New Gun Announced. Devs starting to work towards weapon customisation?

Hey there,

I just read on VK, that one of the new guns that will be added will be the SIG MPX Submachine gun.

I was silently hoping for the SIG 551 to be added but looking at the gorgeous screenshots of the MPX, i think i will settle for this one instead.

Now, this could of course be gun #1001 but when you google for Sig MPX you will find that IRL this is a gun with a twist. The special thing about this is it's ability to be modified in many ways. Just take a look at this here kickass video.  (It's unlisted so blogger will not allow me to paste the player in this blog :/ )  :  HERE

This gun can attach accessories, different barrellenghts and even different caliber!

Could this be the lead-in to the weapon customisation option and will modification be this advanced? we can only speculate but choosing this gun over the sig 551 does suggest the devs mean business. 

Attention the following are pure speculations and should in no way be treated as anything but a noobs opinion!

Only screenshots have been released so lets do some public speculating. Tier? Credit? GP? ... i'll throw in my 5cents publicly and possibly be all wrong, I dare you to throw your speculations in the comments.

Credit or gp? I dont know, Tier 2,3,4 lack GP SMG's so it could very well be in one of these tiers, but since the devs are flirting more and more with the idea of CR weapons with GP-like stats with high repair costs  (To push making them unbreakable) does also seem to be a good possibility.

What tier?  Assuming the game's layout will not change then the gun cannot be a tier 3-6 credit weapon because all slots are filled already.  Also tier 1 allready has 2 credit smg's, so the tier 2,3,4 GP idea would be more suitable. 

My speculation? Cr or GP don't matter but i hope this gun will be available at lower levels (level20 or so to prevent easy farming of wtask/mods) and will get stronger as you level and unlock further down the modification tree for this gun. Perhaps even increase caliber, mobility or damage.  Wishful thinking perhaps because 1 gun that sticks with you all along does seem odd for a free-to-play model game

Anyway, this gun has my full attention and i'm eager to see what the devs have in store for us!

Oh, one more thing, on VK it was also announced that the VK roulettewheel has been tweaked and now offers 3 times less chance on nothing and more chance on weapons/skill and even gp. I hope these changes will also be added to the fb/kong roulette. 

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