Skillreset YES / NO / WHY / WAT?

The decision to do a skillreset is allways hard, as you will loose all of your credits invested and half the GP spend. If you are level 50+ and don't have about 200-300k credits to spend on a new skillbuild then do not reset your skills because you will suffer from the inability to "buy"stuff you like!.

(warning : These 200-300k credits are not for the price to do the actual skillreset but for spending on skills AFTER the reset!)

Furthermore : the Skills that matter a lot cost GP. +15 ACC and Second Damage buff from the assault tree, if you do not have this kind of gp then postpone a skillreset untill you do a skillreset but take the amount of SP needed for these GP skills into consideration and save these!

Okay, you have the Credits and the GP needed to do a skillreset, now why would you consider a skillreset?

In every game which offers different skilltrees theres usefull skills and very shiny but "useless" skills. Theres allso the impatience factor. when leveling, most players look how they can spend the amount of skillpoints they have instead of waiting and plotting a clear plan. I'm an experienced player when it comes to skilltrees and even i fucked up initially.

Now where do you need to spend your skillpoints and why?
the following is purely based on players who use either assault rifles or smg's and is based on what "i" think is common sense! (shotgun players do not need accuracy or recoil buffs)

Rule #1 : Forget about the shiny stuff ; Weapons (main weapon that is) FIRST! Say you got a gazillion mortars, when your gun sucks, you will get no mortarstrikes at all!
Rule #2 : A good skillbuild utilises more then 1 skilltree. Do not be restricted to 1 single tree.
Rule #3 : Stick to your plan. You got 3 sp..skill x cost 3 sp..let's take it. LET'S NOT! Never buy anything because that's how many SP you have.
Rule #4 : If u use Wtasked weaponry take the acc and recoil talents from the gunsmith tree into consideration when following the following steps.
Rule #5 : Your skillbuild is the most important asset you have ingame. Use a site like to plan your skilltree and stick to that choice. This site will help you prevent mis-purchases! Plan - Learn - Predict your path! after a while you will grasp the whole skilltree idea for yourself. It's not hard.

1) Accuracy - If you cant hit what you aim damage or any other buff will matter. Accuracy upgrades are in the sniper tree -> get them before anything else!
2) Recoil - If you need several hits to kill someone then Recoil becomes a very big issue. After each shot, recoil affects your accuracy in a bad way, so Recoil and accuracy go hand in hand.  Recoil talents come from the destroyer tree ->get them!
3) Damage - So, you can hit hit them harder. Damage upgrades can be gained from the assault tree.
4) Range - There's 2 range upgrades. Long Barrel 1 from the scout tree and Long Barrel 2 from the Assault tree. IMO getting long barrel 2 will be beneficial to you. Long Barrel 1 takes more SP and from a personal p.o.v i dont have it, and i don't miss it either.
5) Survivability. You now have a "good" weapon, now to save your ass. Getting the -30% damage from grenades is a must-have. If you are a pro player, this is about as much survivability you ever need, if your not pro (like me) then i would like you to consider to get some armor. (no health regen!) 60 armor should be more then sufficient!
5) Utility. Some people argue whether a grenade is important yes or no. I feel that the -30damage from nades is mandatory. A grenade is only a 3 sp investment after this. 3sp...i would seriously consider taking the grenade. Sure you might not allways use it, but it can be damn handy at times!.
Furthermore i consider Mobility a part of utility. Getting these from the scout tree can make your life somewhat more easy but do be carefull because getting too much mobility can affect the reloadspeed vs mobility talent from the destroyer tree to the point that your mobility is to high for it to work (would be a shame to have 51 mobility while using the IZH shotgun, wouldn't it?)
Also one more utility talent which is really worth getting is the attention 1 talent from the sniper tree. It's allways nice to see from what direction you get hit.
6) The rest. Stuff like firestab can be very beneficial to you, but there's ups and downs. These ups and downs are for you to consider. Also, you might want to dump excess sp into the scout tree if you use pistols regulary. These are however secondary skills...never ever ever neglect the primary ones.

Disclaimer : The above is based on my own experiences and stuff i picked up along the way do not consider it to be the EXACT way to plan your skillbuild. Use it as an eyeopener, try to see what i mean and then take a good look at your own build, does that differ from my point of view? And if so, why?. I'm not a pro player. When you do find a pro player who does not have his profile blocked take a good close look! Furthermore, feel welcome to look me up and take a close look at my skillbuild in game!

If you disagree to anyting i wrote, leave a comment, but please be very specific about it.

1 reacties:

Murdock said...

Master, I am MadMurdock from D00M. Could I have some advices?

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