The Full Auto Saiga, the day skill took a day off.

Hello Contractor,

Ever since the announcement of the implementation of the Full auto Saiga there have been a lot of speculation about how OP it would be. Well now it's here for a while and I'm glad that thusfar I haven't encountered it excessively but one of my personal predictions seem to slowly come true, where at first I expected some 1337 members to buy it for trolling and video purposes I expected a second wave of absolutely unskilled people who got infected by the jitters of pro players raping with it.

Sooo there have been surfacing vids of people raping with the FAS. Among them are some highly skilled players making this gun look OP as hell. But is it OP?

I would like to make clear that I have every gun that can be bought in this game except for any of the SPEC weapons, meaning I don't have a Full Auto Saiga and this post is made up purely out of speculation, eating buckshot and finding ways to counter them.

The Full Auto Saiga is the special weapon from the Assault Skill-Tree and cost 4 Skillpoints, 350.000 Credits and a whopping 1055 GP. 1055 GP that is an insane amount, but is it really worth that much? And to answer this question, I think the best approach is to compare the stats of the FA Saiga to the regular Saiga.

As you can see, the Full auto is a stunning 1point more accurate. Tbh, I wouldn't care if it was 100 accurate as accuracy has no effect on buckshot. No shotgun benefits from ACC unless it's tasked and shoots slugs. This means that recoil isn't an issue either both versions have the same recoil.

Now as for damage, the regular saiga does 10 more damage then the Full auto version. So in terms of damage, the vanilla saiga wins. (damage, not dps! Damage output of the FAS is much, MUCH higher)
When it comes to firerate, the FAS is the clear winner, but we don't need stats to tell us the obvious. However, anyone who ever used the saiga knows that eventhough it's semi automatic, you can "somewhat" spam it. SO yes, the FAS fires faster therefore has higher DPS, but will burn through ammo faster too.
When it comes to mobility, the Vanilla Saiga also wins.
Now, as for ammo capacity. The Full auto saiga comes with 40 shells more then the Vanilla version, it has to, because you will waste more ammo due to it's firing rate as well.
Both guns have the same penetration and the FAS has a whopping 5 meters extra maximum range. So that poor bastard who was always 5 meters outside of your reach will now be toast...right.

For the receiving end of the saiga it will not matter much which version of the saiga shot them, it's still a noob unloading his noobcannon onto you. Psychologically however, the FAS might have a panicking effect where the mere presence of the FAS could demotivate the opposite team.

Do I think it's a good gun?

No, I hate the vanilla saiga because it takes about 0 skill to operate, and the FAS does require even less skill to operate. In fact any moron with half a brain should be able to pwn with it. So no, no skill involved; 0/10 - would not use.

Do I think it's an OP gun? I hate to call guns OP, because frankly overall their well balanced and every pro comes with a con...The Full Auto saiga is the first gun which I think is OP (in the right hands), furthermore the price of the damn thing is rocksolid evidence that the devs feel the same way, you have to invest hugely into getting one. The Saiga FA's price functions merely as a filter so that not every noob would go on a rampage with this and render CW a joke.

Do I think it's worth the GP?

No, if it was only GP, I would have considered purchasing one with mere trolling in mind but it takes 4 skillpoints and skillpoints are far more valuable then GP. I would not ever spend 4 gp on a weapon for just trolling purposes.

How to counter a Full-auto noob?

The top con of the full auto saiga is it's absolutely horrible loud noise, you will know there's a FASnoob on the server by hearing it, way before getting killed by it. When the map allows it, you have plenty opportunity to flank and either buttrape them or take them on from a safe distance.

The second downside is it's range. Sure, when you meet a FASnoob headon at close to medium ranges, chances are close to 99.9% that you're in for a fresh respawn. Exploit his noise to gain distance between you and him and abuse his long range weakness.


I don't think we will see massive use of Full Auto Saigas, perhaps temporary, but in the long, except for the occasional troll wanting to cause butthurt. Or a truly pathetic noob who cares more for kills then for his reputation. When you get killed by players like mattiareza or vineeth of 1337, you can moan and cry but you should really recognize the fact that even if they were carrying a banana they would have probably killed you as well, they use it for fun, and not because they need it.
Now, true noobs (not going to shame here by writing names i have thusfar encountered) will be annoying, even more then ordinary shotgunnoobs but they will reverse advertise for this gun because decent and good players will deal with them nonetheless. (what good would a 1000gp gun do if you don't even finish first?)

*FACT* 95% of all shotgun users suffer from TPS (Tiny Penis Syndrome)

I think we have to make a fist against the FAS, if you read this text, promise me that whenever you have a higher score then a FASnoob, that you make sure to write something in the likes of; "my god, the most op gun in the world and still a lousy score"... that should put them in place.

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