Gold Contract #3 : 5 Ragekills on the old sawmill DM Map

Hello Contractor, besides the usual stuff, from now on i will post my 5cents about completing some contracts as well. I hope you enjoy.

Gold contract #3 to most people is the first real challenge because you will have to make longer killstreaks than your probably used to. This is the first contract that requires effort. Difficulty is that OSM-DM isn't the friendliest map, it's small and has very limited vision. For increasing your kd, i wouldn't reccomend to play osm-dm at all, but hey, contract #3 forces us in here so lets make the best out of it.

If you are an average player, then running and gunning on OSM-DM will not do because there's too many suprises awaiting you in the bushes. So what we need to do is: Camp. We got to find ourselves a pretty little spot that we can tactically use against everyone else and luckily there are quite some good spots to hide. In this miniguide i shall cover 2 good spots.

What do we need for OSM-DM? If you want to try the contract while running and gunning, i'd say bring the izh, but when you want to go and camp, we need something more stealthy. The mp5sd6 would be perfect, but i'm afraid that by now your mp5sd6 is allready expired so we got to find an alternative. We need it both silenced and accurate so imo, the right gun for this job would be the tasked KAC-PDW (assuming you only have 2 weapon tiers unlocked). I done this with my silenced AKMS.

Now there are several good places to camp, but to me theres 2 sweet spots where 1 is good and 2 is amazing.

The first spot, Camping behind the barn. The barn has 2 doors and 2 holes, one in the front and one in the back. Camping in outside the hole in the back can give you an edge as you will have many players incoming from the left. A good spot, but be aware, as you are camping outside, players can spawn inside (on top of the right hand stairs). The door to your left is rarely visited, because players will have to cross open terrain to get there, but some do, so be aware.

The other spot is outside the radar station. Theres a sweetspot where you can be partially covered by bushes, hard to find, i did my ragekills here EFFORTLESS. Big deal here is to be a stealthy as possible and then kill your enemy in just a small burst. Too much ratata and and you'll give your position away. Camp here, do 5 kills...move away, kill some more and die...but don't die nowhere near the campspot. Also, dont try to do a prokill here because people will catch on before your reach 15/20.

Hey guys..enjoy : orgy out!

6 reacties:

Unknown said...

I love your blog, please never ever let it stop, it's really helping me out big time :D

Unknown said...

i really struggel to get that fu*king rage kill :/

Unknown said...

i did that contract without effort :/ rage kills are actually easy

onemanorgy said...

yeah i didn't find it too hard either, but you be amazed how many people find it really hard.

Anonymous said...

In my main account this contract waits for a few weeks, I was thinking really hard but with this tutorial I am complete in twenty mins :)

Unknown said...

after every fourth kill I die,its been 2 weeks!one hard contract

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