Wtasking the Noveske.

( disclaimer : since my last topic on prokills, i've done a total of 42 pro's , i now know how to do them regularly but 42 still doesn't make me an expert on the matter! )

Despite many people calling the noveske a noobweapon i have to admit that it is my favorite gun. I got a Noveske, tasked, and i love it. Do you think i'm a noob for using it : Be my guest! I like it and i really disagree to the noobstatus of the gun. The stats on the noveske are good, but not even close to OP and even now that the ACR-C is getting more popular then the noveske...i still love it.

Funny thing is, i remember the first time when i encountered the noveske and from that point on i wanted one. The first time i got killed by a noveske was on bridge and i think i was level 10-20. Some guy had the tasked one and he was camping his spawnpoint but none of my (allso lowlevel) teammates was able to kill him. At some point i thought "imma gonna grab that gun of yours and stick it up your behind" and when the match ended i left the game and went looking for it on the webz.

The second i reached level 50, i bought it and it was not even a bonus, so badly i wanted one. Shortly thereafter i found out that the noveske wasn't actually a wonderweapon. Sure it's mobility and reloadspeed was amazing but i plainly sucked with it because i kept loosing visual on targets when using the collimator. Boy did i suck..

Now, my heart nearly stopped when i read about the 15 prokill wtask, how was i ever supposed to do that? and i gave up on the WTASK idea.... untill one day i was doing a great match with my P90Devgru on Evac. By that time i had gained a little more insight in the game and i was allready burstfiring the Gru. Suddenly during that match i managed to make a prokill, and after that match, i noticed the same people still hanging around, so i thought ; can i do this with the noveske as well? To my big suprise i did. Not only did i get a prokill on my noveske, i allso managed to do 2 prokills on the same day. For the first time in my carreer. That was the moment i thought : i'm going to task it!

It took me some time figuring out how to operate it correctly but when i did i succeeded more and more but still it took me quite a while and i have to admit : My first prokill in OhMy, was the last prokill needed for the WTASK. Since then i done some adjustments in the gunsmith tree and now i love it even more. In fact, if you see me using something other then the Noveske on EVAC, then you know that i'm finding much resistance and i'm finding alternative ways to improve my KDR.

Now recently Contractor "Tovarich" posted this request in the comments so i be happy to share some of my experiences with it :

"I'm not a bad player (lvl 59), I have a positive kdr (growing) but I am unable to do prokills with noveske :/
Could you give me some tips or tricks to try to get it? I love the noveske and I think greatly improve performance if I can do the noveske task. (Plz, forgive my bad english!)"

Do read my guide on prokills as well! But also realise that Doing a prokill with the noveske is no different then making a prokill with the M4a1..so when you think doing a prokill with a gun like the Noveske is easy, then your wrong.

#1 stats. 

When attempting prokills with the noveske you want it to have stats like in the above picture. 98 Accuracy and 9 Recoil are a must. If you have lower accuracy or higher recoil, you will be wasting a lot of precious ammunition! Besides ACC and REC, you will have to unlock BOTH damage upgrades from the Assault tree and the 2x extra magazine skill from the destroyer tree. If your stats dont match the picture then you might want to browse THIS blog for my topic on a "good" skillbuild

#2 Sidearm.
The Noveskes ammo is limited. With the 2 bonus magazines Destroyer skill you get 7 mags. 7x30= 210 bullets. 210 bullets/20 kills = 10.5 bullets you can use per kill. 10.5 sounds like more then enough, but when playing, you will sometimes panic, you will miss, someone will steal your kill, so 10.5 per kill is not a whole lot. Therefor, sometimes you will have to use your sidearm as well. What Sidearm you choose is totally up to you, but you will have to choose the one that you can rely on to make kills. I prefer the GSH, but during my WTASK-sessions i switched to my glock18, because the glock needs prokills as well, and i tend to end up wit no ammo for my Noveske every now and then. So i when i screwed up my ammoconsumption i made some lucky prokills for my glock as well.

#3 Bursts. 
When you want a tasked noveske, your days as a sprayer will have to end. 10.5 bullets per kill remember? So : No firestab for you!, control yourself, and take time to learn how to burst! This will take quite a toll on your KD ratio but from now on you will have to fire in bursts. Take time to practice killing people with as small bursts possible..

(HERE's a video showing when to burst, when to spam and when to use semi auto. I gotta admit, i don't use
semi auto, because i end up using the same amount or even more ammo then a burst to kill someone. Furthermore, try to make your burst count and do practice to do them as short as possible)

Another reason to burst is the fact that the noveske has no silencer (duhh) and is pretty noisy. Firing in small bursts will make you harder to find.

#4 Gold.
You can opt to rent some skills to make it less hard to do a prokill. You can rent additional DMG buffs and the "W-TASK expert" skill from the Carreerist tree is usefull too (when your allready familiar with doing prokills). I rented it at some point. Sadly, now i'm improving, i think i wasted money on that one because prokills come more easy now.

#5 Map's 
I did my prokills on either Parkside or in EVAC. (OSM is a good option too but i dont know OSM like i do EVAC)

Doing prokills in parkside means 0-70 parkside, hoping you're among all level 0's and when theres high level players, you either make them ragequit or avoid them. (Sounds easier then it is, but you get used to it.) At all times; remember that you're here for prokills and not to get your ass kicked by people from topclans. When theres too much resistance..move to another server. Even if you get no prokills, you will recover from your KD drop from your bursting adventures in here pretty fast.

Doing Prokills in EVAC means 20-70 or 30-70 EVAC and hoping your team doesnt suck. In evac you will ignore the vips and your team. Is your team defending the paths to the chopper?...is the enemy trying to rush the stairs to the chopper?... good, you be standing near the garage, shooting them from behind. Your team are not your buddies, your team is an instrument which you use to gain an advantage. Flank the enemy and dont be where the action is. Your a wolf, dont run into the herd to snatch a sheep, stay on the outer edges of the map, scooping up stray sheep. (20-70 evac attracts a lot of high end gamers wanting to do some noobstomping...30-70 can often be more effective in getting prokills)

#6 Aiming
The collimator on the Noveske sucks, its way to small and its possible to loose visual on your target. In other words you can loose someone when looking at him. When you have stats like mentioned in #1, you will find that the crosshair of the Noveske is dead-accurate as well, so in theory you can forget about using the collimator. Personally i use the collimator only on near-stationary targets in longer ranges. So, you are camping the area with the chopper in evac and someone is camping the garage roof? if he's not covering behind the sandbags, the crosshair will do, but when he's crouching behind the sandbags and only the top of his head sticks out, then the collimator can be an option. Also : when firing allways press the shift (walk) key for extra accuracy.

#7 Clanskills
Having access to thermalvision or extra magazines, more armor and such can make your life a lot more easy, so if you have access to those, be thankful. That being said, i did only my last prokill needed to finish the task when i was in OhMy, the rest of the kills i did with only the +5 health clanskill. So clanskills; nice but not mandatory.

In conclusion:

If you want to task the noveske (or do prokills with any other gun), you need time to really study how you can improve, what are your strongpoints and weaknesses. It's not just a matter of loading a map and start doing prokills, it's about adjusting to the guns weaknesses in order to maximise your performance and you will notice that once you start getting prokills, they will happen more and more and take less effort.

Furthermore, prokills are a game within a game...think about it, when it's prokills your after, you will have to play the game different. When playing this little game; teams become tools, Vip's become beacons, and you will have to find ways to use and abuse players that are doing their regular thing.

Getting the noveske tasked will take time and is difficult at first but : If i can do it, so can you!

Orgy out!

2 reacties:

Unknown said...

One question, how did you make noveske's penentration so high? All I can do is +5 from my skill tree&+10 from clan skills;;;;

Tovarich said...

thanks for the post m8!.After reading it I could make two prokills with noveske!

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