Guide : The basics of a "good" skillbuild (from a personal perspective)

[Disclaimer] The CW devs have planned a huge overhaul of the skilltrees which is about to go live in a few months, at that time this guide will be obsolete, but i hope that by that time you know how to work with a skilltree. Furthermore, i do not claim to be the inventor of this build, sure, no one needs to tell me where to spend my SP, but if you study the builds of high ranking players who give access to their profile you will see that most of these players have many, if not all of these talents enabled. There's no taking credit for common sense!

If you might have noticed, i do quite often say "bad or good" skillbuild. In this post i shall explain what i think is absolutely basic in any decent skillbuild.

Now, this post is aimed at those who do not know how to make a good skillbuild and i am fully aware that there are lots of skillbuilds that are more situational and get you loads more xp then focusing on a basic build. For example, when your in a clan that has "gunsmith spec I" you might want to get 25 mortars, fill up the rest of the gunsmith tree and rape the shit out of bay5 by utilising the fact that you get mortarstrikes faster. This is what some of our pro russian friends do (and hide very well by blocking their profiles)

But enough of that, a pro will allways have a build custom fitted to their own needs and desires. They know whats best for them!

As i mentioned in my post about skillresets i strongly feel that improving your weapon's stats is more important then anything else in this game. By improving your weapons stats i do mean exclusively +x ACC/-x Recoil/etc and NOT stuff like "ten times more accuracy when you do the hokey pokey and you turn it all around"

I have cooked up a visual implementation of what i think is a solid but basic skillbuild. I was reluctant to make a picture of this tree as i do not promote mindlessly following a guide. Instead of just adjusting your build to this one: For the love of god, don't be a sheep and at least try to grasp why i do things this way!

Goal of the SP spend in the Sniper-tree = Getting as much Accuracy as possible!
What's the red box doing in the Sniper-tree? : this is not an improvement of your weapon, it shows you from what direction you are hit, thus greatly improving chances you survive enemy fire. This might sound unnescesary and you will have to adjust to it, but in a short time you will notice you will rely heavily on it. (when you make a new char, you will miss this intensely!)

Goal of the SP spend in the Destroyer-tree is Less recoil, recoil makes every new shot of your weapon (in sequence) less accurate, so we would like to have a 100accuracy/0 recoil weapon. (1 recoil is the best we can do however). On our way to -15 recoil we pass through 2 extra mags which is helping a lot to get prokills, and the <50 mobility=+15 reloadspeed, fairly useless to a basic skillbuild but it's nice for low mobility weapons like the tasked AK12 or the I..ehh oh nvm that one =)
What's the red box in the Destroyer tree? : Getting a handgrenade is fully optional and by no means a basic need, but i think the -30% damage from handgrenades is a must in terms of survivability. Buying the handgrenade cost only 3 more SP from this point, and a handgrenade could be handy at times so why not get that nade?
Firestab? : Not basic but optional. (I for one refuse to utilise this, because this promotes spraying)

Goal of the Assault tree is to get +15 damage while getting a recoil improvement and reloadspeed improvement while we head in that direction.
The red box? The second damage upgrade is a GP upgrade, it's good, if not great to have, but by all means if you do not have a lot of GP -> The +15 Accuracy buff from the sniper-tree is way, way more important! Do not get this upgrade instead of +15 ACC!
Oh, but mr Orgy, why dont yo think range and penetration is basic. Not many people have headarmor, most pro's dont have any armor at all, so penetration is useless if you aim for headshots! Range on the other hand could be nice but it's just a futile improvement you will hardly notice.
Now, if your'e like me : not a pro, you might want to consider getting some armor, i will spare you a long debate on why armor is more effective then the regeneration skills, you just going to have to take my word for it, but never forget : most pro's have no armor and armor are secondary improvements at best! That, and even a 1000 armor will not save you from a shot in the coconut!

Goal of the Gunsmith-tree is to complete your creation, with all the above upgrades some of your weapons might be 98% accurate and have 4 recoil, this can work really well, and you will hardly notice further improvement, but taking your build just that small step further can help you do those impossible shots. The gunsmith tree is targeted at TASKED weapons, so it's useless for your GP weapon that comes with silencer and holosight from scratch. I put a large red box over the skills that matter because i want you to choose those YOU need. Got a silencer -> get all silencer related buffs. Got a holosight -> get collimator buffs. Got a scope -> get scope buffs. But when you do spend sp in the Gunsmith tree, do remember that 100Accuracy + 5 Accuracy = 100 accuracy! so dont wast SP on Accuracy if your allready at 100 Acc!

Now, i sure hope all of the above has altered the way you look at the CW skilltrees, if not, well gl spamming your saiga's or spasses. But if you did, i hope you are able to take a good hard look and do some research on where to spend your remaining SP.

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