Project oOZe part 2

Happy new year you bunch of amazing contractors!

So, project oOZe is going as planned, a good number of SP while levelling slow, if you can drop me a repvote or 2 because I'm steadily becoming one hated fellow. You cannot imagine the amount of hate i receive for pwning stuff, not only am i called a hacker, i get cursed at in every language in the world. (gamer logic 101 : if it kills you, it hacks).

Currently project oOZe is on ice, untill the 12th of January, why? well x2 xp and levelling slow don't mix, that's why.

If you got here because you have seen me in game writing "I'm not a hacker, you can read all about oOZe on" then welcome, i truly hope that when you read some more of this blog, you agree that i'm strongly against the use of cheats! And don't forget, the oOZe account will probably be abandoned or played for lulz only when the project is done, I'm quite happy with my main account and i don't need a new main.

In the comments of the previous part, Димитър Борисов wrote that this project looks like a term long known in the Mmorpg scene as Twinking.
a twink is a character that has stats unfitting to his level (in a positive way), either by equipping OP or BiS (best in slot) gear, this will allow the "twink" to outperform his fellow players that are the same level.

Yes, dropping 75% of your XP into a clan and getting as much xp as possible could be considered twinking and to make it official, i have made oOZe a twink, not just A twink but the twinkiest of all twinks.
Why is oOZe a twink? Well for the purpose of this project, i have put myself on-par with the maximum level in the game by gaining early access to 3 weapontiers, As we speak, oOZe is now level 26 and on a rampage with an ACR-C or noveske! Unlocking tiers prematurely will absolutely and undoubtedly get you hate in levels you have never seen before. Do not underestimate this. People do NOT know that it's possible to unlock tiers and they will threaten to report you and curse at you! Because of some very hateful and stalking individuals i was forced to block friend list access.

Okay, the obstacles i encountered since last update : 

the first obstacle was no obstacle at all, At level 19 i had to do gold contract 14 : Gain 9000 exp points on Old Sawmill map in TDS mode (1 SP). Prior to the project, i have started on yet another alt for a test run and then noticed there were no osm tds mode servers, not even on hardcore. So at that time it seemed my cwtwinkage would have brutally been halted until i reached 40. So in fact my whole project would have failed. To prevent this, i notified our beloved Community Manager Nqss with the request to reinstate rooms for this level and to my surprise, he added them very promptly. Thanks Nqss, you're a champ!

A major obstacle occurred around level 20, because contracts forced me to purchase guns i don't want, and income at 20 is very, very low. The obstacle : Credit-shortage. At 20 i had to buy me the USP, Scar-l, rpk74, bizon. Also, unlocking talents costs Credits next to SP causing my wallet to be dry as hell. I had to no longer limit myself to contracts and play for income. Also the improved roulette wheel helped me restore credits.

L23, gold contract 20 "Kill 35 enemies level 55 or above with HeadShot from PM (2 SP)" I had to rent early access hardcore to get myself into a day7 server. Contract 20 also means : no more easy contracts, from now on gold contracts will be tougher. Remember the last time saying i had no screen shots? well this time i do, l23 pwnage! (Did i own this map? no, but no one seems to realise that the XP multiplier for low levels entering early access is al lot higher then people who are 40-70. As an early accesser it's hard NOT to loose!)

L24, Silver contract 21 "gain 20000 XP in TDS mode" Not really an obstacle but a tedious contract, forcing you to play game modes you don't want to. Actually planting and defusing beacons did speed up this contract tremendously

L24, Gold 22 "Make 10 Double HeadShots in TeamElimination mode (80 GP)" The contract isn't really that hard but takes time, luckily contract expert made it 5 double headshots. Also, the reward of 80 gp...i didn't receive it, Log says it did but i gained only 8 gp. I care more about progress then i do for gp so.. But still, it is wise to make occasional screen shots of your credits and transaction history to have evidence supporting your claim because i can imagine it is very painful for someone who does not.

l25, gold 23 "Make 22 TripleKills" - not overly hard but extremely time consuming, i will do this during the upcoming Holiday.

Current stats :  

Level: 26
K/D: 3.04 (contracts are starting to take it's toll)
Accuracy: 24.8
Prokills: 15 (I'm focusing on getting contracts done, not on making prokills, sure if i grab my dt-srs sniper and go sit in a nice spot I'd be able to raise this amount by a lot but...contracts don't require me to camp/snipe! I can however imagine someone who is looking to make a pro account to pause and do the occasional prokill.)
stormkills: 161
my skilltree : i aim to go down into the global detection section of the sniper tree, but i may very well reconsider and go for gunsmith/assault.

but now the most important stat : # of SP : 67
My 67 sp mean that even tho i am level 23, i now sp-wise outperform 95+% of my current 16-40 colleagues. Furthermore, if right now i cease to do contracts, i would have 103 sp at level 59


If you like to start an alt, you are welcome to join 6six6, the current rank is 1344 and climbing. we got 50 slots to be filled and about to unlock the first assault clanskill. Just apply and i or my associate will allow you access, no questions asked. (But please donate both xp and credits because without this we will never be able to unlock more tiers.)
Oh, and if you happen to have a character with a couple of mil credits stored on it... we wouldn't mind an injection as well =)
Officer positions for active and donating players are available.

Doing my Headshots with a PM Pistol contract.

Playing with the big boys.

7 reacties:

Anonymous said...

hey there!
Could you explain me the Blinky effect? like, does it affect all enemy players when they ADS and I see the blinks?

onemanorgy said...

You mean the blinky effect from Attention III ? This blink will occur when people who have a rifle with a scope will aim through it. So, imagine yourself on a map like lighthouse, and some camper with a sniper is hiding and is aiming through the scope it will blink. (only scopes, NOT collimators) .. Downside is that Sniperclass players in a clan with sniper skills unlocked will remain invisible!. You can check this effect for yourself by playing hardcore mode... you get the blinky by default in hardcore.

Anonymous said...

so basically I gotta reset. I have the blinkies now. am at lvl 52 with a total of 83 SP's(bought 5)...........I'll reset after 59 and gp purchase. Thanks tho!

Димитър Борисов said...

Hey there!
Glad to see that oOZe is going SO well! I mean 67 SP on lvl 26... in a 16-40 lvl surver your presence must be devastating blow on all casual players. From all that i saw on the fields around Tartakov probably half of those casual PMCs lvl22/27 have roughly 35-45 sp. So sad that they wont even know that a twink mow over them and will call him hacker ...

To omotakun I have to must say that Attention III is a very addictive perk to have, if you are in the antisniping/sniper hunting type of gameplay you will enjoy in even more.

Anonymous said...

well Mr. Димитър Борисов(I DON'T KNOW HOW TO PRONOUNCE THAT AND I'M SCREAMING INSIDE TO KNOW, G Translate says Dimitar Borisov, but I need to know from you), I have blinkies and may I announce that on my main, I have gotten the infamous STEALTH HUNTER just yesterday. Way to go off before the devs effed us over with this discount nerf, no? XD

Димитър Борисов said...

Yes its Dimitar :)
So... Attention III whit STEALTH HUNTER... idk my friend... i prefer silenced weapons. But sneaking around LH whit Stealth Hunter and a shotgun i think will be pretty scary :)

r0ccat said...

I made an ignore application IGN: r0ccat

Ps nice to follow you in your blog :)

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