculation, no one knows what the HK243 will look like)

Accuracy. A compact model as the G36C will always have a lower accuracy then a full barrel length gun. So if the devs honor realism, the HK243 will be somewhat more accurate then the G36C,

Recoil. Roughly the same ammo type will mean roughly the same recoil. Since this gun is heavier then the g36c, the recoil might be a little smaller. But since it's a LMG, i think for balance, recoil may be a higher.

Damage. "Same" ammo, same damage. Devs could buff this to make the gun stand out, compared to the g36c.

Firerate. Should be the same, but could be a little lower if the devs want to prevent it from looking OP.

Mobility. This is a full lenght barrel gun WITH a beta mag, so it is heavier then the G36C, thus i expect mobility to be lower

Reload speed. A beta mag loads the same as an ordinary mag, so reload speed could be the same, or a little lower if the devs give the additional weight and size a penalty.

Ammo cap. I really don't know how the devs thought process is but i assume it will have the same number of mags as the colt iar (7 when buffed with destroyer ammo)

Penetration. Probably the same, unless the devs know about the 5.56 pressure, in that case, penetration could be a little lower.

Range. Same as penetration.

This is as far as speculations regarding it's stats go.


Now, the next speculation : What weapon tier? and will it be CR or GP?

These speculations are based on the current layout and available slots, i doubt the devs will change this.

Tier 6 = full. Both Credit and GP gun slots have been filled in this tier.
Tier 5 has room for 1 GP weapon, all Credit slots are filled!
Tier 4 has room for 1 GP weapon, all Credit slots are filled!
Tier 3 has room for 2 GP weapons, all Credit slots are filled!
Tier 2 has room for both Credit and GP weapons. However, tier 2 has a CR AND a GP LMG, so i strongly doubt this will be a tier 2 gun
Tier 1 has room for 1 Credit weapon and 1 GP weapon. GP weapon slot will most likely be offered to a future ww2-era gun, or the fb/kong Winchester rifle.

Now... Credit enthusiasts, there is only tier 1 in which this weapon can be placed. Be honest here, does this gun look like a T1 gun? I strongly doubt it so it is very safe to assume you are out of luck and the HK243 will be a GP weapon!

What tier?

I expect it to be either a T4 or a T5 GP weapon. Since it is closely related to the G36c, it is very possible to be in the same tier as the g36c. However, the devs could do the same trick as the DTSRS family (t3,4) and the P90 family (t5,6). (This could even mean t3)


Real gun or no real gun, i'm quite curious about this gun. I love the IAR and a more powerful version of this already kickass gun is very welcome but I'm not going to hope for anything this time because the mpx was somewhat of disappointment to me and this...this gun needs and deserves to be OP as fuck :D

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