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Oh dear god
I really hate the word noob, and i rarely use it. Yesterday however, i had a rude awakening and an experience that proved, without a doubt, that i fit this category and i came to the realisation that I'm not only a noob but ;
I'm the biggest noob i know.
First let me assure you;
- I play FPS games since Wolf3d, so i have over 22!!!F-ing years of FPS experience meaning i was playing FPS games when many of you were still liquid!
- Had many clans in Unreal tournament, quake3, Tactical ops, Halflife, Turok, Kingpin, RTCW, RTCW:ET, SOF2, Delta Force (several) and Call of duty 1+2.
- I was able to win certain maps in UT Assault mode without even leaving my spawn.
- I have been messing with any in game setting i could find my hands on. In every game i played. (I'm the reason the Call of duty 1 quick message menu could no longer be customised because i I made a mod called quickmassage that offered a crosshair ;) )
- I have more then 1000 hours experience in CW.
- I have been advising people on how to do stuff.
but then...
I was thinking, why do people do so well with a noveske without aiming down the collimator. Even at range. So i equipped my novvy and tried.. tried and sucked at it.
Then i started comparing ADS/NON ADS/ADS/NON ADS and it seems i fail and fail and fail when not Aiming down the sights. So, i started to take a close look at the differences between the collimator and NO-ADS and guess what?
After more then 1000 hours of playing this game, this so called FPS "veteran" found that the mousesensitivity in collimator mode is lower and thus allowing you to aim more accurately.
Then, i got this neato logitech g600 mouse with adjustable dpi switch and i chose the lowest programmed DPI mode. and guess what?
It took me 1 death and 20 kills without ADS to prokill for the first time.
So what purpose does this post have besides proving i'm just a big old noob and you should never take any advice from me?
The other thing, if you yourself have trouble performing without use of collimators or even noscoping then you may want to try and lower the DPI on your mouse, or lower the mousesensitivity in the game.
I learned 2 valueble lessons today :
1: You are never to old/experienced/skilled or whatever to learn new stuff.
2: Mousesensitivity is so important that reviewing it is probably worthwhile even if you think you are doing okay!
Ogry out,
PS, plz dont inform my buddies in OhMy, bcuz out of shame i will keep this a secret for them. ehh wait... did i say that out loud?
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Now who's a purrdy boy? |
Hey there you smexy contracting pimps of contract wars it's been a while since i did my last review and i have been thinking about making a video, but you wouldn't like my 41y old trailer trash grumpy potty mouth voice so...back to writing :D
For this review, and to exclude the influence of skills and customisation i will compare the gun with it's base stats. That and some hands-on experience. Also, i wanted this gun bad so i have unlocked a good number of levels by spending GP on games instead of food. Theres only 3 meta levels i have to unlock, but since i don't want to eat air for the rest of the month, this will have to do.
It seems as the devs didn't base this gun on it's compact little cousin, the G36C but gave it an entirely different set of stats which happen to be eerily similar to that of the Colt IAR. So, that gives us a base to look at.
First of all, the devs have continued to put us Thermal-Whores into an even smaller corner by making the EXPS-2 accessible only through the WTASK!, your only alternative sadly is the butt-ugly and close-range only option the; Cobra Sight.
Seeing this, i would almost think that Thermalvision's days are numbered or some major Nerf is inbound.
Good thing is, the day i got it, i got überlucky by winning a secret camo from the roulette!
But now :
El reviewos del HK243 es here-os!
Of the guns, HK243 has the highest accuracy. From a hands on experience, i can tell you that it's accuracy is totally weird because if you use collimators it will feel MUCH less accurate then it's stats suggest...but when using a Spectre 4x (and possibly a nightforce as well) you can snipe pretty successfully on maps like lake.
Hk243 has less recoil then the g36c, as i sorta predicted, but has more recoil then the IAR. With mods, you are going to have a hard time getting this to 1 and this is what IMHO is a little problem with the gun as it also has quite some visual recoil. When using this, you probably want Firestab to make it more accurate but the low recoil of the gun makes firestab a less obvious choice.
Of the guns listed, the HK243 has the lowest damage and this sucks. Really sucks because you can really feel it's underpowered. Its not that accurate with collimators, has significant visual recoil and on top of that, Damage that feels worse then it should. These 3 factors combined make will make you spray a lot more then you really want.
The same as the Colt IAR but a lot higher then the g36c which to me is pretty strange. The firerate luckily makes up for some of it's weaknesses.
Lowest mobility of the couple. Depending on what you want to do with it, it can mean 2 things. Mobility is okay when you are primarily using scopes and thus are the campery type. But for the use of collimators and thus rushing, this will be a problem. Especially when trying to task it. (tripples means flanking, flanking means mobility required)
So, equipping the HK243 means, you need to equip a high mobility pistol (ex, glock) to move around. Sadly, when using the HK, you often will wish for a S&W or tasked DEAGLE for sniping.
Reload speed.
Not looking at stats now, but from a hands on experience i can tell, reload speed is "okay" not too long, not to short. Especially considering you have a lot of bullets so you can reload when it's safe.
Now, If you want to increase reload speed, you are going to have a hard time as well, because from what i've seen, if you would like to use the fast reload for slow weapons buff, you will have to unlock EVERY weapon tier, because only the tromix monsterbreak (collimators/rushers) and/or the nightforce (scopes/sniper) are able to pull that off. Good luck grinding it to level 14.
Ammo cap.
As predicted, same as the IAR, and enough for some serious killing sprees.
Lower then the G36c but the same as the IAR. Sadly, this too contributes to the feeling of being underpowered because you can unload an entire clip on a group, without getting tripples in time.
You can look at it's stats, but i can tell you that when you go sniping with this on lake, range is just dandy.
X-factor :
Aesthetics. If you are a skin-lover then this huge gun will fulfil every need. Because it's bulky, there's a lot of skin it can show. This gun looks sexy as fuck with probably any camo. The HK243 is also BIG, when walking around you will feel like a tank with this huge gun.
80 Tripples. Which is fair but hard considering you lack mobility and damage plus visual recoil and lower accuracy then expected. Mobility makes it hard to flank, the rest makes it hard to harvest your tripples, even when there's a cluster of enemies. My task is at 25%, with not much hours played, so i cant complain but less experienced folks are gonna have a hard time getting it done.
Customised HK243 vs customised IAR (Future, but very educated guess).
Acc= 100 max, so both will be 100 in effect. In the end theres no difference and since the IAR is bloody accurate now, it can only improve.
Recoil: with customisation, the IAR will have 1 Recoil with much less effort. IAR wins
Damage= IAR wins.
Fire rate = same.
Mobility = IAR wins.
Reload speed, IAR wins.
Penetration will be the same.
So therefor, the day IAR will be customised, the IAR will be better in almost every aspect. (unless a Nerf is inbound)
EDIT: The more i play with the HK243, the more i'm thinking about abandoning it and abandoning it's wtask. The gun is underpowered, lacks accuracy and punch to mow down groups. Also its mobility is a penalty on a penalty on a penalty... When i'm in a stack, it's okay, but for antistacking i need "real" equipment. Don't buy this unless it gets buffed.
It's a cool gun and its a nice alternative to those who haven't tasked their IAR because of it's crappy iron sight BUT i feel it's underpowered in a lot of ways and i'm convinced that when the IAR gets customised, the reason to purchase this gun will be gone as well! There's just too little difference between the guns and in fact, the IAR has better stats.
Also ; perhaps i am overlooking the fact that we are dealing with a tier 3 gun and i expect t6 quality, but if i do, so do the devs because unlocking tiers with GP is HELLA CRAZY expensive. Purchasing a fully customised IAR will cost you close to 40-50€
Is it bad? No, but this goes for a lot of guns as well.
What would i not change about this gun.
Wanting EXPS-2, calls for the need to get the task done. Which is unfortunate BUT makes doing it's wtask a challenging "must". I Need the EXPS-2..I want the EXPS-2, so having to go through the tasking process is a logical challenge. Well played devs, but i hope it's worth it, because if its as bouncy as the cobra, i will abandon this gun because i simply can do more harm with other guns, sr3m for example.
What would i change about this gun?
This gun definitely needs a buff on at least one of these things :
Damage. more damage would make up for the visual recoil and crappy sights.
Visual recoil. Needs to get lowered drastically because you need longer bursts to down someone and accuracy is an issue here.
Mobility. What use is a gun that is slow + lacks the punch to deliver when you are finally in position?
Also i keep telling this, but the devs won't budge. Several Russian guns have the low magnification Nit-A collimator, Other rifles have no low magnification alternative. The HHS sight's tool tip says EXPS-2, but the devs say, it's EXPS-2 with different reticle. So thermal whores once again get a cold shoulder.
Should you buy it?
That's up for you to decide.
If you have trouble doing tripples, got stranded at the g36c and IAR wtask...then NO most definitely do not buy it.
If you have the IAR already... well if you like it, you can purchase this but IAR will be customised too and probably give you a gun with even better stats.
If you rent penetration. Yes (because this gun needs to deliver a bigger punch)
If you like to slap your enemy silly. Yes, this gun keeps spraying and spraying and spraying. You don't wanna be on the business end of this baby.
If you like skins. Definitely buy it.
If you like to troll. Buy it, machine gun-sniping on lake is very fun to do :D
If you need a viable endgame weapon. Rent it first and see if you can handle it.
That's it, i tried my best to do an objective review and went even more techy then before, but if you disagree, please comment and let me know how you feel about this gun.
Orgy out!
So, we will be getting a new LMG, cool right?
A lot of keen player have already figured out that this gun is really a fantasy gun and is a cool but weird way of thinking from the devs.
The HK243 is a civilian version of the G36 of which the Compact variant has all ready made the game. When i say civilian version, it means that it is not a LMG at all but a Semi automatic (sports) version of the G36. Sure, it can be modified to operate in automatic mode but then you won't be having the HK243 anymore but a regular g36 instead.
The HK243 shoots .223 Remington munition which is roughly the same as 5.56 ammo which the g36c uses. Difference is that the 5.56 round builds up more pressure and is supposedly unsafe to use in .223 designed rifles.
Now, Compared to the G36c we could roughly get a feeling about the HK243's stats. (the following is PURELY speculation, no one knows what the HK243 will look like)
Accuracy. A compact model as the G36C will always have a lower accuracy then a full barrel length gun. So if the devs honor realism, the HK243 will be somewhat more accurate then the G36C,
Recoil. Roughly the same ammo type will mean roughly the same recoil. Since this gun is heavier then the g36c, the recoil might be a little smaller. But since it's a LMG, i think for balance, recoil may be a higher.
Damage. "Same" ammo, same damage. Devs could buff this to make the gun stand out, compared to the g36c.
Firerate. Should be the same, but could be a little lower if the devs want to prevent it from looking OP.
Mobility. This is a full lenght barrel gun WITH a beta mag, so it is heavier then the G36C, thus i expect mobility to be lower
Reload speed. A beta mag loads the same as an ordinary mag, so reload speed could be the same, or a little lower if the devs give the additional weight and size a penalty.
Ammo cap. I really don't know how the devs thought process is but i assume it will have the same number of mags as the colt iar (7 when buffed with destroyer ammo)
Penetration. Probably the same, unless the devs know about the 5.56 pressure, in that case, penetration could be a little lower.
Range. Same as penetration.
This is as far as speculations regarding it's stats go.
Now, the next speculation : What weapon tier? and will it be CR or GP?
These speculations are based on the current layout and available slots, i doubt the devs will change this.
Tier 6 = full. Both Credit and GP gun slots have been filled in this tier.
Tier 5 has room for 1 GP weapon, all Credit slots are filled!
Tier 4 has room for 1 GP weapon, all Credit slots are filled!
Tier 3 has room for 2 GP weapons, all Credit slots are filled!
Tier 2 has room for both Credit and GP weapons. However, tier 2 has a CR AND a GP LMG, so i strongly doubt this will be a tier 2 gun
Tier 1 has room for 1 Credit weapon and 1 GP weapon. GP weapon slot will most likely be offered to a future ww2-era gun, or the fb/kong Winchester rifle.
Now... Credit enthusiasts, there is only tier 1 in which this weapon can be placed. Be honest here, does this gun look like a T1 gun? I strongly doubt it so it is very safe to assume you are out of luck and the HK243 will be a GP weapon!
What tier?
I expect it to be either a T4 or a T5 GP weapon. Since it is closely related to the G36c, it is very possible to be in the same tier as the g36c. However, the devs could do the same trick as the DTSRS family (t3,4) and the P90 family (t5,6). (This could even mean t3)
Real gun or no real gun, i'm quite curious about this gun. I love the IAR and a more powerful version of this already kickass gun is very welcome but I'm not going to hope for anything this time because the mpx was somewhat of disappointment to me and this...this gun needs and deserves to be OP as fuck :D
As you know i regularly help out friends by advertising their works.
Now the comments on his video on the CW facebook page were mixed, so why do i advertise him?
Simple my lad, remember this one guy who liked writing and loves to play cw so much he decided to dedicate a blog to it? that guy was me. I ain't no pro, i just love the game and do what i love to do. And so does Twerkins.
CW videos should be about the love of the game, not a collection of prokills or a "see me owning the shit out of everything". Those videos are nice too, but theres "average joes" like myself everywhere!
Fun, and doing what you love, thats what Twerkins and CWStacks have in common. Dont forget that. Not for a moment.
This time i would like to bring the youtubechannel of Colonel Twerkins to your attention.
Colonel Twerkins was featured on the official CW Page a couple of days ago but i want him to have more subscribers.
A couple of weeks ago, Twerkins joined the Legion of 6six6 and because of him being a great guy and very dedicated to the clan he made officer pretty fast. (you can join us in 6six6 if you like)
You can find his video's :
Now the comments on his video on the CW facebook page were mixed, so why do i advertise him?
Simple my lad, remember this one guy who liked writing and loves to play cw so much he decided to dedicate a blog to it? that guy was me. I ain't no pro, i just love the game and do what i love to do. And so does Twerkins.
CW videos should be about the love of the game, not a collection of prokills or a "see me owning the shit out of everything". Those videos are nice too, but theres "average joes" like myself everywhere!
Fun, and doing what you love, thats what Twerkins and CWStacks have in common. Dont forget that. Not for a moment.
OMFGLOL can't stop laughing....
belly hurts....
make it stop....
Yes gentlemen, this is the official CW page on VK... but is it a tempban or is cw permabanhammered?
Now imagine the following *fictional* conversation (tfender=Absolutsoft CEO)
VKSupport : Hello there, how can we be of assistance?
Tfender : O HAI Admin, Today i sit at my computer and i have to go poopy
when i come back from poopy i see message about ban. I never haz used hack? unbannedplz?
VKSupport : That's because your ban is for suspicious competitions.
VKSupport : You or someone on your account has posted a suspicous competition, we have evidence for it.
VKSupport : We have evidence and no we will not show you this evidence.
Tfender : O WAIT... my frend haz posted suspicious competition on my account while i was doing poopy. Here he is, wait plz.
Tfender : O HAI Admin, i am Tfenderfrend, i did competition while i was doing poopy. Not him!! Unbannedhimplz!
VKSupport : You do know that you are responsible for your account and anyone who has access to your account?
Tfender : I has access to your mom :( U go to hell... I will DDOS the shti out of U IF U DONT UNBANNED ME NOW.
VKSupport : Is there anything we can help you with? No? Enjoy your ban and have a nice day.
(believe it or not, but i had conversations extremely similar to the one above with banned people back in the day when i was a cw facebook mod)
Edit : CW is unbanned on VK; jokes over but the memory remains :D Welcome back CW.
1: Online time isn't the most important stat but nonetheless can it tell a great deal about a player.
For example. A level 60 player with low hours played is most likely a boosted character, nothing wrong with that, but this low number of hours played can result in a low number of kills. If hours played, is accompanied by a low number of kills, but with a High K/D, then there is a very high chance that you are dealing with an ALT of someone who's mains's stats are too low to get into good clans so he restarted. Good clans can smell this from miles and such people are mostly declined in good clans.
Another example. A level 59 Player with a lot of hours played suggests that this character is donating 75% to his clan in order to level as slow as possible. Why does someone want to level slow? to do more contracts before level 60. So, you can safely assume that this person is spending his time in 30-59 rooms only, which can make him look pro, but he will have a very, no extremely hard time when he finally gets to play vs l60+ people only.
2: Wins and Defeats. This is a nice one because having a high number of wins and a low number of defeats, will expose you as a Stacker. Stacks usually win and antistackers may keep up their k/d's but their teams will loose and thus are registered as defeats. Antistackers have more defeats then wins. The larger ratio of wins/defeat is the harder someone stacks.
This however is not rock solid evidence.
In the above picture, you see the wins and defeats of my alt oOZe. oOZe has a win/defeat ratio of 2.3 . In my book, 2.3 does indicate massive stacking , but.... even though I'm not 100% stackerfree, this ratio is honest as i play my favourite map; site on 30-59 rooms and a lot of times i end stacks and they form on me.
3: (this was posted by someone i don't remember on Kong but it is accurate) Another very tricky ratio; longshots to double headshots ratio, what does it say? well simple, the smaller the ratio, the bigger the chance you are dealing with an aimbotter. My ratio is 5377/176=36; a shitty ratio, Known and banned hackers often have ratios of 4,5,6 Why? because the bot allows you to do easy kills and it does not discriminate, bots make double headshots a piece of cake and hackers don't often realise they are exposing themselves through stats alone.
4: Prokills, well this is a very overrated factor as prokills can give a blurred image of your true skill level. Imagine yourself being level 60+ and a decent player. You will have a hard time doing prokills vs level 60+ people. But wait, lets restart a level 1 character..what would happen? Indeedy, one prokill after the other. oOZe here, is able to do several prokills a day. Onemanorgy (my 65 main) however, can do prokills only occasionally and not consistently. oOZe here has more prokills then onemanorgy...so is he more pro? Nope, it's the same player fighting vs lesser opponents.
5: Wtasks/Achievements completed. Finally a stat that tells something positive about someone. The higher number of wtasks/achievements completed means that someone is Putting more effort into the game. Someone with a high number of achievements unlocked is working towards this and forcing himself to use weapons he would perhaps rather not use. Players with high numbers here are IMO the real veterans of CW, those who try to get as much from the game as it has to offer.
6: Knifekills, can indicate someone likes to do knife-only matches, or is doing his knifekills achievement, but it can also mean that the player likes to prank those who are sleeping, camping or too busy looking through their scope. Someone with a high number of knifekills loves to sneak up to campers and stab them to humiliate them instead of shooting them. ( Allways press the walk key when sneaking up to someone...your footsteps will give you away if you don't)
7: Favorite weapon... Does one buy gp? Is someone a true sniper? Does someone like to spam LMG's.
Favorite weapon tells what style someone has and how to deal with him :D
8: Accuracy ; The most important thing IMO. This stat alone is the reason i don't go and shoot my name into walls or run around shooting like some Counterstrike whore. Sure, working on your K/D is nice, but working on your Accuracy is so much more rewarding, as the higher your accuracy is, the more easy it is to kill...and will affect your K/D in return.
To increase your accuracy, you will have to burst, you will have to aim fast and accurate, and when you do, you will notice that it's fairly hard to get over 20% accuracy. 27% in my case is something i am very proud because i never expected this to happen. My main account has a 20% accuracy, but it's hard to change that as this is my first account, with all beginner mistakes included and a whole shitload of kills which makes it extremely hard to influence my current stats. Even my K/D can outlast a lot of low K/D matches.
Accuracy...work on it, allways. Set goals, think about it when you are spamming and let this be your guide.
So, 8 things, out of quite a few more stats. Aren't they important? well, yes, no..maybe but that's personal, i don't value the number of doubles, ragekills stormkills, grenadekills, etc, much But perhaps they are important to you. Sure, teamkills tell how much of a noob or cunt you are in hardcore but still, this stat doesn't matter IMO.
Orgy out.
Next post will be all about the "Alliance of cowardly stackers" again
(this topic is purely my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect that of any of the clans or groups of people i am involved with unless specifically mentioned and accompanied by a source)
No not really, IMO STONE should be monitored very closely for irregularities and banned at first sign of illegal activities.
BUT .. ever since xARMx became STONE i have seen 0 of their members who were hacking. Perhaps the ones i encountered fly straight and the rest hacks, i don't know but i did NOT see STONE members hacking. Period.
What i did see, is STONE members who have had amounts of SP that can IMO only be the result of farming, but i have personally reported those to NQSS and he investigated and assured me that the members involved have spend enormous amounts of GP on contract skipping.
The STONE i see nowadays are people who are not afraid to antistack (Edit : sometimes. I Just pounded some stones that were blatantly stacking) and don't run away when they go negative in KD. And for that, they deserve at least a some respect!
But enough of STONE, now allow me to introduce to you an even more fucked up story!
For a while now, i have this list in my head of clans that only stack. But in order to shame them and still feel good about it, i needed a way to collect conclusive evidence that would undeniably and statistically proof my accusations. I really don't want to go about and accuse clans that do have antistackers in them as well.
Well, long story short, the list in my head still exists and i don't have conclusive evidence to justify shaming them, furthermore i have encountered antistackers in the clans i thought were stacker clans. So.. i can give you little to nothing.
Until this shows up:
This is from Elite, clanleader of CCCCC posting a video in which he explains the rules of 5c. Mind you that the following is not directed at Elite alone but by ANY clanleader who is involved in this (or such an) "alliance" and forces their members to do the same. This also applies to the clanleader of SYR, who posted this:
These rules effectively FORCE 5c and SYR members to stack with a number of different clans, clans that have members in them that could wipe you like a noob alone. But no, now they have an "Alliance"
"A l l i a n c e"
well, you call it an alliance, i call it (pardon my french, but read very closely as i mean every word of it): being cancerous tumors to the CW community! GG in becoming even more poisonous then your very arch enemies; "STONE" (A clan which i have not seen hacking since they left xARMx and now at least have the guts to go vs stacks.)
A clanleader who kicked ALL of his members because they didn't have the level of skill he desired now forces his members to become mindless noobs and hold hands with other players in order to stomp noobies... What are you going to do when teambalancing measures are introduced to the game? Kick em all again because they turn out to be only decent players when in stacks?
My god, never have i heard such a sorry excuse for stacking. Stacking? Unfair teams? ...nooooo we are only alliancing. Look at us Alliance the fuck out of these noobs... Excuse me while i alliance.
It's the biggest and sorriest (that even English?) joke i ever heard in cw. And these clans, if they honor this "Alliance" Have just won the Golden 2015 Stacking trophy. Excuse me sir's but you are pathetic P.O.S's and your alliance has just killed the last bit of balance in the game! GG!
But seriously
If you feel like playing with each other, go on teamspeak, or meet up and then stack... Fighting vs clanmembers is useless because fairness get rewarded by loosing killstreaks and achievements, not playing vs other clans is a true sign of being a pathetic bunch of losers who are afraid to face opposition.
Shame on you ccccc, and if this little agreement is also honoured by the rest, the previous also applies to BIH, SYR, EAGLE, TRTN, STORM, NXUS and allegedly 007. You have succeeded in disappointing me BIG TIME.
If you feel your clan is wrongfully in this list, please do respond but for now i have no reason to assume Elite is posting false information.
Now, to any of you, what do you prefer more, a small minority of players that hack and ruin your day? Or a massive alliance that ruin your day legitly all day long by stacking the fuck out of you?
Personally, i take the occasional hackers. thxplz.
One dissapointed orgy, out!
(ps, do send in your screenshots of this "Alliance" in action)
Update: Whether you just don't like him, or outright hate him, he is abso-fucking-lutely right.
update 2 : it was mentioned STONE and LegCW having an alliance first. I have not seen proof of this but either way. Alliances are wrong. very wrong and the above also applies to this alliance (if confirmed)
update 2:
GOD and OhMy will not join any alliance. How about yours?
No not really, IMO STONE should be monitored very closely for irregularities and banned at first sign of illegal activities.
BUT .. ever since xARMx became STONE i have seen 0 of their members who were hacking. Perhaps the ones i encountered fly straight and the rest hacks, i don't know but i did NOT see STONE members hacking. Period.
What i did see, is STONE members who have had amounts of SP that can IMO only be the result of farming, but i have personally reported those to NQSS and he investigated and assured me that the members involved have spend enormous amounts of GP on contract skipping.
The STONE i see nowadays are people who are not afraid to antistack (Edit : sometimes. I Just pounded some stones that were blatantly stacking) and don't run away when they go negative in KD. And for that, they deserve at least a some respect!
But enough of STONE, now allow me to introduce to you an even more fucked up story!
For a while now, i have this list in my head of clans that only stack. But in order to shame them and still feel good about it, i needed a way to collect conclusive evidence that would undeniably and statistically proof my accusations. I really don't want to go about and accuse clans that do have antistackers in them as well.
Well, long story short, the list in my head still exists and i don't have conclusive evidence to justify shaming them, furthermore i have encountered antistackers in the clans i thought were stacker clans. So.. i can give you little to nothing.
Until this shows up:
This is from Elite, clanleader of CCCCC posting a video in which he explains the rules of 5c. Mind you that the following is not directed at Elite alone but by ANY clanleader who is involved in this (or such an) "alliance" and forces their members to do the same. This also applies to the clanleader of SYR, who posted this:
These rules effectively FORCE 5c and SYR members to stack with a number of different clans, clans that have members in them that could wipe you like a noob alone. But no, now they have an "Alliance"
"A l l i a n c e"
well, you call it an alliance, i call it (pardon my french, but read very closely as i mean every word of it): being cancerous tumors to the CW community! GG in becoming even more poisonous then your very arch enemies; "STONE" (A clan which i have not seen hacking since they left xARMx and now at least have the guts to go vs stacks.)
A clanleader who kicked ALL of his members because they didn't have the level of skill he desired now forces his members to become mindless noobs and hold hands with other players in order to stomp noobies... What are you going to do when teambalancing measures are introduced to the game? Kick em all again because they turn out to be only decent players when in stacks?
My god, never have i heard such a sorry excuse for stacking. Stacking? Unfair teams? ...nooooo we are only alliancing. Look at us Alliance the fuck out of these noobs... Excuse me while i alliance.
It's the biggest and sorriest (that even English?) joke i ever heard in cw. And these clans, if they honor this "Alliance" Have just won the Golden 2015 Stacking trophy. Excuse me sir's but you are pathetic P.O.S's and your alliance has just killed the last bit of balance in the game! GG!
But seriously
If you feel like playing with each other, go on teamspeak, or meet up and then stack... Fighting vs clanmembers is useless because fairness get rewarded by loosing killstreaks and achievements, not playing vs other clans is a true sign of being a pathetic bunch of losers who are afraid to face opposition.
"The mighty alliance of cowardly stackers killing the evil forces of STONE" 7-2.
Shame on you ccccc, and if this little agreement is also honoured by the rest, the previous also applies to BIH, SYR, EAGLE, TRTN, STORM, NXUS and allegedly 007. You have succeeded in disappointing me BIG TIME.
If you feel your clan is wrongfully in this list, please do respond but for now i have no reason to assume Elite is posting false information.
Now, to any of you, what do you prefer more, a small minority of players that hack and ruin your day? Or a massive alliance that ruin your day legitly all day long by stacking the fuck out of you?
Personally, i take the occasional hackers. thxplz.
One dissapointed orgy, out!
(ps, do send in your screenshots of this "Alliance" in action)
Update: Whether you just don't like him, or outright hate him, he is abso-fucking-lutely right.
gg Sean! Restecp!
update 2 : it was mentioned STONE and LegCW having an alliance first. I have not seen proof of this but either way. Alliances are wrong. very wrong and the above also applies to this alliance (if confirmed)
update 2:
GOD and OhMy will not join any alliance. How about yours?
Mad respect to GOD!
OhMy have been fighting wrongs in this game since day one and i love my fucking clan for it!
Hi contractor.
Sometimes i write and write and write..
And sometimes all it takes is a couple of screenshots to get a smile for the rest of the day.
In the new update, the leupold hybrid sight will be introduced. Check the CW app page on FB or the forums at kong to see more screenshots, i just need 2, 1 really.
And this is how it looks like ingame. Just look at it, LOOK AT IT DAMNIT =)
Look at it and see how it will affect your game. A fully working hybrid sight. this is what i always dreamt of and if my eyes don't fool me, we now got something that is worthy enough to ditch thermalvision,
Thanks Devs... you guyze rawk!! <3
Sometimes i write and write and write..
And sometimes all it takes is a couple of screenshots to get a smile for the rest of the day.
In the new update, the leupold hybrid sight will be introduced. Check the CW app page on FB or the forums at kong to see more screenshots, i just need 2, 1 really.
This is how it will look like.
And this is how it looks like ingame. Just look at it, LOOK AT IT DAMNIT =)
Look at it and see how it will affect your game. A fully working hybrid sight. this is what i always dreamt of and if my eyes don't fool me, we now got something that is worthy enough to ditch thermalvision,
Thanks Devs... you guyze rawk!! <3
Hi princess!
As you may have noticed, there is currently a massive gun sale with HUGE discounts going on in CW for 1 week. If you are the kind of guy (like me) who buys GP, then by all means buy whatever you like
if you are a FREE player, please do yourself a favour and DO NOT BUY A GUN BECAUSE IT IS CHEAP. You will regret it hugely. Buy a gun ONLY when you really support that decision!
(Disclaimer, the following is purely my opinion and people may really be pro with the guns i brand as do-not-buy but i have all guns, and i know which guns i never use and I'm trying to save you from loosing your GP on a gun you will most likely not use, so PROCEED WITH CAUTION )
Guns that are IMO 100% safe to buy are :
- Noveske (but only if you can do prokills to task it)
- Acr-C (Always a good choice)
- SA58 (if you can do stormkills, you get a beast in return)
- ORSIS (if you like to dedicate yourself to sniping)
- SR3M (if you can do a shitload of tripplekills)
- DT SRS MK2 (not the sniper and ONLY when you play hardcore mode. this gun kicks ass in hardcore)
If you already have a good main weapon you can also buy a sidearm. But paleeze.. do realise that main weapons are more important!!
- S&W (best company for noveske / acr-c and sa58 on mid/longrange maps like osm/LH)
- Glock (good sidearm for snipers, tkpd storm snipers, pecheneggers and needed for several contracts so if you buy it cheap, you may just get your GP back from doing those contracts)
- Pernach (lots of bullets 4 legendaries)
GUNS YOU SHOULD NEVER!! BUY (when you have no or low budget) :
- Raging judge (useless after level 60 because of armored enemies)
- Pmm12 cheap but kinda useless, since ironsights are blocked by it's silencer
- TKPD Storm (funny at low levels..useless at higher levels)
- Shpagina (way, way way too inaccurate to be of real use and I've seen only one player (hitnip) truly shine with this weapon in all of my CW days)
- Mosina (great rifle, with super reload feature (no magazine) for HC mode but with an utterly useless scope)
- Golden AKMS (Shiny good but not really a viable endgame weapon)
- HKMP5SD6 (Mp5k amd the mp5sd are just as nice)
- MK14 EBR CQB ( Great gun, but somewhat obsolete since 417D, MDR and sa58 have outclassed it)
- ASVAL Kobra ( Amazing gun, but lacks the ammo to do easy prokills)
- Keltec KSG shotgun (the credit saiga still pwns this cheap but inadequate shotgun)
- G36C (its good but takes many tripples and after you get a "decent" gun, not OP)
- H&K UMP 45, (it's not bad, it's not good, the range makes other guns better)
The guns i didn't mention can be either bad or good depending on your needs/style/maps/etc.. purchase those when you are absolutely sure that it's the gun you need, not because it's cheap!
L8r contractors.
As you may have noticed, there is currently a massive gun sale with HUGE discounts going on in CW for 1 week. If you are the kind of guy (like me) who buys GP, then by all means buy whatever you like
if you are a FREE player, please do yourself a favour and DO NOT BUY A GUN BECAUSE IT IS CHEAP. You will regret it hugely. Buy a gun ONLY when you really support that decision!
(Disclaimer, the following is purely my opinion and people may really be pro with the guns i brand as do-not-buy but i have all guns, and i know which guns i never use and I'm trying to save you from loosing your GP on a gun you will most likely not use, so PROCEED WITH CAUTION )
Guns that are IMO 100% safe to buy are :
- Noveske (but only if you can do prokills to task it)
- Acr-C (Always a good choice)
- SA58 (if you can do stormkills, you get a beast in return)
- ORSIS (if you like to dedicate yourself to sniping)
- SR3M (if you can do a shitload of tripplekills)
- DT SRS MK2 (not the sniper and ONLY when you play hardcore mode. this gun kicks ass in hardcore)
If you already have a good main weapon you can also buy a sidearm. But paleeze.. do realise that main weapons are more important!!
- S&W (best company for noveske / acr-c and sa58 on mid/longrange maps like osm/LH)
- Glock (good sidearm for snipers, tkpd storm snipers, pecheneggers and needed for several contracts so if you buy it cheap, you may just get your GP back from doing those contracts)
- Pernach (lots of bullets 4 legendaries)
GUNS YOU SHOULD NEVER!! BUY (when you have no or low budget) :
- Raging judge (useless after level 60 because of armored enemies)
- Pmm12 cheap but kinda useless, since ironsights are blocked by it's silencer
- TKPD Storm (funny at low levels..useless at higher levels)
- Shpagina (way, way way too inaccurate to be of real use and I've seen only one player (hitnip) truly shine with this weapon in all of my CW days)
- Mosina (great rifle, with super reload feature (no magazine) for HC mode but with an utterly useless scope)
- Golden AKMS (Shiny good but not really a viable endgame weapon)
- HKMP5SD6 (Mp5k amd the mp5sd are just as nice)
- MK14 EBR CQB ( Great gun, but somewhat obsolete since 417D, MDR and sa58 have outclassed it)
- ASVAL Kobra ( Amazing gun, but lacks the ammo to do easy prokills)
- Keltec KSG shotgun (the credit saiga still pwns this cheap but inadequate shotgun)
- G36C (its good but takes many tripples and after you get a "decent" gun, not OP)
- H&K UMP 45, (it's not bad, it's not good, the range makes other guns better)
The guns i didn't mention can be either bad or good depending on your needs/style/maps/etc.. purchase those when you are absolutely sure that it's the gun you need, not because it's cheap!
L8r contractors.
As you can read earlier in this blog i was quite hyped about the mpx as it is supposed to be a very versatile gun.
First disappointment came when the MPX was delayed, this gun would have been the ideal gun to kick of Weapon customisation but the devs chose to delay it until mid-customisation. To me, this is a missed opportunity but gunz are gunz so i purchased it on 42% discount.
Second disappointment were the stats, and this is not just a minor disappointment, this is a deal breaker for me.
In this review i will also take a look at mps's customisation.
(Disclaimer, these results are based on MY skillbuild. YOU could very well have different values but they would most likely show the same trend)
First Accuracy. Accuracy can be 100 with a proper skillbuild and the proper collimator alone. There's really no need for a tactical device if you can manage to do with 2 points less accuracy. Getting your favourite collimator and tactical device for 100 acc, will result in 3-5 points less mobility.
Recoil. Just toss anything on and you will see you will end up with 1 recoil
Damage. The damage of the Mpx is right in between it's t6 brothers; the x95, P90Devgru and the Noveske with 48 points.
Firerate. The firerate of the Mpx is LOW... which results in a lower dps (dmg x firerate) X95 = 4968 dps / p90 = 4275 / mpx = 4032 / noveske = 4143 (noveskes dps is higher in reality because of it's high reload speed).
The Mpx is a SMG, Smg's are for cqb and IMHO cqb these days is ALL about DPS (unloading as much damage on your opponent in the smallest amount of time) which makes the Mpx a less desirable Cqb weapon.
Mobility. The Mpx has decent mobility, right in between the P90 and the X95 but nowhere near as good as the noveske.
Reload speed. The Mpx has decent reloadspeed, right in between the P90 and the X95 but nowhere near as good as the noveske.
Range. It has a short range fitting to that of a SMG, so it's meant for cqb. However, you can get weapons with overall better stats that can be used for longer ranges as well (acr/noveske). With a range this small, i'd expect other bonuses that would make up for it but there simply are not.
Penetration. The Mpx doesn't score high in the terms of Penetration as well whereas with all armor these days penetration is very important.
When speaking of customisation, forgive me for not spending my time grinding those tiers and wasting birds on a gun i don't like but as it seems customisation of the MPX is all about getting your preferred collimator and silencer while keeping your damage as high as possible, finding a balance between accuracy and mobility and perhaps more important, gaining more range.
Now, the conclusion, and for this, i will compare it to the noveske alone (Acr-c buttrapes the mpx as well) :
accuracy and recoil = noveske
damage < Noveske
dps < Noveske
Firerate > Noveske
Mobility < Noveske
Reloadspeed < Noveske
Range < Noveske
Penetration < Noveske
So, counting the <'s and >, anyone can figure the Noveske beats the MPX 6 to 1. My advice would be : Get a Noveske instead.
The Mpx's customisation is all about getting your favourite attachments on it, as far as i can see with my limited time invested in customisation there is no real benefit to customising it, besides getting your favourite attachments. (Accuracy and recoil are pretty much fixed, not able to go <50 mob for insane reload speed)
Also, the gun does not feel like having an x-factor or hidden "wow" bonuses
The only thing good about the Mpx is it's price, for less then 250gp you can have this one (with discount)
Would you recommend it? Nope, i wouldn't. The Mpx is not a bad weapon, it's fun to use and a good player will still prokill you to death with it but in all honesty, so does the bizon, so is the hk416c. The very first round i played with it, i managed to go 17-1 (on station, even) So it does not suck
This gun isn't much of an upgrade and as such, makes little sense to have. Statwise, this gun does imo not belong in tier 6 but in tier 3/4 instead, so leveling players could benefit from it!
Sorry devs, unless the mpx is buffed more, i think it's a missed opportunity.
First disappointment came when the MPX was delayed, this gun would have been the ideal gun to kick of Weapon customisation but the devs chose to delay it until mid-customisation. To me, this is a missed opportunity but gunz are gunz so i purchased it on 42% discount.
Second disappointment were the stats, and this is not just a minor disappointment, this is a deal breaker for me.
In this review i will also take a look at mps's customisation.
(Disclaimer, these results are based on MY skillbuild. YOU could very well have different values but they would most likely show the same trend)
First Accuracy. Accuracy can be 100 with a proper skillbuild and the proper collimator alone. There's really no need for a tactical device if you can manage to do with 2 points less accuracy. Getting your favourite collimator and tactical device for 100 acc, will result in 3-5 points less mobility.
Recoil. Just toss anything on and you will see you will end up with 1 recoil
Damage. The damage of the Mpx is right in between it's t6 brothers; the x95, P90Devgru and the Noveske with 48 points.
Firerate. The firerate of the Mpx is LOW... which results in a lower dps (dmg x firerate) X95 = 4968 dps / p90 = 4275 / mpx = 4032 / noveske = 4143 (noveskes dps is higher in reality because of it's high reload speed).
The Mpx is a SMG, Smg's are for cqb and IMHO cqb these days is ALL about DPS (unloading as much damage on your opponent in the smallest amount of time) which makes the Mpx a less desirable Cqb weapon.
Mobility. The Mpx has decent mobility, right in between the P90 and the X95 but nowhere near as good as the noveske.
Reload speed. The Mpx has decent reloadspeed, right in between the P90 and the X95 but nowhere near as good as the noveske.
Range. It has a short range fitting to that of a SMG, so it's meant for cqb. However, you can get weapons with overall better stats that can be used for longer ranges as well (acr/noveske). With a range this small, i'd expect other bonuses that would make up for it but there simply are not.
Penetration. The Mpx doesn't score high in the terms of Penetration as well whereas with all armor these days penetration is very important.
When speaking of customisation, forgive me for not spending my time grinding those tiers and wasting birds on a gun i don't like but as it seems customisation of the MPX is all about getting your preferred collimator and silencer while keeping your damage as high as possible, finding a balance between accuracy and mobility and perhaps more important, gaining more range.
Now, the conclusion, and for this, i will compare it to the noveske alone (Acr-c buttrapes the mpx as well) :
accuracy and recoil = noveske
damage < Noveske
dps < Noveske
Firerate > Noveske
Mobility < Noveske
Reloadspeed < Noveske
Range < Noveske
Penetration < Noveske
So, counting the <'s and >, anyone can figure the Noveske beats the MPX 6 to 1. My advice would be : Get a Noveske instead.
The Mpx's customisation is all about getting your favourite attachments on it, as far as i can see with my limited time invested in customisation there is no real benefit to customising it, besides getting your favourite attachments. (Accuracy and recoil are pretty much fixed, not able to go <50 mob for insane reload speed)
Also, the gun does not feel like having an x-factor or hidden "wow" bonuses
The only thing good about the Mpx is it's price, for less then 250gp you can have this one (with discount)
Would you recommend it? Nope, i wouldn't. The Mpx is not a bad weapon, it's fun to use and a good player will still prokill you to death with it but in all honesty, so does the bizon, so is the hk416c. The very first round i played with it, i managed to go 17-1 (on station, even) So it does not suck
This gun isn't much of an upgrade and as such, makes little sense to have. Statwise, this gun does imo not belong in tier 6 but in tier 3/4 instead, so leveling players could benefit from it!
Sorry devs, unless the mpx is buffed more, i think it's a missed opportunity.
I have posted this cartoon in the Contract Wars (players) group last week but do you understand what i tried to address in this little work of art?
Nothing, and i mean NOTHING is more annoying then breaking away from a clueless losing team who digs in the second they spawn. When finally you break from that team you will leave a trail of spawnees in your wake as you pass spawnpoints. You can tell who's a noob or not when people spawn in your trail. The true noob is so eager to get shot again that he keeps mashing his mouse button, resulting in firing the second they spawn...and thus giving away your position to the enemy. "gee thanks mista for allowing me to spawn in a safe location, let me thank you by placing my fist up your anus!"
Ever since i made the decision to end my blog i got ideas to write about, stuff I'd like to share but i did not want to reopen onemanorgy's blog. As you may know i started to feel about the blog as if it was stroking my own dick. I don't want to be that kind of attention whore, but i loved writing, even if it's for a community that sucks horse cock. One of my regular visitors asked me "do you think I'm a cunt too?" How about writing for those who do care and are not douche bags? So i thought long and hard about reopening the blog and i eventually i decided to give it a go, but combine it with the idea of renaming it into Stacks and allowing others who like to share their experiences as well.
here's a little Q & A regarding this blog.
Q: Why Stacks? Everybody hates stacks!
A: I still think the CW community for the most part sucks, Politics and interclan cockfights are more important then gameplay so Stacks is my "punishment" to the community. The majority of players is a bunch of no good stackers and as long as teambalance isn't enforced, stacks is the curse bestowed upon you.
Q: Why not facebook?
A: 2 reasons, 1 Facebook is cool if you have an account but many people on kong refuse to have a Facebook page, Stacks should not call for the need to have a Facebook account, so neutral grounds ftw 2, facebook has limited love for long written texts, I'm not a professional writer but while experimenting with facebook i came across downsides and more downsides whereas Blogger has everything an editor needs.
Q: Can i join as an editor?
A: Well yes you can and in fact, this move is partially aimed at that purpose. Silently I'm hoping pro players and experienced players and well known figures who got stuff to share will join in on the writing. This is no longer a personal-only blog. (Stacks is not a showcase for your prokills etc)
Q: Why the same layout?
A: Frankly, I'm not very experienced with blogger templates and i couldn't even remember how i fixed this one so i lack the skill to add and configure a really fancy one. This will have to do.
Hey guys,
The picture above sums it up, Onemanorgycw will no longer be updated. Reason; first, of all the games i played i have never encountered a community that sucks so hard as the CW community. True, theres a lot of really cool guys and clans and i have made quite some friends but overall, it's bitching, complaining, begging, demanding, accusing, stacking and i am done with this negative shit. Theres way too many obnoxious kids and fullblown retards in this game.
Also, not all negative stuff imo is unjustified, the developers of this game need to seriously pull their head out of their asses as well.
They need to become a more professional organisation, review their gamemodel and implement a more modern f2p model and communicate the fuck out of everything. Everything is related in this game, hard contracts are responsible for hacking, farming and stacking and only fixing the source of the problem instead of trying to fix symptoms will save this game in the long run.
Recent reports of hackers being able to gain xs with other peoples accounts by hacking the game and not the individual accounts shows there's little to no control over their own creation. Also, i've had it with the corruption regarding banfavoritism, sp-cheatertolerance, and lies.
Edit: currently the devs seem to be seriously working on their communication attitude, both on VK.com as well as FB and Kong very positive signs are showing as now changelogs are posted. Also when they promised to step up the implementation of more customisable weapons they proved they deliver. Very very positive signs here.
As for project oOZe, that's over too but i came to an obvious conclusion : Yes it pays off to follow the steps i've taken, i'm now level 40+ and level 59's have nothing on me as i'm equally equipped and have a similar skillbuild. To top it off, if you can spare it, unlock the shit out of every weapontier because as soon as you have your accuracy and recoil maxed, the sa58 is 100% OP in the 16-40 bracket. (prokill after prokill after prokill...i regret not buying it sooner)
I told you that oOZe would probably be deleted or abandoned once the project is over but i've seen so much blatant stacking that oOZe will become my hobbytroll, with whom i am going to ruin peoples stacks/killstreaks or even fun.
It was nice writing for you people, but i think the time has come for me to move on. I will not quit CW, but i will from now on experience it from the average gamers perspective and not think about the game at all.
Orgy out.
Hey contractor,
Today is not about me or oOZe or whatever, this post is dedicated to the things said by other players!
Bookmark this page, as the links in this page you want to read more then once likely. If i miss a valuable guide/link please drop it in the comments and i will add it.
Most of these links can be found on the Kongregate forums but they are not stickied and these are too valuable to get lost in the void.
General CW
The Kongregate forums - Facebook players could also take a looksie in here.
Official VK cw page - This is where CW news is posted first, Use chrome to autotranslate the russian text. Be aware that this information MAY apply to FB and KONG as well but is not official untill Nqss post's it on FB/KONG!
Official CW FAQ
Contract Wars Calculator - Serdelia's wonderful tool which can help you plan your skillbuild
Alternative Calculator (English version seems broken)
Contract Wars Weapon Comparing tool - Nejars tool will allow you to compare different weapons.
FPS Skill trainer - This website is a tool to greatly improve your responsetime and reflexes. It's not specifically CW related but it does work!
Contract Wars Damage Calculator - See what damage a gun does vs different armor,skills and more. A tool by 1337
Wtasks - The bottom of this thread will allways show you what the wtasks of GP/SPEC-weapons are.
Guides - Settings
Video settings - Must read material that can help you maximise your gameplay effectiveness (ex. improve visibility, make those night maps daytime!)
Clearing Unity Cache - Solve basic problems by cleaning your cache.
The beginners guide to mousesettings - Another fine guide by Wakom. You probably got your mouse set up the way you like but i bet theres one or two things in here you have never thought about.
A video that shows how you may be able to conquer lag by Vineeth
Guides - Gameplay
Old Sawmill guide - By Sexpanther, great guide that can help you turn the page in OSM, however new levelbrackets make things a little harder then it the guide suggests but still, check this if you like OSM or want to start mastering OSM.
The Beginner's Guide to Skills, Guns, and Armor - Excellent guide by Wakom, very, no EXTREMELY must-read for new and not so new CW players.
The Beginner's Guide to Contracts and W-tasks - Another Wakom guide you cannot afford to skip.
A Review of Armor, Damage and Penetration - Everything you did not know about armor. MUST read! (This proves that i have been spending my SP wrong for a long time, and as a result, i now have more SP to spend on other skills)
A Beginner's Guide to Customization, EXP, and Mods - Wakom is at it again with a work in progress on everything WC.
Misc. Reading ( Don't skip these!)
Scope review - Excellent guide on scopes by Vitalykolobkov
Binoculars and distance review - This guide may help you decide whether to get either one of the range improvement talents.
Hardcore review - Jaw-dropping thread by Vitalykolobkov in which he explores "Hidden" multipliers and stats in hardcore mode. If you play hardcore you don't wanna pass on this read!
Quickness skills - Expert material on factors that influence your mobility.
Today is not about me or oOZe or whatever, this post is dedicated to the things said by other players!
Bookmark this page, as the links in this page you want to read more then once likely. If i miss a valuable guide/link please drop it in the comments and i will add it.
Most of these links can be found on the Kongregate forums but they are not stickied and these are too valuable to get lost in the void.
General CW
The Kongregate forums - Facebook players could also take a looksie in here.
Official VK cw page - This is where CW news is posted first, Use chrome to autotranslate the russian text. Be aware that this information MAY apply to FB and KONG as well but is not official untill Nqss post's it on FB/KONG!
Official CW FAQ
Contract Wars Calculator - Serdelia's wonderful tool which can help you plan your skillbuild
Alternative Calculator (English version seems broken)
Contract Wars Weapon Comparing tool - Nejars tool will allow you to compare different weapons.
FPS Skill trainer - This website is a tool to greatly improve your responsetime and reflexes. It's not specifically CW related but it does work!
Contract Wars Damage Calculator - See what damage a gun does vs different armor,skills and more. A tool by 1337
Wtasks - The bottom of this thread will allways show you what the wtasks of GP/SPEC-weapons are.
Guides - Settings
Video settings - Must read material that can help you maximise your gameplay effectiveness (ex. improve visibility, make those night maps daytime!)
Clearing Unity Cache - Solve basic problems by cleaning your cache.
The beginners guide to mousesettings - Another fine guide by Wakom. You probably got your mouse set up the way you like but i bet theres one or two things in here you have never thought about.
A video that shows how you may be able to conquer lag by Vineeth
Guides - Gameplay
Old Sawmill guide - By Sexpanther, great guide that can help you turn the page in OSM, however new levelbrackets make things a little harder then it the guide suggests but still, check this if you like OSM or want to start mastering OSM.
The Beginner's Guide to Skills, Guns, and Armor - Excellent guide by Wakom, very, no EXTREMELY must-read for new and not so new CW players.
The Beginner's Guide to Contracts and W-tasks - Another Wakom guide you cannot afford to skip.
A Review of Armor, Damage and Penetration - Everything you did not know about armor. MUST read! (This proves that i have been spending my SP wrong for a long time, and as a result, i now have more SP to spend on other skills)
A Beginner's Guide to Customization, EXP, and Mods - Wakom is at it again with a work in progress on everything WC.
Misc. Reading ( Don't skip these!)
Scope review - Excellent guide on scopes by Vitalykolobkov
Binoculars and distance review - This guide may help you decide whether to get either one of the range improvement talents.
Hardcore review - Jaw-dropping thread by Vitalykolobkov in which he explores "Hidden" multipliers and stats in hardcore mode. If you play hardcore you don't wanna pass on this read!
Quickness skills - Expert material on factors that influence your mobility.
Yes ladies, sucks to be on Facebook because there is another 30kredz promotion on Kong!
This time it's the Android/ios game Little Alchemist which offers you 30Kredz (=200+100 gp!) (OR 400+100 gp if this is your first purchase!)
Be quick about it tho because this offer ends at 3February at 11:59PST
All you have to do is follow the instructions in THIS link
The last time i didn't mention the following and i don't know if it will work this time but it worked for the last promotion.
If you DO NOT have an Iphone/ipad or android tablet/phone or access to one, you can try to run ANDYROID which is an android emulator. Several emulators didn't work last time but i got confirmation that andyroid did the job. You can download andyroid HERE
So, I've been taking it slow until the 12th of January, double xp and levelling slow simply don't mix.
Sad thing, the clanrace and double xp has caused me to play my main account exclusively and a lot and i shouldn't have as my shoulder is back at square one. This is a disappointment as for oOZe because easy contracts are over and i have to do long sessions now to complete contracts. Long sessions and a sore shoulder don't mix :(
I'm now level 33 and more then before i wish to remain <L40 for as long as possible because of the same reason level 59's wish to stay 59. With the new brackets people have started alts and imo destroyed the 30-59 rooms. Being level 40 looks to me as the shittiest level anyone could be in.
After a bunch of contracts, i decided to do some prokills, and i found it quite easy to do prokills on OSM in the 0-40 levelrange. First i did some with my ACR, then i suddenly got this idea of tasking my noveske before i dinged 40. Well, the screenshot says it pretty clear, i'm a level 33 bastard with an OP amount of skillpoints and a OP Noveske (well = tasked, stats still need to be maxed).
Gold contract 23 - 22 tripplekills.
I shouldn't be complaining, i have more experience, more SP, a more toxic Skillbuild and even endgame weapons that make sure i'm, OP to anyone in my levelrange, also unlike most others who are on this contract, i had the luxury to do this in 16-40 rooms. Still 22, tripplekills in one day, (or in my case 11 because of contract mastery) takes quite some effort.
IMHO this contract takes a regular player and turn him into a farmer or worse, hacker. Contracts like this should NOT be in the game. For a regular player, 22 tripples is impossible and for me, those 11 took me about 4-5 hours of straight gaming. This was not fun, this was a tedious sacrifice.
I think 22 tripples could be the right amount but not in 24 hours. This contract was probably designed to cut off people with a certain skilllevel from gaining more SP... realistically this means they will go farming.
Gold contract 24 - Kill 30 VIPS
Yay easy contract.. not. It took me 2-3 kills to realise that this contract did count when i killed a VIP and after investigating on KONG, it became clear that the contract description was wrong and had to be 30 VIPS of L30+ . Oddly all 16-40 rooms had people <30 as a VIP so i had to go into 30-59 rooms and what happened next just ruined my day. First, stacks, stacks, stacks. Second people completely ignoring the VIP's just to work on their KD. I was in matches in which the VIP was on my team for the entire duration of the match. Third, the new way how vips are visible sucks ass for a contract like this. Poor player who doesn't rent contract mastery, he will have a field day doing this contract. Again, this contract took me roughly 4-5 hours to complete, this would be 10 hours if i didn't rent contract mastery. This is absurd for a computer game and will cause farming imo. Luckily i found me 30-50 room which was populated and those relatively lower level guys did play the game as it was intended so i was able to complete it.
Bronze contract 43 - Do 10 longshots with the Operator TRP pistol
Wut orgy, 5 longshots is a problem to you?? No, not really, in fact i finished this contract in roughly 10 minutes in Parkside.
What is a problem is that Bronze contract 43 is the last contract in the Bronze tree that rewards a Skillpoint. This means i now have to focus on silver and gold... and reissuing new contracts when all 3 are complete isn't as appealing as before.
Gold Contract 26 - 3 double headshots with pistols in TDS mode.
Holy hell, this contract does 2 things;
1 force you to use pistols whilst excelling at it
and 2 : Force you to play a gamemode you probably despise.
This is one very bad joke, In TE, you get the chance to flank people, in TDS you have to HOPE you can sneak up to 2 people who are "reporta in groupah"-ing and it seems that TDS is the only gamemode people spread out naturally.
Completing this contract takes either inhuman skill or a shitload of luck...and since i suck at TDS AND Pistols, i needed luck.
I did this contract in Bridge, made sure i was on Bear side, rushed in, prayed i survive the nadespam phase and started shooting above everything that moved. Luckily one of my first attempts was successful..that kept me motivated to do #2 as well. 3/4 hours and a near mental breakdown later, i succeeded in my second double headshot. IMO this contract should be 6 double headshots with pistols in any mode you see fit.
Also, in order to get my second double, i took Ritalin (drugs) to get more focused as i was getting somewhat desperate... taking dope to accomplish a game objective... can't be healthy. But it was either that or farming! (this contract was 10 double heads... i would refuse to do that)
Silver contract 36 - tripplekill with beretta.
I did this contract straight after my double headshot contract. And i feared this one more then it actually was worth because i assumed just like the gold contract that this needed to be done "beretta only" ... when i pulled my head out of my ass i realised i could do this easily by tossing a grenade, and then open fire on more players. So in TDS, i joined bridge again, started tossing nades and then cap someone. This took me an hour or 2.
Silver contract 37: Make 25 LongShots with Colt Python revolver on Old Sawmill map.
Shouldn't be too hard... if only the python had the slightest accuracy. Oh boy this is a shitty contract. You aim, fire...miss. The way i did it was to hipfire (spamming) directly over someones head and pray for luck. Because to complete this contract, you need a lot of luck. This one will hurt your KD.
Gold Contract 28: Kill 1 enemy with Magpul PDR-C SMG
It is a very easy contract. can be over in 10 seconds...IF you are on kongregate. This contract is the result of porting the Russian version to FB/KONG. Killing someone with the PDR-C is easy, getting the PDR-C is hard. Sure kong players can just buy this gun, but Facebook/vk/etc will have to recruit friends. So those who value their privacy will strand here, unless they recruit the needed amount of players (50 i believe),
Current stats :
Level: 33
K/D: 3.05 (Actually quite happy those shitty contracts did not drop me below 2, plus my prokills did make up for the drop in KD)
Accuracy: 25.72 % (This probably is because of headshot contracts which i did in bay 5...headshot heaven. Still, i'm EXTREMELY pleased with this number!)
Prokills: 25
stormkills: 270
my skilltree : http://i.imgur.com/dkrL2Br.jpg Last time i told you i wanted to go for global detection, well, i changed my mind, and i will be assault until this project is over. Furthermore, i got 0 credits left, but when i get more, i will reskill and remove the pistol accuracy + armor in favour of the gunsmith skills
but now the most important stat : # of SP : 81 .. WEEEHOOOO, I'm a level 33 with 81 SP, that's OP =) Furthermore, if right now i cease to do contracts, i would have 109 sp at level 59
Sad thing, the clanrace and double xp has caused me to play my main account exclusively and a lot and i shouldn't have as my shoulder is back at square one. This is a disappointment as for oOZe because easy contracts are over and i have to do long sessions now to complete contracts. Long sessions and a sore shoulder don't mix :(
I'm now level 33 and more then before i wish to remain <L40 for as long as possible because of the same reason level 59's wish to stay 59. With the new brackets people have started alts and imo destroyed the 30-59 rooms. Being level 40 looks to me as the shittiest level anyone could be in.
After a bunch of contracts, i decided to do some prokills, and i found it quite easy to do prokills on OSM in the 0-40 levelrange. First i did some with my ACR, then i suddenly got this idea of tasking my noveske before i dinged 40. Well, the screenshot says it pretty clear, i'm a level 33 bastard with an OP amount of skillpoints and a OP Noveske (well = tasked, stats still need to be maxed).
Gold contract 23 - 22 tripplekills.
I shouldn't be complaining, i have more experience, more SP, a more toxic Skillbuild and even endgame weapons that make sure i'm, OP to anyone in my levelrange, also unlike most others who are on this contract, i had the luxury to do this in 16-40 rooms. Still 22, tripplekills in one day, (or in my case 11 because of contract mastery) takes quite some effort.
IMHO this contract takes a regular player and turn him into a farmer or worse, hacker. Contracts like this should NOT be in the game. For a regular player, 22 tripples is impossible and for me, those 11 took me about 4-5 hours of straight gaming. This was not fun, this was a tedious sacrifice.
I think 22 tripples could be the right amount but not in 24 hours. This contract was probably designed to cut off people with a certain skilllevel from gaining more SP... realistically this means they will go farming.
Gold contract 24 - Kill 30 VIPS
Yay easy contract.. not. It took me 2-3 kills to realise that this contract did count when i killed a VIP and after investigating on KONG, it became clear that the contract description was wrong and had to be 30 VIPS of L30+ . Oddly all 16-40 rooms had people <30 as a VIP so i had to go into 30-59 rooms and what happened next just ruined my day. First, stacks, stacks, stacks. Second people completely ignoring the VIP's just to work on their KD. I was in matches in which the VIP was on my team for the entire duration of the match. Third, the new way how vips are visible sucks ass for a contract like this. Poor player who doesn't rent contract mastery, he will have a field day doing this contract. Again, this contract took me roughly 4-5 hours to complete, this would be 10 hours if i didn't rent contract mastery. This is absurd for a computer game and will cause farming imo. Luckily i found me 30-50 room which was populated and those relatively lower level guys did play the game as it was intended so i was able to complete it.
Bronze contract 43 - Do 10 longshots with the Operator TRP pistol
Wut orgy, 5 longshots is a problem to you?? No, not really, in fact i finished this contract in roughly 10 minutes in Parkside.
What is a problem is that Bronze contract 43 is the last contract in the Bronze tree that rewards a Skillpoint. This means i now have to focus on silver and gold... and reissuing new contracts when all 3 are complete isn't as appealing as before.
Gold Contract 26 - 3 double headshots with pistols in TDS mode.
Holy hell, this contract does 2 things;
1 force you to use pistols whilst excelling at it
and 2 : Force you to play a gamemode you probably despise.
This is one very bad joke, In TE, you get the chance to flank people, in TDS you have to HOPE you can sneak up to 2 people who are "reporta in groupah"-ing and it seems that TDS is the only gamemode people spread out naturally.
Completing this contract takes either inhuman skill or a shitload of luck...and since i suck at TDS AND Pistols, i needed luck.
I did this contract in Bridge, made sure i was on Bear side, rushed in, prayed i survive the nadespam phase and started shooting above everything that moved. Luckily one of my first attempts was successful..that kept me motivated to do #2 as well. 3/4 hours and a near mental breakdown later, i succeeded in my second double headshot. IMO this contract should be 6 double headshots with pistols in any mode you see fit.
Also, in order to get my second double, i took Ritalin (drugs) to get more focused as i was getting somewhat desperate... taking dope to accomplish a game objective... can't be healthy. But it was either that or farming! (this contract was 10 double heads... i would refuse to do that)
Silver contract 36 - tripplekill with beretta.
I did this contract straight after my double headshot contract. And i feared this one more then it actually was worth because i assumed just like the gold contract that this needed to be done "beretta only" ... when i pulled my head out of my ass i realised i could do this easily by tossing a grenade, and then open fire on more players. So in TDS, i joined bridge again, started tossing nades and then cap someone. This took me an hour or 2.
Silver contract 37: Make 25 LongShots with Colt Python revolver on Old Sawmill map.
Shouldn't be too hard... if only the python had the slightest accuracy. Oh boy this is a shitty contract. You aim, fire...miss. The way i did it was to hipfire (spamming) directly over someones head and pray for luck. Because to complete this contract, you need a lot of luck. This one will hurt your KD.
Gold Contract 28: Kill 1 enemy with Magpul PDR-C SMG
It is a very easy contract. can be over in 10 seconds...IF you are on kongregate. This contract is the result of porting the Russian version to FB/KONG. Killing someone with the PDR-C is easy, getting the PDR-C is hard. Sure kong players can just buy this gun, but Facebook/vk/etc will have to recruit friends. So those who value their privacy will strand here, unless they recruit the needed amount of players (50 i believe),
Current stats :
Level: 33
K/D: 3.05 (Actually quite happy those shitty contracts did not drop me below 2, plus my prokills did make up for the drop in KD)
Accuracy: 25.72 % (This probably is because of headshot contracts which i did in bay 5...headshot heaven. Still, i'm EXTREMELY pleased with this number!)
Prokills: 25
stormkills: 270
my skilltree : http://i.imgur.com/dkrL2Br.jpg Last time i told you i wanted to go for global detection, well, i changed my mind, and i will be assault until this project is over. Furthermore, i got 0 credits left, but when i get more, i will reskill and remove the pistol accuracy + armor in favour of the gunsmith skills
but now the most important stat : # of SP : 81 .. WEEEHOOOO, I'm a level 33 with 81 SP, that's OP =) Furthermore, if right now i cease to do contracts, i would have 109 sp at level 59
My fellow OhMy buddy Machinist and some other CW veterans have created a facebook group with only one purpose : Helping eachother build the perfect skillbuild. On my blog you have seen the way how i feel about skilltrees, getting insight from other players and actively discussing ins and outs regarding skilltrees is something that can greatly improve your game and therefor i totally support this group!
If you got a facebook account you can find them : HERE
As of today, the ORSIS, P90 Devgru, PPSH and MOSINA have been removed from the game. Well removed, the people who bought them (me, me, me) still have access to them, but those who didn't buy will have to wait until they will be added again or perhaps win them on roulette.
The guns are said to be removed to balance the game more, but i personally think that is a bullshit reason because the people who gave these guns a bad name still have them whereas new people will have to do without. It's like the people who farmed a shitload of SP legally all over again. Veterans have those benefits, newbies can go fuck themselves. Why not changing the stats of the guns instead of removing them?
But still lets take a look.
The PPSH and The Mosina are odd guns to the game and they have been on VK only during the celebration of the Russian victory in WW2 for this purpose alone i can understand these to be removed until this celebration is coming again. (these guns conflict with the realism setting in the game, no current force is using ww2 era weapons)
The PPSH, i hate it, inaccurate piece of crap with crappy sight. But still with firestab it is decent and some PRO players can do wonders with this one. So this is one of those : "beast in the right hands" kind of gun which will never be widely popular. SO removal because OP is not relevant here.
The Mosina, Great gun, sweet damage, huge range, very accurate but has a very lousy scope that does not fit with its range. In hardcore however, this gun gives you a clear advantage over other guns but not because of stats, no because you have to load each bullet into the rifle causing you to not loose any ammo when you reload prematurely. So, this in Hardcore mode could be a legendary kill tool but is better ammo conservation really making this gun OP? I think not.
The P90 Devgru. It's an okay weapon, but it isn't widely used anymore. Before the price for penetration rent was made insanely high there were a hell of a lot more P90's around then they are now. The P90 is good, but OP...nah really not. And Currently it's not Noobgru everywhere you look...it's ACR.
The beauty of it is : when i calculate the dps of my p90 and acr-c: P90=4275, ACR=4368. The ACR has Higher DPS, Higher Mobility, Higher Penetration, Higher Accuracy, Lower recoil, Higher Damage, Higher Maxrange then the p90. Why would i use my Noobgru over the ACR exactly (Besides 80 more bullets to make prokills in a srlsy prokill unfriendly environment) Removing the noobgru, isn't accomplishing anything. Wanted a Noobgru? Well it will most likely be back someday but hey... get ACR instead!
The Orsis. Creme de la creme amongst snipers. Fast scope action, fast mobility, great accuracy, high damage. Yes this one is the best bolt action rifle. But is it OP? well the SV98 can instakill me, the AWM can instakill me and yet i get shot by semi auto snipers mostly. The Orsis is pro in the hands of a pro but IMO it's not OP at all.
Personally i think removing these guns is more of a marketing strategy (sales will skyrocket when these guns become available again) or just some Devtrolling but either way, this once again proofs the devs favour the old players over the new players. (Legal Farming / Skill mastery buff / easier levelbrackets / extra SP / OP thermalvision / OP Global detection / GP prizes / free perm GP weapons / etc. )
Devs, srsly.. balance teams, not weapons and respect the new generation of players by closing that damn gap you created!
The guns are said to be removed to balance the game more, but i personally think that is a bullshit reason because the people who gave these guns a bad name still have them whereas new people will have to do without. It's like the people who farmed a shitload of SP legally all over again. Veterans have those benefits, newbies can go fuck themselves. Why not changing the stats of the guns instead of removing them?
But still lets take a look.
The PPSH and The Mosina are odd guns to the game and they have been on VK only during the celebration of the Russian victory in WW2 for this purpose alone i can understand these to be removed until this celebration is coming again. (these guns conflict with the realism setting in the game, no current force is using ww2 era weapons)
The PPSH, i hate it, inaccurate piece of crap with crappy sight. But still with firestab it is decent and some PRO players can do wonders with this one. So this is one of those : "beast in the right hands" kind of gun which will never be widely popular. SO removal because OP is not relevant here.
The Mosina, Great gun, sweet damage, huge range, very accurate but has a very lousy scope that does not fit with its range. In hardcore however, this gun gives you a clear advantage over other guns but not because of stats, no because you have to load each bullet into the rifle causing you to not loose any ammo when you reload prematurely. So, this in Hardcore mode could be a legendary kill tool but is better ammo conservation really making this gun OP? I think not.
The P90 Devgru. It's an okay weapon, but it isn't widely used anymore. Before the price for penetration rent was made insanely high there were a hell of a lot more P90's around then they are now. The P90 is good, but OP...nah really not. And Currently it's not Noobgru everywhere you look...it's ACR.
The beauty of it is : when i calculate the dps of my p90 and acr-c: P90=4275, ACR=4368. The ACR has Higher DPS, Higher Mobility, Higher Penetration, Higher Accuracy, Lower recoil, Higher Damage, Higher Maxrange then the p90. Why would i use my Noobgru over the ACR exactly (Besides 80 more bullets to make prokills in a srlsy prokill unfriendly environment) Removing the noobgru, isn't accomplishing anything. Wanted a Noobgru? Well it will most likely be back someday but hey... get ACR instead!
The Orsis. Creme de la creme amongst snipers. Fast scope action, fast mobility, great accuracy, high damage. Yes this one is the best bolt action rifle. But is it OP? well the SV98 can instakill me, the AWM can instakill me and yet i get shot by semi auto snipers mostly. The Orsis is pro in the hands of a pro but IMO it's not OP at all.
Personally i think removing these guns is more of a marketing strategy (sales will skyrocket when these guns become available again) or just some Devtrolling but either way, this once again proofs the devs favour the old players over the new players. (Legal Farming / Skill mastery buff / easier levelbrackets / extra SP / OP thermalvision / OP Global detection / GP prizes / free perm GP weapons / etc. )
Devs, srsly.. balance teams, not weapons and respect the new generation of players by closing that damn gap you created!
Happy new year you bunch of amazing contractors!
So, project oOZe is going as planned, a good number of SP while levelling slow, if you can drop me a repvote or 2 because I'm steadily becoming one hated fellow. You cannot imagine the amount of hate i receive for pwning stuff, not only am i called a hacker, i get cursed at in every language in the world. (gamer logic 101 : if it kills you, it hacks).
Currently project oOZe is on ice, untill the 12th of January, why? well x2 xp and levelling slow don't mix, that's why.
If you got here because you have seen me in game writing "I'm not a hacker, you can read all about oOZe on onemanorgywcw.blogspot.com" then welcome, i truly hope that when you read some more of this blog, you agree that i'm strongly against the use of cheats! And don't forget, the oOZe account will probably be abandoned or played for lulz only when the project is done, I'm quite happy with my main account and i don't need a new main.
In the comments of the previous part, Димитър Борисов wrote that this project looks like a term long known in the Mmorpg scene as Twinking.
a twink is a character that has stats unfitting to his level (in a positive way), either by equipping OP or BiS (best in slot) gear, this will allow the "twink" to outperform his fellow players that are the same level.
Yes, dropping 75% of your XP into a clan and getting as much xp as possible could be considered twinking and to make it official, i have made oOZe a twink, not just A twink but the twinkiest of all twinks.
Why is oOZe a twink? Well for the purpose of this project, i have put myself on-par with the maximum level in the game by gaining early access to 3 weapontiers, As we speak, oOZe is now level 26 and on a rampage with an ACR-C or noveske! Unlocking tiers prematurely will absolutely and undoubtedly get you hate in levels you have never seen before. Do not underestimate this. People do NOT know that it's possible to unlock tiers and they will threaten to report you and curse at you! Because of some very hateful and stalking individuals i was forced to block friend list access.
Okay, the obstacles i encountered since last update :
the first obstacle was no obstacle at all, At level 19 i had to do gold contract 14 : Gain 9000 exp points on Old Sawmill map in TDS mode (1 SP). Prior to the project, i have started on yet another alt for a test run and then noticed there were no osm tds mode servers, not even on hardcore. So at that time it seemed my cwtwinkage would have brutally been halted until i reached 40. So in fact my whole project would have failed. To prevent this, i notified our beloved Community Manager Nqss with the request to reinstate rooms for this level and to my surprise, he added them very promptly. Thanks Nqss, you're a champ!
A major obstacle occurred around level 20, because contracts forced me to purchase guns i don't want, and income at 20 is very, very low. The obstacle : Credit-shortage. At 20 i had to buy me the USP, Scar-l, rpk74, bizon. Also, unlocking talents costs Credits next to SP causing my wallet to be dry as hell. I had to no longer limit myself to contracts and play for income. Also the improved roulette wheel helped me restore credits.
L23, gold contract 20 "Kill 35 enemies level 55 or above with HeadShot from PM (2 SP)" I had to rent early access hardcore to get myself into a day7 server. Contract 20 also means : no more easy contracts, from now on gold contracts will be tougher. Remember the last time saying i had no screen shots? well this time i do, l23 pwnage! (Did i own this map? no, but no one seems to realise that the XP multiplier for low levels entering early access is al lot higher then people who are 40-70. As an early accesser it's hard NOT to loose!)
L24, Silver contract 21 "gain 20000 XP in TDS mode" Not really an obstacle but a tedious contract, forcing you to play game modes you don't want to. Actually planting and defusing beacons did speed up this contract tremendously
L24, Gold 22 "Make 10 Double HeadShots in TeamElimination mode (80 GP)" The contract isn't really that hard but takes time, luckily contract expert made it 5 double headshots. Also, the reward of 80 gp...i didn't receive it, Log says it did but i gained only 8 gp. I care more about progress then i do for gp so.. But still, it is wise to make occasional screen shots of your credits and transaction history to have evidence supporting your claim because i can imagine it is very painful for someone who does not.
l25, gold 23 "Make 22 TripleKills" - not overly hard but extremely time consuming, i will do this during the upcoming Holiday.
Current stats :
Level: 26
K/D: 3.04 (contracts are starting to take it's toll)
Accuracy: 24.8
Prokills: 15 (I'm focusing on getting contracts done, not on making prokills, sure if i grab my dt-srs sniper and go sit in a nice spot I'd be able to raise this amount by a lot but...contracts don't require me to camp/snipe! I can however imagine someone who is looking to make a pro account to pause and do the occasional prokill.)
stormkills: 161
my skilltree : http://prntscr.com/5gfbbf i aim to go down into the global detection section of the sniper tree, but i may very well reconsider and go for gunsmith/assault.
but now the most important stat : # of SP : 67
My 67 sp mean that even tho i am level 23, i now sp-wise outperform 95+% of my current 16-40 colleagues. Furthermore, if right now i cease to do contracts, i would have 103 sp at level 59
If you like to start an alt, you are welcome to join 6six6, the current rank is 1344 and climbing. we got 50 slots to be filled and about to unlock the first assault clanskill. Just apply and i or my associate will allow you access, no questions asked. (But please donate both xp and credits because without this we will never be able to unlock more tiers.)
Oh, and if you happen to have a character with a couple of mil credits stored on it... we wouldn't mind an injection as well =)
Officer positions for active and donating players are available.
So, project oOZe is going as planned, a good number of SP while levelling slow, if you can drop me a repvote or 2 because I'm steadily becoming one hated fellow. You cannot imagine the amount of hate i receive for pwning stuff, not only am i called a hacker, i get cursed at in every language in the world. (gamer logic 101 : if it kills you, it hacks).
Currently project oOZe is on ice, untill the 12th of January, why? well x2 xp and levelling slow don't mix, that's why.
If you got here because you have seen me in game writing "I'm not a hacker, you can read all about oOZe on onemanorgywcw.blogspot.com" then welcome, i truly hope that when you read some more of this blog, you agree that i'm strongly against the use of cheats! And don't forget, the oOZe account will probably be abandoned or played for lulz only when the project is done, I'm quite happy with my main account and i don't need a new main.
In the comments of the previous part, Димитър Борисов wrote that this project looks like a term long known in the Mmorpg scene as Twinking.
a twink is a character that has stats unfitting to his level (in a positive way), either by equipping OP or BiS (best in slot) gear, this will allow the "twink" to outperform his fellow players that are the same level.
Yes, dropping 75% of your XP into a clan and getting as much xp as possible could be considered twinking and to make it official, i have made oOZe a twink, not just A twink but the twinkiest of all twinks.
Why is oOZe a twink? Well for the purpose of this project, i have put myself on-par with the maximum level in the game by gaining early access to 3 weapontiers, As we speak, oOZe is now level 26 and on a rampage with an ACR-C or noveske! Unlocking tiers prematurely will absolutely and undoubtedly get you hate in levels you have never seen before. Do not underestimate this. People do NOT know that it's possible to unlock tiers and they will threaten to report you and curse at you! Because of some very hateful and stalking individuals i was forced to block friend list access.
Okay, the obstacles i encountered since last update :
the first obstacle was no obstacle at all, At level 19 i had to do gold contract 14 : Gain 9000 exp points on Old Sawmill map in TDS mode (1 SP). Prior to the project, i have started on yet another alt for a test run and then noticed there were no osm tds mode servers, not even on hardcore. So at that time it seemed my cwtwinkage would have brutally been halted until i reached 40. So in fact my whole project would have failed. To prevent this, i notified our beloved Community Manager Nqss with the request to reinstate rooms for this level and to my surprise, he added them very promptly. Thanks Nqss, you're a champ!
A major obstacle occurred around level 20, because contracts forced me to purchase guns i don't want, and income at 20 is very, very low. The obstacle : Credit-shortage. At 20 i had to buy me the USP, Scar-l, rpk74, bizon. Also, unlocking talents costs Credits next to SP causing my wallet to be dry as hell. I had to no longer limit myself to contracts and play for income. Also the improved roulette wheel helped me restore credits.
L23, gold contract 20 "Kill 35 enemies level 55 or above with HeadShot from PM (2 SP)" I had to rent early access hardcore to get myself into a day7 server. Contract 20 also means : no more easy contracts, from now on gold contracts will be tougher. Remember the last time saying i had no screen shots? well this time i do, l23 pwnage! (Did i own this map? no, but no one seems to realise that the XP multiplier for low levels entering early access is al lot higher then people who are 40-70. As an early accesser it's hard NOT to loose!)
L24, Silver contract 21 "gain 20000 XP in TDS mode" Not really an obstacle but a tedious contract, forcing you to play game modes you don't want to. Actually planting and defusing beacons did speed up this contract tremendously
L24, Gold 22 "Make 10 Double HeadShots in TeamElimination mode (80 GP)" The contract isn't really that hard but takes time, luckily contract expert made it 5 double headshots. Also, the reward of 80 gp...i didn't receive it, Log says it did but i gained only 8 gp. I care more about progress then i do for gp so.. But still, it is wise to make occasional screen shots of your credits and transaction history to have evidence supporting your claim because i can imagine it is very painful for someone who does not.
l25, gold 23 "Make 22 TripleKills" - not overly hard but extremely time consuming, i will do this during the upcoming Holiday.
Current stats :
Level: 26
K/D: 3.04 (contracts are starting to take it's toll)
Accuracy: 24.8
Prokills: 15 (I'm focusing on getting contracts done, not on making prokills, sure if i grab my dt-srs sniper and go sit in a nice spot I'd be able to raise this amount by a lot but...contracts don't require me to camp/snipe! I can however imagine someone who is looking to make a pro account to pause and do the occasional prokill.)
stormkills: 161
my skilltree : http://prntscr.com/5gfbbf i aim to go down into the global detection section of the sniper tree, but i may very well reconsider and go for gunsmith/assault.
but now the most important stat : # of SP : 67
My 67 sp mean that even tho i am level 23, i now sp-wise outperform 95+% of my current 16-40 colleagues. Furthermore, if right now i cease to do contracts, i would have 103 sp at level 59
If you like to start an alt, you are welcome to join 6six6, the current rank is 1344 and climbing. we got 50 slots to be filled and about to unlock the first assault clanskill. Just apply and i or my associate will allow you access, no questions asked. (But please donate both xp and credits because without this we will never be able to unlock more tiers.)
Oh, and if you happen to have a character with a couple of mil credits stored on it... we wouldn't mind an injection as well =)
Officer positions for active and donating players are available.
Doing my Headshots with a PM Pistol contract.
Playing with the big boys.
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