Project "o0Ze" aka project SP whore. (part 1)

One way of getting SP is by farming, the other way is to exploit bugs when they arise. Either way, you get a months vacation at best when caught.

Soo, there are a lot of people who have more Sp then they should and the devs don't really seem to care. Perhaps you were lucky and had the skill mastery buff or was able to do easy contracts when there were 0-70 servers but if you didn't and you are level 60 already, well you are royally fucked, contract-wise

In the past, the developers allowed a major gap to be opened between the old generation of players and the new generations.

1st generation is supposed to have access to 1 extra Sp, which is no longer available.
1st generation was "allowed" to farm.. yes, rules about that did not exist for a while. Not everybody did..but many got their contracts completed this way.
1st generation had access to the "skill mastery" skill which would allow many people to have a realistic advantage of 12-13 Sp more then you.
1st/second generation was able to easily do contracts on 1-70 maps. (I'm lucky enough to do many contracts this way)
A short while ago, when contracts were made somewhat more easy, contracts did not refresh, instead once completed you got the Sp, and the next day for some days you got the same contract again. Needless to say, several people payed 50gp over and over again to issue new contracts and managed to get sick amounts of SP this way and not a single thing was done to correct this bug.

Some of the above issues had to be fixed, and some were fixed because of the well being of the game. Anyone with a few braincells would understand. But what is impossible to understand is that there was never a correction in Sp. Never have the developers thought;  "hey but taking all this away is not fair to the newer players, lets find a way to correct this. Sure, at one time it was mentioned that the skill trees would be overhauled and the SP issue would be corrected by giving this to other players, but that was a long time ago and nothing has been heard of it ever since.

Okay, so far my rant, now for some more constructive text.

Like i said, after level 60, your contract progress will most likely stall because of all pro players and stacks preventing you as average player to make pro kills and such. So, the solution, easy enough is to stay <60 for as long as possible. Forget about boosters, forget about levelling fast...drop 75% into a clan and keep your level low.

I would advise anyone to do this when they did not reach level 60 yet. No exceptions.

Now out of this advice i came to think:  How would the itself game react to using this method from the very start of your career so i present to you :

Project oOZe. 

Meet o0Ze, o0Ze is my alt. o0Ze is in clan 6six6, you may have heard of this clan, as this is my failed attempt to start a clan. 6six6 however was never disbanded but stored on an alt. You are free to join me (with your alt's) in 6six6 (rank 3600ish) to dump your Sp, but don't expect 6six6 to be one social's just a tag and a way to dump SP. My heart and loyalty lie only with OhMy

The purpose of o0Ze is to get as much SP as possible before dinging 60. and i will keep you informed on the progress he makes and the obstacles he encounters while playing for SP.

First : in order to maximise all effort in collecting SP, it is almost mandatory to BUY GP. if you want the most, you will need to maximise your input. This is all about noobstomping and investing in even more edges on everyone else. Also, on an alt, you will have to play for contracts, play for progress, not for lulz.

So, i created o0Ze, bought 2000gp, which became 4000gp and immediately bought me 10 skillpoints. I also joined 6six6 immediately.

From 1-10 you are not able to donate to your clan so as of level 10 i donated 75% to the clan. (this is not about the clan, this is about dumping as much XP as possible)

My first obstacle occurred at level 13, where i had to do gold contract #6 : Kill 50 players of l20+ with pistols. There are no maps of that level range so i had to either pay GP in order to skip that contract or buy hardcore early access (30gp). I chose to do the latter. (funny thing is that i managed to win several matches as a l13 player among better equipped high level players.)

The second obstacle was level 16 itself. at 16 you will be able to join 16-40 servers only and at this moment you will encounter more grenades and even armor. Things get somewhat tricky now for a number of levels.

The third obstacle occurred at level 16, where i had to do silver contract #9, 5 headshots on l40+ players..also well out of my level range. So hardcore early access, used my roulette-won KSG and again i won that can ignore me bragging as i did not take screenshots to back this up.

Now my current stats :

Level 17
K/D 3.8
Accuracy 26.6%
Prokills: 10 (the hardest part of prokills at lower levels is not the killing but ammo management.)
Stormkills: 79
Weapons in my posession (had some incredible luck with discounts) : akms, glock, de, mk14 ebr cqb and TKPD (sniper box).
My skilltree : HERE

but now the most important stat : # of SP : 41
My 41 sp mean that eventho i am level 17, i should perform just as well as any average level 25-30ish player.

To be continued,

4 reacties:

Unknown said...

I heard that there will be another way to get SP and it is the CW league and the other tournaments. But I am not %100 sure.

onemanorgy said...

I don't know about that one but that too seems another way for pro players to get an even further advantage over the little guys.

Димитър Борисов said...

As a former big WoW fan i must say that this idea sounds little bit like twinking (except of those 15% ofc)

onemanorgy said...

Димитър Борисов, i'll let you in on a secret.... oOZe will go full twink, in part 2 =)

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