10 Things that bother or annoy me in Contract Wars.


10 - Time to spectate should be increased. (ex :frapsing a farmer will get you kicked because of inactivity before you get solid evidence)

09 - minor annoyance : k/d should have one extra digit. mine is 2.24 As you kill more, k/d starts to act as a buffer where a couple of bad or great matches will not influence k/d at all, another digit (2.245) could tell me wheter my kd is going up or down. (currently i have to calculate it manually)

08 - there's a shortage on servertype x and an excess of servertype y (theres a handfull of bay5 servers which are full and a shitload of station maps which are allways empty) (from a 60+ pov)

07 - it takes 50 gp to make someone an officer in your clan, but you can only donate 200gp to the clan. the reasons behind the 200gp are clear (preventing fraud by making alts and sending their gp to the clan) .. i think 50 gp is fair, but a credit payment should allso be an option for those who do not want to have 150 excess gp rotting away in the clanbank.

06 - i really would like to see my global rank, not just that of the top300.

05 - Spawnpoints should be redesigned. Currently theres spawnprotection which is a bloody mess by itself, but the problem is not time of invulnerability but the design of spawnlocations. (spawning right in front of premium camplocations is rediculous)

04 - quadkills are not registered in your stats... while there is an empty place where quadkills would fit nicely. Quadkills and prokills are the games most prestigous achievements... yet quadkills are missing.

03 - Team elimination, not a teamgame at all. Needs some modifications to make people actually want their vip to survive. Team elimination is fun as it is, but for now it's best to rename it to; "Nobody likes a VIP"

02 - People get banned for farming or cheating. Where in fact it's pretty hard to find the actual rules of CW. allmost every online game forces you to accept or decline their Terms of Service ingame, which has to be redone every patch..yet CW doesn't but bans are handed out quite frequently. Last patch added a link at the bottom of the CW window with "privacy policy"...a link "rules" or "TOS" should be right beside it. People want to play, not go on a hunt to find the rules. This doesnt only affect players but clans can be a victim of "bad apples" as well. This is not right!

01 - Boosters influence score, making CW pay to win. The results of boosters should be calculated seperately and not influence scores. Current situation is really absurd!

2 reacties:

Unknown said...

Still love the game :3

onemanorgy said...

oh yeah.. i really love CW, the fact that it's not perfect makes it fun in it's own way

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