CW : Back to Chrome!


Hello my tarkovian friends, it's been a while.

I need your help, you need your help, CW needs your help.

As i said in my previous post, CW is in the autumn of it's life.
Development of unity webplayer has ended already.
Only 2 viable browsers to play CW remain : Firefox and Amigo browser.
Firefox should have ended NPAPI support by the end of 2016 but is overdue so you can expect support to be dropped at any moment.
Amigo browser is under some criticism from antimalware authorities.

Absosultsoft said : "We will continue to support the project as long as it will be possible and appropriate in terms of audience interest and technical capabilities."

But you can imagine that when Firefox no longer runs CW and people refuse to install Amigo the above statement will become a MAJOR issue really fast?

The development of Hired Ops is not a luxury, all devs being missing and working on that project is not devs being lazy but a must. Hired ops must be ready when CW ends!

(this is speculation, i truely hope CW will get a tailormade CW browser and support will merrily go on for years, but the fact that Devs are gone does feed this speculation!)

EDIT : ABSOLUTSOFT DOES NOT WANT TO KILL THEIR GAME IN FAVOR OF HIRED OPS. UNITY AND THE BROWSERS WHO CEASE NPAPI SUPPORT ARE KILLING THE GAME SLOWLY FOR THEM. ABSOLUTSOFT IS NOT TO BLAME FOR THIS. (yes they could be more transparant, yes they could show a lot more loyalty to their community but NO, they have no control over unity webplayer being phased out!

EDIT2 : I should really delete this post, some metally handicapped people deserve having their game removed from them (as well as their right to vote and to appear in public places without caretaker). CW MAY VERY WELL BE AROUND FOR THE NEXT FEW YEARS.  


What if i tell you that we together could extend CW lifespan some more?
Because we can! But this calls for some community action in advertising the method below.

There is a way to play Contract Wars in Chrome! Well, not really "in" chrome but "through" chrome.

this method is called : Gameload

Gameload consists of an external client and a browserextension which both need to be installed.

First visit THIS page on the chrome web store and add the extension to Chrome!
Now visit the GAMELOAD website and download and install Gameload!

When installed you now have an extra icon in chrome :

Now either go to kongregate or Facebook and load Contract Wars. Neither of these games will work now!! What you will have to do is Right click the gameload button and select : "Open this site in gameload"

Click for larger image!

So when you do, the client opens up and will allow you to play (you may need to log in to kongregate or facebook in the client first!)

There you have it:  Contract Wars! and if you are not running CW on a calculator, this runs CW very smooth!

another cool feature is the easy access to the unity cache via the client:

Try it, and if  you like it : SPREAD THE WORD!

9 reacties:

batsmaster said...

work great for me but i think ping be come 180 from 90

Unknown said...

Does not work for me, game is still loading with some russia text, but nothing happens.

Anonymous said...

didnt work ! followed every step but still ..

onemanorgy said...

Check the video, guys!

onemanorgy said...

Check the video, guys!

Unknown said...

how can i download this?

Unknown said...

It's best that CW makes his search engine or something so that it's more dependent on other search engines... Good luck.

I,HaveaRIGHT said...

NEED (HELP) i can;t get into contract wars my worries is if i used another will i have to start all over again and if i do will be so so PISS as that mean i have lost thousand of DOLLARS and i wont be happy so need help to get into my account THANKS

I,HaveaRIGHT said...

What legal right do we have as players of Contract Wars where we have,( lets say LOCK OUT OF PLAYING ) who fault is it, as i bet that it just not me WHO has SPENT...HUNDREDS and THOUSANDS of Dollars and what THAT it some one pull the PLUG and we all go AR well who care its only money i have a money tree out back,,( REAL WORLD IF SO THAT WAS TRUE WE WOULD ALL HAVE A MONEY TREE OUT BACK )..We don't so who FAULT is it,And why can't we get back in as I'm just not going to walk away and forget all the money i have spent,,SO how many out there are we and what is OUR RIGHT!!Can some one let us know Thank you..a Contract Wars player???

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