The inevitable IWI X95 review

First of all i have to admit to you that for the purpose of reviewing the X95 i have unlocked the W-Task of the X95 by buying it. (The W-task of the x95 is only 30 Triples so it's easy enough, but i was too impatient and the unlock was pretty cheap.

The X95 is rumoured to outperform the P90 Devgru. The fact that the Devgru has reappeared on VK does suggest that the developers now feel that the Devgru has a good credit counterpart. Let us compare the stats of the weapons. (I'm comparing the tasked x95 with the devgru)


x95 wins by a hair.


Devgru is the obvious winner, but still has 12 recoil. What does this tell us? Well, if you got firestab, the x95 would probably cause it to kick in more rapid, thus in case of firestab, x95 should be favourite. If like me you don't use firestab you will have to become either a burstmaster or instead use the Devgru.


WAIT WAT?..X95 beats the Devgru by a whole 10 points? Unbelievable.


P90 wins by a hair. BUT, taking the extra damage of the x95 in consideration, the X95 wins in terms of dps.


Devgru wins but the x95 doesn't feel sluggish so that will not spoil the fun.

Reload speed.

Again the x95 wins.

Ammo capacity. 

Both have the same number of magazines, but the devgru has 20 bullets/mag more, making the Devgru the better choice for ammo preservation for prokills.


And yet again; the x95 wins, so if headshots are not your thing, then x95 it is.


Well...x95...holy shit, i cant even grasp, just look at this. the Range of the x95 simply RAPES that of the devgru. Where the devgru ends, the X95 is only starting to drop down.


This is not a stat but for the purpose of comparing these weapons i have to say the the collimator on the x95 is a mepro sight. Some love it but due to its enormous red dot it's not very fit for sniping med range distances. Furthermore, Mepro sights conflict with thermal vision, making it even harder to aim. IMO the collimator on the devgru is way more accurate and wins by far.

In conclusion, 

In terms of damage the x95 is better then the devgru and i think it's safe to say that the devgru has gotten some serious competition from a credit gun. This is a victory for all freeloaders and froobs and making the "GPguns are OP"- whinage irrelevant!

Orgy out!

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