5 moar days guyse!

Hey, as you know there is a clan race going on...that's why I'm not writing a lot now. Not that i am much use to my clan because of my shoulder (Been doing roughly 500k xp where i hoped for at least 2 mil)

In the meanwhile, i got a riddle for you.. let's see how pro you are. I respecced into this test build and I'm soooo totally in love with it that i don't care for the loss of +10 range, and the loss of ACC to silencers (for my sr3m), can you tell what I'm hoping to achieve?

Answer : highlight (select with mouse, nab) the following to see my answer :

I was kinda aiming to get the best of both worlds; stay assault class and profit from thermals on close range and blinkies from Attention III on long range. 
I tested it on lake and got called a hacker within 3 kills, exposing a camper on the small island. Thermals did not reveal him...thermals+his blinkie did..(yes gents...blinkies AND thermals)
Then i tested it on Lighthouse with my noveske. Saw blinkies, aimed and boom dead..without ever seeing who and where he was. (think this will add more cents to the "omg hacker shotted me from godknowswhere" -discussion.

First impression of my new build : I'm so ridiculously fucking in love with it. Amazing. i <3 Blinkies!

Well, see you in a couple of days, when i return with Project oOZe part 2 and yet another post about the latest hacks.

3 reacties:

lollo said...

this skill tree is awesome! But in my skill tree ( only 111Sp) i prefered the scout mobility. i use especcialy noveske w tasked and acrc socom. What do you think of guaranteed detection?

lollo said...

And onether think. I m itali player and i played with you.
You a gooooood player Oneman!

onemanorgy said...

Hey, well i'm not that good, i know my tricks but i'd probably fail hard in 1vs1 with many people. (im old) as for the 111 sp... 111 sp can do wonders, i had a 106 sp build for most of my carreer untill the contracts became easier.... and as for guaranteed detection, well didnt toy with it, and getting it would probably mean me loosing armor or even Assault class..don't like that idea :)

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