Contract Wars - The truth about Hacks.

Before anything else ; I have not, nor will i ever use a hack to play Contract Wars. If/when the day arrives that CW is flooded with hacks, i'll probably move on to another game rather then to join the Hackers. I hate hacks and i refuse to make an ass out of myself by using one. I do however have a strong interest in hacks and the technologie behind them.

Now for the good news; there aren't any hacks for CW, well no "live" ones at least. Best evidence for this is the fact that hackers like to troll and post video's of their shenenigans on Youtube. The only wallhacks shown on youtube are all the same movie.

Contract Wars is  a browser game running on the unity platform. Hacks need an executable or process to inject into. The most popular hacks are all based on the same principle and that is the reason why so many games are flooded with hacks. Purely because anyone with a keen mind can use the allready available resources to create a hack.
As for CW, there is no executable to inject into, making CW a no-go zone for the vast majority of "hackers"
This and the fact that CW is pretty small scale (no glory for hackers to be gained) makes CW a near hackfree environment.
It is rumored that the CW Developers are planning a client version of the game. I can only urge them to think twice before doing so, because that might just be the day CW is no longer hackfree.

When i started playing CW, i went to look for communities to gather intel from. I found the Kongregate forums and the Facebook group "Contract Wars Players" to be satisfying sources but i allso stumbled upon the group "Contract Wars Clans" ; a group for and about CW clans.

Sadly i dont know when or why it went wrong, but because of the total lack of moderation on that group the group has turned into a shithole filled with spam and "Hacks" .. Contract Wars Clans has become a stain on the CW community and is a total disgrace to any serious CW player.

As i said Contract Wars Clans is flooded with GP/CR/SP hacks. All claiming to work, all claiming to be undetected, some of them even have testimonies written in the comments about how well they work.

Truth is : THEY DON'T WORK.

All of the hacks that offer GP/CR/SP are either elaborate scams to get your account details, bait to lure you into surveys or recently more popular : you accept them as fb apps and the "hack" will spam the shit out of your friendslist! By using these hacks you either loose your account to some kid OR you will help them make an extra buck by filling in those surveys. Comments on how well they work are posted by fellow scammers or accomplices. If theres video evidence, showing how well the hack works you get either no evidence at all or some edited footage...some of them so bad you can even see how they "faked" the hack. Just take a good hard critical look at the video's.

Why don't they work? Values of GP/CR/SP are stored serverside, and tbh; only a fool would attempt to edit these locally. A simple serverside comparison of values will instantly show that the values have been tampered with. Whereas many other games will just change these values back, CW is extremely harsh. You change these values : BAM permaban!

Hacks claiming they edit SP/GP/CR - etc clientside all have one thing in common..."come back tomorrow"..guess what happens in the meanwhile, Einstein.. you will be hacked and the hacker has 24 hours to do with your account whatever he pleases. Your friends will love you for the amount of spam they receive thanks to your "Hack"

Again, don't fall for any of the GP/SP/CR scams no matter how legit they look...unless you're really, really stupid! If these hacks would work, probably everyone, no matter what level, would be running around with noveske's! (Dont be accusing that level 10 dude with a noveske...he either won it in the roulette for 6 hours or he spend a lot of GP unlocking all skilltrees!)

Orgy out!

2 reacties:

Unknown said...

You exceeded my level of awesomeness love ur blog. !!!

Fucked CW said...

U'r wrong Brother. Are in Cw lot of fucked hacker... They thinking so- everyone retard , and they are the best. But all hackers is homosexual only...

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