Welcome back, contractor.

Welcome back Contractor.

It's been some time, the clanrace is over and like i promised, i'm back. I'm working on new stuff for you to read but for now i'll like to keep it brief and fill you in on the events that happened over the past couple of weeks.

First of all, i got sick fighting a lost cause with my clan; 6six6. I had a clear goal in mind of gathering a group of skilled players who were dedicated in building the clan. Sadly all i got was level 1's or people with very bad KDR's. For every 3 people i invited, 1 was kicked for inactivity, 1 for unwillingness to donate and 1 left because we didn't have a lot of clanskills.

At that time i was trying to validate my own guide on "prokills", while tasking my noveske,v when an OhMy member noticed me and asked me about my stats. He mentioned that my stats were meeting the requirement to join OhMy so i thought...enough with pulling dead weight and i signed over 6six6 to a buddy of mine and Left.

I followed the OhMy recruitment procedure and was totally critical about my skills, absolutely honest about my intentions and as a result of this (i think) i was voted into the next part of OhMy's recruitment procedure, an interview and a tryout. I must say, i had a rought night before the tryout so i wasn't that fit so during the tryout i got my ass handed to me by NVR4GET bigtime. Despite of the asswhooping i received, i became an OhMy member and i'm liking it more and more...

So, first day in OhMy i finished my W-Task for my Noveske and the day after all hell breaks loose..Clanrace. Since i'm dedicated to any clan i have ever been in, i decided to give it all i got, especially since i now have access to the clanskills OhMy has to offer. Those skills have been earned by other people and not by me, so absolute dedication to the clanrace is my way of saying "appreciate the skills, let me return the favor!" in the end, i managed to donate roughly 1m xp to the clanrace.

Well, we all know Fear won, Figa came in second, and we finished third. third place imo is a good spot as we finished "close" to Figa and we got about 1200 members less. We managed to get within 10m range of Figa. Fear's score however is totally something else. They didn't get disqualified, so my opinion doesn't really matter but i do urge the CW crew to keep a close eye on them in the next clanrace. (that score + this history is imo very suspicious)

Well enough about clanchanges, clanraces and all.

Another fun thing happened to me. For a while now, i have an alternate facebook account that i use to post on facebook groups like contract wars players and contract wars clans. On contract wars clans i have been on a crusade to stop the number of hacks that are posted there and to my suprise suddenly i was made admin of that group.

So, with my newly found powers i cleaned up every hack/spam/scam thread and message, banned roughly 10 scammers and to my suprise:...drumroll...I got kicked as an admin. I banned the guy that hijacked TNI clan and this is my reward lol. Now i didn't ask to be promoted to admin, so i'm totally cool with not being an admin but what bothers me is that this group allows Scam to be posted in order to attract people. The Facebook group Contract Wars - Clans ^-^ is a stain on the CW community and i urge you NOT to subscribe to that group. (at least if you value your account, as the hacks posted are nothing more then elaborate ways to steal your account)

Well, thats it for the moment, like i said, i got multiple (unfinished) posts lined up for you. See you shortly!

4 reacties:

Tovarich said...

You have successfully completed the task of noveske ... You're my hero!
I'm not a bad player (lvl 59), I have a positive kdr (growing) but I am unable to do prokills with noveske :/
Could you give me some tips or tricks to try to get it? I love the noveske and I think greatly improve performance if I can do the noveske task. (Plz, forgive my bad english!)

onemanorgy said...

hey tovarich, will do a topic on the matter.

Tovarich said...

Thanks a lot, m8!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much, I have found this extremely useful!
Job Provider Contractor

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