Cartoontime 2 : CW 2015!


3 reacties:

TheBrohamNation said...

That makes me so mad when they are all congratulating each other, "Oh man you guys are so kool!" "Hey Player 1 you are Pro, do you have FB?"

DrGonzo said...
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DrGonzo said...

First of all thank you for this blog, i have read it for i think more than a year now from time to time, it helped me a lot and i still like it more than all these youtube stuff. Today finally i had to clothe this thought into words and i put it here as i think it is appropriate to the cartoon...
Yeah, stacking is in my opinion one of the biggest problems of the game right now. And i only say "one of" as there might be others i can not think about right now. If i´m wrong tell me please but i think there has been a lot less stacking about one year ago. Nonetheless the solution would be so simple. A Team-Autoselect that takes into account clan-membership would most likely reduce stacks drastically, furthermore it could take into account Players level, average k/d,and and and. If i made a huge mistake in my considerations i would be happy to know about, but im thinking about that for some time and haven´t found one. Of course you could argue "what about friends that want to play together"? But the answer is simple, go into a clan, there are a lot that dont give a damn about k/d and so on, or if you dont want that, form a own one... And there might be a lot more problems like that but i´m confident that they are solvabe.
And don´t get me wrong, i don´t belive i write a comment in a blog and hope that this will change everything but i wanted to get this off my chest and hope some will read this and think about...

DrGonzo, who antistacks and fails regularly but wont stop to ruin streaks ;)

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