Shotgun : Noobs or not?

I have played many fps games, and frankly CW is the first game i play where there's a lot of hate towards shotgun-users. Sure in each and every game i've seen full auto shotguns being called noobcannons but CW goes further. No matter what type or model; shotgun their users are classified as Noobs. Why is that?

First of all, not every Shotgunnoob is a Noob in CW but i allso have to admit that eventhough i'm not a pro player, the amount of occasions i got my ass handed to me by a shotgun user are very to extremely rare. In general, most shotgunplayers are a nuisance at most and have a shitty to "omglol" k/d. There are however very skilled players who do know how to use shotguns AND seem to do quite well at it.

Imagine you are all-in for an attempt to get a prokill...stormkill, ratata 11, ratata 12, ratata 13,14,15,16,17,omg 18,omgomgomg 19 KABOOOOM; 0!! FFS -.- along came a "shotgunnoob" with k/d 0.1 "ruining" "your" prokill with a "lucky" blast. I for one think you have to deserve every kill in a prokill and when you don't succeed there's no one to blame but yourself,  but MAN it hurts to see your killing spree end like this.

Now why would someone choose a shotgun as their weapon of choice?

Shotguns differ from other guns stat-wise. Accuracy and Recoil have no influence on buckshot, so quite possibly people who have lousy skillbuilds find their *normal* guns performing very badly. A shotgun doesn't depend on stats the way AR's and SMG's do, so yeah, people probably get tempted by its near 1shot kill ability. Because it's the only weapon they can perform with.

Best evidence to support my claim here is that you will encounter shotguns everywhere, but how often do you encounter a tasked shotgun with slugs being used? Never. No one is using the slugs, why? because slugs do rely on accuracy and recoil..and without these, tasked shotguns perform even worse then untasked ones.

Sure for the sole purpose of trolling, i've got a tasked izh with 102 reloadspeed on standby waiting to unleash hell, and to many the IZH isn't a noob weapon but man, in all honesty, you pull the trigger and everyone in front of you dies, theres even less skill needed to use the IZH then it takes for other shotguns to operate.

Finally we got an *all new*  full auto saiga, who takes "no skill needed" to an entirely different level. Someone unloads the FAS onto you, you die, it's as simple as that. Thank god the price of the FAS is insane, so noobs who got 1000gp to spare could also consider doing a skillreset and making their regular weapons better.

In conclusion, i'm biased, i hate the living shit out of shotguns, and whenever i get killed by a shotgun and see the lousy k/d of it's user i think "for the love of god man, your making a joke out of yourself". But in all honesty, the design of the games skilltrees can push someone into using a shotgun. Not everyone gets a hard-on from studying skilltrees and trying to find the perfect build.

A clanmember of mine is using shotguns as well, but the day he started CW he swore to use nothing but shotguns because that is the type of gun he likes best. He's got a kd of 1.5+ so in all respect he's performing quite well with it. I practically begged him to respec, but he sticks to the shotgun. In  Real Life i call him a shotgunnoob but in all honesty kd 1.5 ...  i've seen much worse.

So, not everyone shotgunnoob is a noob, lets just hope the real noobs get enlightened one day and realise they miss out on range and accuracy.

1 reacties:

Anonymous said...

I use shotgun, particularly the SPAS, and I have below 1.5 k/d (but probably above 1.0), so... ouch (?). Is that a bad thing? -.-

By the way, you have a good blog dedicated solely to Contract Wars. That's pretty cool.

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