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As you know i regularly help out friends by advertising their works.

This time i would like to bring the youtubechannel of Colonel Twerkins to your attention. 
Colonel Twerkins was featured on the official CW Page a couple of days ago but i want him to have more subscribers. 
A couple of weeks ago, Twerkins joined the Legion of 6six6 and because of him being a great guy and very dedicated to the clan he made officer pretty fast. (you can join us in 6six6 if you like) 

You can find his video's :

Now the comments on his video on the CW facebook page were mixed, so why do i advertise him?
Simple my lad, remember this one guy who liked writing and loves to play cw so much he decided to dedicate a blog to it? that guy was me. I ain't no pro, i just love the game and do what i love to do. And so does Twerkins.

CW videos should be about the love of the game, not a collection of prokills or a "see me owning the shit out of everything". Those videos are nice too, but theres "average joes" like myself everywhere!

Fun, and doing what you love, thats what Twerkins and CWStacks have in common. Dont forget that. Not for a moment.

6 reacties:

Unknown said...

are you going to join 6six6 with your main too?

onemanorgy said...

No, i'm quite happy in OhMy, and my friends in OhMy have no problem with my sidegig. But currently i'm in OhMy mostly for its outstanding community and kickass fellas because i have grown tired of facing one stack after the other when playing with onemanorgy. Currently i play with oOZe much more then with orgy, but in the future i will be more active on orgy again. I think i can combine these things... and since i'm no longer a facebook mod for cw, i have massive amounts of spare time :D

Unknown said...

did being a mod take so much time?

onemanorgy said...

I was one of the first group of fb was hard work and there was a period of several months ive been the only active mod... 1 mod vs hundreds and hundreds of questions yes it took me 4-5-6 hours per day to answer them all. And the reason for me quitting was that it became a dayjob. Nowadays there are more mods and silly chat is ignored so the mods now have it lots more easy. another reason for me quitting was the very poor job facebook did on their own system. The facebook behind the scenes is absurdly bugged and is in no way fit to deal with the number of people the page attracted.

Unknown said...

By the way I watched a guy you made advertisment, I liked him more than others, he is so positive about every kill he makes)very cool) he makes mood better very fast

TheBrohamNation said...

Love that comment^^^

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