As of today, the ORSIS, P90 Devgru, PPSH and MOSINA have been removed from the game. Well removed, the people who bought them (me, me, me) still have access to them, but those who didn't buy will have to wait until they will be added again or perhaps win them on roulette.

The guns are said to be removed to balance the game more, but i personally think that is a bullshit reason because the people who gave these guns a bad name still have them whereas new people will have to do without. It's like the people who farmed a shitload of SP legally all over again. Veterans have those benefits, newbies can go fuck themselves. Why not changing the stats of the guns instead of removing them?

But still lets take a look.

The PPSH and The Mosina are odd guns to the game and they have been on VK only during the celebration of the Russian victory in WW2 for this purpose alone i can understand these to be removed until this celebration is coming again. (these guns conflict with the realism setting in the game, no current force is using ww2 era weapons)

The PPSH, i hate it, inaccurate piece of crap with crappy sight. But still with firestab it is decent and some PRO players can do wonders with this one. So this is one of those : "beast in the right hands" kind of gun which will never be widely popular. SO removal because OP is not relevant here.

The Mosina, Great gun, sweet damage, huge range, very accurate but has a very lousy scope that does not fit with its range. In hardcore however, this gun gives you a clear advantage over other guns but not because of stats, no because you have to load each bullet into the rifle causing you to not loose any ammo when you reload prematurely. So, this in Hardcore mode could be a legendary kill tool but is better ammo conservation really making this gun OP? I think not.

The P90 Devgru. It's an okay weapon, but it isn't widely used anymore. Before the price for penetration rent was made insanely high there were a hell of a lot more P90's around then they are now. The P90 is good, but OP...nah really not. And Currently it's not Noobgru everywhere you look...it's ACR.
The beauty of it is : when i calculate the dps of my p90 and acr-c: P90=4275, ACR=4368. The ACR has Higher DPS, Higher Mobility, Higher Penetration, Higher Accuracy, Lower recoil, Higher Damage, Higher Maxrange then the p90. Why would i use my Noobgru over the ACR exactly (Besides 80 more bullets to make prokills in a srlsy prokill unfriendly environment) Removing the noobgru, isn't accomplishing anything. Wanted a Noobgru? Well it will most likely be back someday but hey... get ACR instead!

The Orsis. Creme de la creme amongst snipers. Fast scope action, fast mobility, great accuracy, high damage. Yes this one is the best bolt action rifle. But is it OP? well the SV98 can instakill me, the AWM can instakill me and yet i get shot by semi auto snipers mostly. The Orsis is pro in the hands of a pro but IMO it's not OP at all.

Personally i think removing these guns is more of a marketing strategy (sales will skyrocket when these guns become available again) or just some Devtrolling but either way, this once again proofs the devs favour the old players over the new players. (Legal Farming / Skill mastery buff / easier levelbrackets / extra SP / OP thermalvision / OP Global detection / GP prizes / free perm GP weapons / etc. )

Devs, srsly.. balance teams, not weapons and respect the new generation of players by closing that damn gap you created!

6 reacties:

Димитър Борисов said...

The chills i got today when i saw guns missing, and the relive that in the spec slot all was under the right count! My trusty old friend Vikhlop was still there...
But if in the PMC armory weapons starts missing i think we all should be worried!

onemanorgy said...

dont think they ever will remove spec guns.. however, if they mean business they should remove the mod3 because its either acr or mod3 these days. Vikhlop, amazing gun but comes with a little too low ammo to be widely popular and needs a dedicated snipertree, perhaps it will be more popular now the orsis is gone but still i think it will never be as popular.

Димитър Борисов said...

Tons of ppl will start crying like little babies if mod3 or arc are removed...
A little off topic - I had like 4 or 5 skill resets until i found the right set of skills for my Vikhlop. I`ll be so happy if you agree(or have time for it) to take a look at my current one and give some advices if i went wrong somewhere...

onemanorgy said...

i be happy to look into it... no problemo

Димитър Борисов said...

gracias vato
So for me the "right set of skills" is ....

onemanorgy said...

This is really tricky, as i am no sniper so i dont know how it is to really have to depend on a sidearm for close combat situations... I could easily say i would never get pistolskills and fast weapon switch.. but then again...in your situation it could be a lifesaver..so this could perhaps be just the right thing for you... what i dont understand is why invest in sonar but not take global detection....I see you have limited sp, 85 isn't much but this build isn't really helping for the purpose of doing contracts...but if you are confident you need pistol improvements, i'd take the sp spend in sonar and put it to more use for your pistol... Anyway if i was you, i wouldnt take my advice in this build without running it through the facebook group i advertised recently as imo only a player who just like you plays with vssk mostly is able to correctly judge your build.

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