Steps to take for your first prokill. (the prokill guide that isn't a prokill guide)

[edit: since i wrote this guide on 11-3, i've been testing it, and by following the steps i wrote here, i have gained at least 5 prokills making a total of 20 on 15-3. My level is 62 so i raised my total of prokills by 25% in just4 days. Statistics suggest that this guide isn't bullshit entirely!]
Updated 26/11 several changes to the game are active for a while now making prokills even harder. Red text is updated text.  

Some people make it sound easy to do prokills but realisticly, prokills are hard, and a little luck is needed as well. Sure, some of the top clans have players who poop out one prokill after the other, but for the rest of us, every prokill is an achievement on it's own. So yes, prokills are hard, but not impossible.

Furthermore, the moment i write this, i have made 15 prokills. 15 is nothing, so in fact, i'm possibly not the most relyable source of information regarding prokills. I got ADD (=ADHD-H) making prokills harder for me then regular guys as focus and concentration is a big issue. (i could make prokills daily but that would drain my energy, so i tend to fool around more then i'm persuing a prokill) I'm not a bad player, but i'm far from pro so, this guide is aimed for those who havent found their way with prokills yet and are willing to do what it takes to get them.  (currently my number of prokills is 80+ but has stalled some because of my shoulder injury..which make me even more noob)

This guide will not help you make prokills. Only YOU can find out what's the best way for you to make prokills. this guide is about raising the odds that you can do a prokill.

First of all, when k/d wise you don't score high during matches, chances are that you should worry more about improving your gameplay in general then to start doing prokills. A prokill needs either intense amounts of luck or an experienced and skilled player.

Now, you consider yourself to be an above average player, lets follow some steps to help you get on your way.

The first step you need to be doing is to review your skillbuild. A few days ago i did a guide about skilltrees which i suggest you read.
Before attempting any prokills you will have to maximise your guns stats. 100 Accuracy, 1 recoil, reloadspeed improvements, damage improvements you need the whole shitload for a prokill, you want a precisiontool and not some blunt instrument. Furthermore, the extra ammo from the Destroyer tree is pretty much a must for prokills.  (This is ofcourse aimed at AR/SMG gameplay, snipers/shotties have different requirements)

The second step is you needing to adjust to your gun. From now on, you will aim for the head and you will burst or you will not be firing at all. This step is all about conserving ammo, and in general it takes less ammo to kill someone with a headshot (players usually don't have head armor). Dont expect to do a prokill by spraying bullets and shooting people in the butt. Be patient, and become accurate! Stop wasting ammo! Get your most accurate gun and start making a habit of using as little bullets as possible to kill someone. Also, only fire when you know you will kill the guy!

Third step. Familiarize yourself with an offhand weapon. For a prokill, no matter how good you are, chances are quite big that you will have to be using a pistol as well in order to conserve ammo. You need to grow some awareness that you allso have an offhand equipped and instead of killing people with your main weapon exclusively you will now have to analyse opportunities to kill someone with your offhand or even your knife. Is someone paying more attention to whats in front of them then what's coming from behind? Switch to pistol... Is someone not moving after respawn....switch to pistol (or knife)

Fourth step. Take a good look at your loadout. Any weapon is capable of doing a prokill, but weapons you want to attempt a prokill with better be weapons with above average ammo. A silencer can be super too (unless your wtasking your DE/Noveske/AEK/glock18). Also get to know your arsenal and be critical about each gun's ups and downs. Try to find a balanced loadout and try to achieve a situation where your offhand can do stuff your main hand is weak in. For example, a tasked AK12 is very slow (mobilitywise) and is inaccurate at close distances. A pistol like the glock18 has a very high mobility and is superb for close combat...perfect match. A different approach could be AK12 is very loud, a silenced sidearm could be a good option as well. Solid choices of weaponry for prokills would be (cr) AK105tasked / M4A1tasked / P90 and (gp) ACR-C tasked / AK12 / Noveske / P90Devgru
toy with it, but remember more ammo=more chance!  (applies only if you are able to stay alive long enough, can do stormkills? then this is something you should consider, can't do stormkills....ignore this and work on your skillz)

Fifth step. Learn your maps. Play maps, study movements of pro teammates, and get to learn each spawnlocation, campspot, popular routes.Predicting the movement of players everything can greatly help you flanking them and allow you to kill faster because when it comes to doing a prokill you will want it to happen fast and not take your time (time up, focus down ->death). Knowing a map inside out will greatly help you make prokills.  ( Never just experience a map, allways analyse any possible advantages and disadvantages)

Sixth step. Learn the art of camping, area camping and flexible camping. Everybody hates a camper, but in order to do prokills you cannot rule out some camping. no matter how hard people cry. Camping is just sitting in one spot, picking of targets of opportunity. Since the last update this method can be rewarding as no spectator cam is possible in DM, making you harder to detect then before. Be warned however; people tend to ragefocus only on you and the place your hiding. There's allso area camping; sitting in one area moving from 1 spot to another. Theres a HUGE psychological impact coming from areacamping as people know your in an area but dont know where and if your good, every single attempt they avoid that area. Since your not running around, people will know they have other options then your area. (most of my prokills come from areacamping). Flexible camping is a mix of camping for a bit in a good spot, flanking and moving around the map. This method works best for team elimination because when you do this in DM (and your good) people expect you everywhere so they cannot avoid you either.

7th step, try to relax while playing but think fast. When someone curses at you, let them...empty your head and do just that what you came to do for. Getting to 18/1 will instantly release every drop of adrenaline inside you, so keep it cool...mark my words : the second you think "this is gonna be it...this is the one" you will die, because your focus is gone. Also, when there's top10 clans on the same server..either doing DM or are in TE's opposite team be aware that chances of getting a prokill are very slim. (after the demise of the 20-70 servers stacks have become a major problem to prokills, and as lame as it sounds, if you want prokills, you dont want to face a stack!) 

So, now you passed 7 steps. Will these 7 steps get you a prokill? No, these 5 steps can make you a better player and getting a prokill just might be the result of becoming a better player.

Now for some Prokill types.

Prokills don't discriminate, 20=20 but i like to classify Prokills into several types. It's possible to do prokills every map, every gamemode but there are some approaches that help in getting prokills.

Parkside 0-70 - When theres more 0 then 70, chances are fairly good to make a prokill. Be warned tho, in parkside "stormkill" will turn most people into lemmings who have but one goal : preventing your prokill. This you will have to exploit. Camping in parkside is ill-advised, areacamping in parkside can do wonders tho.  (Parkside 0-70 is no more, but parkside is still an option, especially FFA servers. Not because of low level stomping but because of less skilled players who expect to go parkside FFA has become all about stomping nooby noobstompers)

Lake - People visit lake to Snipe, i have done at least 2 prokills just sniping in Lake. However, since everyone is looking through scopes, you can have an advantage when your bringing an AR. Downside :  people want to snipe, so they will hate you for this. So you have to do a prokill as fast as you can before the other players swich to other weapons as well and the situation turns sour.  (Lake has become flooded with AR's and for prokills : spawnkill, lame but effective)

OSM TE - Fairly large map with a lot of places to hide. Try to find where the spawnpoints are and stay away from them. Abuse your team, when they fight the enemy, you will flank them and attack them from behind possibly. Furthermore, there's a couple of good places to camp. Study this map. Stealth is your friend on OSM so be sure to go rambo-style on your enemy.

Evac TE - Small map but offers a lot of ways to flank the enemy. Stealth isn't a huge advantage in this map, flanking is. You pop up everywhere where your not expected. Vip on your team -> Vip's bait and you use your own VIP to get behind the enemy. Enemy will be busy rushing your VIP, so they tend not to pay attention to their rear.

Interchange - Huge map, a lot of places to hide, same as osm but with even more camping-opportunity.

 Site : Keep moving, and either rush or camp a little and move on to the next campspot. Site has lots of places to dissapear but also a huge number of very obvious campingspots to keep an eye on...

Lastly, when you are going to pursue your first prokill, dont start by doing a prokill (would be wonderfull if you'd succed but i doubt it). Instead of going all-in for a prokill, try to improve your kd. First see if you can do stormkills, then see if you can do stormkills and a couple of pistol kills...then see if you can get 15 kills, and more important...analyse what you did in order to get those 15 kills; where were you, was there pro players on the same server, how much ammo did you have left. Learn-improve-learn-experiment-learn-improve.

Oh and realise, you will get killed at 19/1 a lot more then you will make prokills. The feeling sucks, don't get mad tho because when you do get mad, you will fail your next attempt 100%, instead walk it off and realise that the 19/1 means that the opportunity for a prokill is VERY much there!!

Well, this is all the advice i can give you, it may or may not help you get your first prokill, however, i hope you understand that you can't train to do prokills and that prokills are a direct result of skill. You increase your skill, you increase your chances on a prokill.

Orgy out

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