
Well, it's done, i did my ACR-C wtask and i did it all without using the iron sight. Well..i just might have used it once or twice but there really was no need to.

In my previous post i mentioned that the ACR-C could be considered a mix between P90Devgru and Noveske but when i completed the task the ACR-C really is an improved version of an allready incredible weapon. Can you guess which one by looking at the stats?

Wtasking this makes the ACR-C a lasergun. 100/1 at just a small drop in damage, and some loss of mobility.

During my w-tasking sessions, i got both a lot of admiration, as wel as curiosity about the ACR-C...but the reactions i got most were all HATE, lol, more then before people wanted to have intercourse with my mother or even myself. And every time people were telling that this gun was OP, i answered "it's not op..i can do the same with my M4A1"

Lets have a look at the m4A1 :

And guess what.. the ACR-C SOCOM IS the M4A1's Bigger Brother. Same acc,rec,dmg, range, pen but with improved firerate(neglectibe) , mobility, reloadspeed and clipsize. The collimator is the same as the p90 Devgru but red instead of green so it will be both loved and hated by many.

The ACR-C improvements over the m4a1 are usefull but not enough to make an upgrade from your m4a1 mandatory. Furthermore, this is not the best AR ingame, Personally i think it beats the noveske by a hair, but arguably the ak105 still reigns as best weapon ingame!

I loved the M4A1, but this will be my new favorite. 

Orgy out.

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