My Skillbuild

Currently there is a post on the Contract Wars facebook group in which a player explains his skill build and the Contract Wars staff is daring people to post theirs. Well, i completely disagree to the skill build in the video and i will share and explain my skill build.

Click to enlarge!

My main philosophy behind my skill build is :

-Main hand first / Offhand is not important.
-Make sure you can hit someone (ACC / REC)
-Hit Someone harder (DMG)
-Make sure someone does not kill you (+Health +Armor +utility)
-Make life more comfortable (Faster reload speed, more mobility, extra bullets)

(I'm usually playing aggressively with either AsValMod3 or noveske silenced. It's AR's for me, no snipers, no shotguns, no LMG's. just AR's and sometimes SMG's)

Scout tree :

My scout tree is pretty plain, i like the 3 mobility and +5 reload speed. I'd love to go further into the scout tree but this would cause reload speed of some of my weapons to become too low because of the destroyer skill that increases your reload speed for slow weapons. The pistol part of the scout tree to me is BS, if i had an endless supply of SP, I'd gladly spend it here but i do most of my killing with my main hand weapon, so investing in an offhand improvement is useless to me.

most important skills : none, they are all utility and not mandatory.

Assault tree :

The Assault tree is also my class, so most of my skill points are invested in this tree. You can see i work my way down to the AS Val MOD3 but skip the skill that reduces falling damage. The best solution to prevent falling damage is : DON'T FALL. You don't need a frigging skill that saves your ass from taking damage for a mistake you shouldn't have made in the first place. When you learn your maps, you will learn safe ways to drop down and not take damage so this skill is useless.
As for the armor. I think 60 armor is sufficient to have. I have 40 armor but another 20 armor from clanskills so that's why i took 20 less armor from the scout tree after my last respec.

most important skills : -5 recoil / damage buffs. 

Destroyer tree :

I spend SP in the destroyer tree for 2 main purposes: Getting more ammo for prokills and even more important -15 recoil.
Odd things about my build : I don't use a lot of grenades, but i think damage reduction for grenades is a lifesaver so i unlocked that and invested 3 more sp in order to get the grenade. If in a future skill reset i desperately need 3 extra skill points, then i will drop the grenades.
Another oddity is the absence of Firestab. I believe everyone when they say that Firestab rules. But still i don't unlock it. Why? Firestab promotes spraying, if i get this to PWN in Contract Wars, i may become a sprayer and handicap myself in future fps games I'm going to play. So no firestab for me. I might one day take it tho and if you are flexible then you should really consider taking it.

Most important skills : -7 rec / -15 Recoil / additional ammo.

Sniper tree : 

To me the most important skill is in the sniper tree: + 15 Accuracy. The +15 accuracy is my main goal in the sniper tree as this is mandatory for getting your guns to 100 accuracy. The dynamic shooting skill is on the path to +15 accuracy, it's nice and this skill causes me to always walk when i fire for more accuracy. The sniping operator skill (faster switching to sights) is on the path too, but i wouldn't call this an important skill. Now, i took the attention I skill because it rocks. When you take fire, you will see from what direction you've been hit. This may not sound useful at first but once you get to know this will rely heavily on it. It rocks.

Most important skills : +15 Accuracy / +7 Accuracy

Gunsmith tree :

As for the gunsmith tree : screw everything besides the updates to the right. True, 25 mortars can be useful, but these don't match my game style for the same reason as i don't use grenades...i forget that i have airstrikes waiting ;) Now those little skills to the right are your ticket to tweak your guns just that extra bit. I took just enough of these skills to get most of my weapons to my desired 100/1 status.

Most important skills : The skills that can make your main hand go 100/1, no more, no less. 

3 reacties:

OlolanDR said...

Somebody can prefer mobility to gunsmith skills.Its very easy to avoid shotgun shells with glock and sometimes bullets...And what can be done with noveske with 100+ mobility?

onemanorgy said...

Yah, i hear you. This build is fit to my needs but others can have different preferences. I left my mobility at this point so other rifles could benefit from the destroyer reloadspeed skill... Am quite happy with my current mobility

OlolanDR said...

Its up to you.Destroyer reload skill affects only AK-12 optics with your build)But its always taken to go further to additional ammo and recoil.I just dont know what to take further more mobility or do like your build with gunsmith.

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