Finally an update regarding CW's Recode

Hey contractor,

Finally an update regarding CW's Recode...bloody lazy devs..oh wait, this is finally a onemanorgy update as well *ashamed*


I have been suffering from a shoulder injury which prevented me from playing or even sitting at my pc, so yes, i have been away. but i'm back(-ish.)  This blog is not dead, yet. I say "yet" because i am currently planning on evolving this blog. Frankly the whole idea of "onemanorgy's" blog has left me with a feeling that i am constantly trying to suck my own wiener and then telling myself how nicely i suck. That's called "autofellatio" gentlemen and i'm not into that stuff.

 My future plans are to move to a facebook community page (not group) and collect more people (veterans) who like to share their experiences and opinions regularly. So instead of one person writing his 5cents every blue moon, you will find a page much like the contract wars facebook page that will (if i can find the right people) function as a CW magazine and I'll be just one editor.

The page is far from done, and i cannot give you an estimate on when or even IF it goes live, but when it does, will be the place to be but for the next while you will have to deal with me and my lazy ass, right here.

Enough about me...the Recode!

Our Community Manager (Nqss) has posted a bloody good post on Kongregate in which he responds to yet another "this needs to be fixed" post.

Once again, bugs are not simple to fix with current version.Try to imagine ball of differently colored yarn. You want to pick one color and you pull it and pretty much you pull whole ball.This is how game was programmed from start and i already explained, it was made originally by 5 studs (4 years ago). Right now, because we realise that this code is a complete waste of time and nerves, we are remaking it. So we would fix bugs and implement new features fasters, majority of our programmers are on it, because THERE IS NO OTHER WAY. There is no simple way of fixing this stuff, because it WILL provide bunch of new bugs or even make game completly unplayable.Here is some facts, sights / scopes were fixed couple times, but game still screwing them up again.There is nothing in code that could provide some bugs (it shouldn’t), but they appear.
So yeah, we are hoping for it alot.The new code defenetly would allow us to implement:Advanced weapon costumisation, with ability to use different handles and different animations with one weapon (and not creating new animation for each weapon/handle), with ability to move scopes back and forward on railAdvanced animation system overallAdvanced net code, with increased possabilities of what one server/room can handleNew gameplay features / gameplay changes are more easy and wont screw up the whole gameFaster way to implement and compile new contentEtc etc
We strive for that RECODE because even tasks that looks simple are a nightmare to fix with what we have. And it is not a branding, i just have to explain it again and again, as usually.
YES, scopes need fixes, YES, spawn system need improvements, YES, there must be a balance, YES, contract system needs to be reworked,YES, new maps needed (and those are in development), YES, new modes needed (and one is will be), YES, weapon costumisation and other cool stuff also developing.
What is my point? We are aware of all this, making another thread will just waste some time and nerves
Also regarding the time frame or estimate for the Recode to arrive :
We dont do promises because there might be some delays and what will happen, if there is appeared a problem or error, which provide couple more weeks or even month to do it.You would call us a liers thenHow long for the recode to be ended? Maybe 2 months + time to put the features CW have now to the new platform 
Alright, this is valuable information, and it gives you a dead accurate description of the games current state. It also explains why many bugs are left unaddressed and not much more content is added. If you read between the lines, then i can only imagine that the "League" feature will be postponed until after the recode is done as well (i may be wrong but the text is leading me to believe that such a undertaking would too be a waste of time on the current code)

I'm so ultimately glad we had an update on the recode status i could shit rainbows but i hope we get more glimpses into the future without people going mad.

One thing to think about tho, the recode was announced to take 4-6 months, this was quite a while ago leaving me to believe that the 2+ months Nqss is talking about is wishful thinking... it will probably take (much) longer but he is totally right because the majority of the CW community cannot handle estimates. If he says 2 months, there are legions of people yelling "today, 2 minutes ago exactly the update should have been released..wheres the update"

A lot of young kids play cw, and young kids these days are damn vocal but do know how to mark their calenders so don't blame the devs for not mentioning  things in more detail. 

Patience, folks... things can only get better!

1 reacties:

Димитър Борисов said...

Good to know you are not dead orgy! Just made my day you know...
First i want to tell you that i like the idea for FB community page (i already give it a "like":) ) Its gonna be interesting to see how it will develope.
2nd thing... the sad truth is that most of the CW players really don't get the whole recording story...this is a very time consuming process...

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