"Alliance" Rant time, and how my support for clan STONE is growing!

(this topic is purely my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect that of any of the clans or groups of people i am involved with unless specifically mentioned and accompanied by a source)


No not really, IMO STONE should be monitored very closely for irregularities and banned at first sign of illegal activities.
BUT .. ever since xARMx became STONE i have seen 0 of their members who were hacking. Perhaps the ones i encountered fly straight and the rest hacks, i don't know but i did NOT see STONE members hacking. Period.
What i did see, is STONE members who have had amounts of SP that can IMO only be the result of farming, but i have personally reported those to NQSS and he investigated and assured me that the members involved have spend enormous amounts of GP on contract skipping.
The STONE i see nowadays are people who are not afraid to antistack (Edit : sometimes. I Just pounded some stones that were blatantly stacking)  and don't run away when they go negative in KD. And for that, they deserve at least a some respect!

But enough of STONE, now allow me to introduce to you an even more fucked up story!

For a while now, i have this list in my head of clans that only stack. But in order to shame them and still feel good about it, i needed a way to collect conclusive evidence that would undeniably and statistically proof my accusations. I really don't want to go about and accuse clans that do have antistackers in them as well.

Well, long story short, the list in my head still exists and i don't have conclusive evidence to justify shaming them, furthermore i have encountered antistackers in the clans i thought were stacker clans. So.. i can give you little to nothing.

Until this shows up:

This is from Elite, clanleader of CCCCC posting a video in which he explains the rules of 5c. Mind you that the following is not directed at Elite alone but by ANY clanleader who is involved in this (or such an) "alliance" and forces their members to do the same. This also applies to the clanleader of SYR, who posted this:

These rules effectively FORCE 5c and SYR members to stack with a number of different clans, clans that have members in them that could wipe you like a noob alone. But no, now they have an "Alliance"


"A l l i a n c e"

well, you call it an alliance, i call it (pardon my french, but read very closely as i mean every word of it): being cancerous tumors to the CW community! GG in becoming even more poisonous then your very arch enemies; "STONE" (A clan which i have not seen hacking since they left xARMx and now at least have the guts to go vs stacks.)


A clanleader who kicked ALL of his members because they didn't have the level of skill he desired now forces his members to become mindless noobs and hold hands with other players in order to stomp noobies... What are you going to do when teambalancing measures are introduced to the game? Kick em all again because they turn out to be only decent players when in stacks?


My god, never have i heard such a sorry excuse for stacking. Stacking? Unfair teams? ...nooooo we are only alliancing. Look at us Alliance the fuck out of these noobs... Excuse me while i alliance.


It's the biggest and sorriest (that even English?) joke i ever heard in cw. And these clans, if they honor this "Alliance" Have just won the Golden 2015 Stacking trophy. Excuse me sir's but you are pathetic P.O.S's and your alliance has just killed the last bit of balance in the game! GG!

But seriously

If you feel like playing with each other, go on teamspeak, or meet up and then stack...  Fighting vs clanmembers is useless because fairness get rewarded by loosing killstreaks and achievements, not playing vs other clans is a true sign of being a pathetic bunch of losers who are afraid to face opposition.

"The mighty alliance of cowardly stackers killing the evil forces of STONE" 7-2.

Shame on you ccccc, and if this little agreement is also honoured by the rest, the previous also applies to BIH, SYR, EAGLE, TRTN, STORM, NXUS and allegedly 007. You have succeeded in disappointing me BIG TIME.

If you feel your clan is wrongfully in this list, please do respond but for now i have no reason to assume Elite is posting false information.

Now, to any of you, what do you prefer more, a small minority of players that hack and ruin your day? Or a massive alliance that ruin your day legitly all day long by stacking the fuck out of you?

Personally, i take the occasional hackers. thxplz.

One dissapointed orgy, out!

(ps, do send in your screenshots of this "Alliance" in action)

Update:  Whether you just don't like him, or outright hate him, he is abso-fucking-lutely right.

gg Sean! Restecp!

update 2 : it was mentioned STONE and LegCW having an alliance first. I have not seen proof of this but either way. Alliances are wrong. very wrong and the above also applies to this alliance (if confirmed)

update 2:

GOD and OhMy will not join any alliance. How about yours?

 Mad respect to GOD!

OhMy have been fighting wrongs in this game since day one and i love my fucking clan for it!

10 reacties:

Unknown said...

Very good article, thanks. But Stone is not alone. After this article, I hope many will understand why Stone made an alliance with LeGcW.

onemanorgy said...

Well anton, i don't approve of alliances in general. But i do feel that the devs, and gamemods should be the ones correcting wrongs in this game and not a vigilante brigade of clans forgetting all abould collateral damage and hurting a lot of people who arent interested in clanpolitics and just want to have fun.

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Yes, I absolutely agree with you.
But I can say for us (LeGcW and STONE), even interesting to fight against all =D aka MoL4aHka

Unknown said...

yeah I agree with you.It's a pleasure reading your posts!I got relly dissapointed when i heard about BIH and STORM,others were doing that already.(not talking about everyone).And no,my clan won't make such desicion.Why?we're n00bs,we play for fun,not for ruining other people's days.
P.S. I am that n00b guy you met on parkside as 0oze.

onemanorgy said...

Good to hear that, giorgi. Eventho im in ohmy and run 6six6, id rather die a noob then be a stacking 'pro' whilst 'alliancing'. Mad respect for your clan.

Unknown said...

Thank you.Already saw their alliance in game.they love FFA servers you know...I'm pretty sure if balance will be implemented their "alliance" will die instantly :3
And stone has loads of farmers.just look at their profiles.

onemanorgy said...

dont hesitate to send in pictures... they need and deserve to be shamed. (balance will expose the majority of these clans as very lousy players)

Unknown said...

https://www.facebook.com/KaOss66/videos/735895083188618/ just read comments and find out,how strong their "alliance" is.

Unknown said...

"update 2 : it was mentioned STONE and LegCW having an alliance first. I have not seen proof of this but either way. Alliances are wrong. very wrong and the above also applies to this alliance (if confirmed)"
First Alliance Clan LeGcW was in 2014 with the clan DR, after which was an alliance with a clan LAD .
Alliances have always been , no one ever paid any attention to it.
P.S. If you have friends in another clan, so why not help them ?

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